The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What an absolute travesty of a human being Trump is, he just sinks lower by the day.
Retweeting what Trump did should be enough to cause outrage if he was just a private citizen, let alone being PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED FECKING STATES. I think that a video of him saying the n word could come out and it still wouldn’t be enough for him to be forced out. If he ever does get impeached there will be one heck of a party.
I can't wait for Theresa The Appeaser's response to this one. Fire and fury, I'm sure.
I’d be surprised if there was a response. I’m sure the strategy will be to ignore it and just wait for the next scandal to be the one that’s reported.
I can't wait for Theresa The Appeaser's response to this one. Fire and fury, I'm sure.

Probably, "It is not my place to comment on the actions of politicians in different countries."
Guess Farage wasn’t extreme enough for Trump.

This is absolutely shocking though, the President of the United States has legitimised a fringe and largely irrelevant far right group.
Britain First probably won't get much traction in the US but it's incredibly poor. You despair of some lad from high school posting one of their videos on FB but for the President to do it is really something.
He's either RTed them on purpose knowing what they stand for, which would make him evil, or without realising who they are and how false their tweets are, which would make him stupid.

Either way he's not fit to be President.
He's gone too far this time, don't we have laws against promoting and inciting hate? Let him place his trotters in the UK and bang him up.
He's gone too far this time, don't we have laws against promoting and inciting hate? Let him place his trotters in the UK and bang him up.

I doubt they'd be able to convict him on anything based on it just being a Retweet alone. But the reaction from the public if he came to the UK would be fascinating to see. I think he knows how loathed he is though and probably won't ever come to Britain while he's President.
He's gone too far this time

Unlike when he was recorded saying he sexually assaulted women? Or the time he called Mexican immigrants rapists? Or the time he fired the FBI chief for investigating him, and admitted that was why to the media? Or the time he performed a horrifically insulting impersonation of a disabled reporter live on stage? Or the time he pushed a foreign leader out of the way in front of the press? Or the time he said he'd date his own daughter if he wasnt her father?

So what is too far anymore? If they release a tape of him using the n word, he'll just either claim it was faked, or claim it was out of context, and his base won't give a single feck.

Let him place his trotters in the UK and bang him up.

Who is going to arrest him? You think the government would let anyone anywhere near him?
Unlike when he was recorded saying he sexually assaulted women? Or the time he called Mexican immigrants rapists? Or the time he fired the FBI chief for investigating him, and admitted that was why to the media? Or the time he performed a horrifically insulting impersonation of a disabled reporter live on stage? Or the time he pushed a foreign leader out of the way in front of the press? Or the time he said he'd date his own daughter if he wasnt her father?

So what is too far anymore? If they release a tape of him using the n word, he'll just either claim it was faked, or claim it was out of context, and his base won't give a single feck.

I'm saying it's the final straw alright. Do I have to list everything he has said and done and give them ratings on the road of going bad? One comment I make on here in forever and it gets jumped on by some no mark jumper on things.

Who is going to arrest him? You think the government would let anyone anywhere near him?
No comment.
I expect you are correct as is @Cheesy

I got thoroughly frustrated is all.

Aye, perfectly understandable. I'd suggest that plenty of his own tweets have done plenty to violate Twitter terms and conditions but then the amount of traffic they'll generate from Trump, and those who respond to him, means they won't take action.
What's wrong with this guy.

Unlike when he was recorded saying he sexually assaulted women? Or the time he called Mexican immigrants rapists? Or the time he fired the FBI chief for investigating him, and admitted that was why to the media? Or the time he performed a horrifically insulting impersonation of a disabled reporter live on stage? Or the time he pushed a foreign leader out of the way in front of the press? Or the time he said he'd date his own daughter if he wasnt her father?

So what is too far anymore? If they release a tape of him using the n word, he'll just either claim it was faked, or claim it was out of context, and his base won't give a single feck.

Who is going to arrest him? You think the government would let anyone anywhere near him?

This is a good point. He can do pretty much whatever he likes.
I'm saying it's the final straw alright. Do I have to list everything he has said and done and give them ratings on the road of going bad? One comment I make on here in forever and it gets jumped on by some no mark jumper on things.

Actually I was just feeling super annoyed about Trump and how he keeps getting away with murder. Cheers for the 'no mark' comment though.
Actually I was just feeling super annoyed about Trump and how he keeps getting away with murder. Cheers for the 'no mark' comment though.
Look, I wasn't really being totally serious and wasn't giving an expert opinion. I realise this is a serious forum and requires serious debate but it was a frustration thing. I know the twat is teflon coated alright?
The truest thing he's ever said was his comment about how he could shoot someone one 5th Ave in broad daylight and he wouldn't lose support. He knows he's a cult leader and his disciples will die for him, if and when it comes to that point.
Look, I wasn't really being totally serious and wasn't giving an expert opinion. I realise this is a serious forum and requires serious debate but it was a frustration thing. I know the twat is teflon coated alright?

I can't say anything, given that I was growling out of frustration too. The fecker brings out the worst in all of us.
He's lost the plot today, now he's actually tweeted a veiled accusation of murder against Joe Scarborough.

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I can't say anything, given that I was growling out of frustration too. The fecker brings out the worst in all of us.
We're particularly unhappy at him promoting the far right and racism, I don't necessarily think that is displaying our worst but I get what you mean. Your username reminded me of someone else I think so I apologise.
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