The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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ffs... he might as well push that big red nuke button and blow the world up. It would be the more humane thing to do instead of having people live with the fact that he is actually the most powerful man in the world.

I've compared his manors to a 4-year old time and time again and this latest tweet dots the i's and crosses the t's on that notion like nothing else could. He uses the same kind of rhetoric I would expect from my niece, like when she asks me who the best person in the room is while at the same time pointing at herself and whispering "me, me".
It's adorable when she does it though, not so much when the 70-year old POTUS does the same.
"not including Fox".... it would actually be hilarious if it wasn't so fecking tragic.
Jack Kingston on CNN arguing with Van Jones and assuring all listening that Trump is not a racist (despite his many racist remarks over the past two years). No mention of his rants about the Central Park Five.
Never mind Trump, I hope that horrendous lickspittle Sarah Sanders gets arrested.

Sanders said:
“I think what most people find offensive is Senator Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."
ffs... he might as well push that big red nuke button and blow the world up. It would be the more humane thing to do instead of having people live with the fact that he is actually the most powerful man in the world.
Er...... no thanks.
ffs... he might as well push that big red nuke button and blow the world up. It would be the more humane thing to do instead of having people live with the fact that he is actually the most powerful man in the world.

I've compared his manors to a 4-year old time and time again and this latest tweet dots the i's and crosses the t's on that notion like nothing else could. He uses the same kind of rhetoric I would expect from my niece, like when she asks me who the best person in the room is while at the same time pointing at herself and whispering "me, me".
It's adorable when she does it though, not so much when the 70-year old POTUS does the same.
"not including Fox".... it would actually be hilarious if it wasn't so fecking tragic.
I don't think he is anywhere near the most powerful man in the world. His opinion depends on who kisses his ass the most. He is certainly going by the dictator play book though but is too stupid to implement it correctly as him and his idiot son keep implicating themselves and blatantly fecking up the system. He is fecking dangerous, I'll give you that but like you said he's a child with a narcissistic disorder. The courts are doing a good job, the media have been amazing and the Dems are building up some steam. If Mueller doesn't get him by the end of next year we have to hope the Generals use some common sense. This is because he will definately push an armed conflict somewhere to solidify his knuckle dragging base but you can be sure of this, the US will go it alone. No mish mash coalition of the willing or submissive Christian brother from another mother like Blair.
Obama made a big mistake in my opinion in not pushing prosecutions on the Bush Administration for fraud, Iraq, deleted emails and a tonne of other shit they were guilty of. A democratic administration and any other branch of government they gain control of should, within reason, go after everyone of them. Trump, Trump Inc, Pence, Kushner, Pruitt, Price and any other mother fecker they find illegal shit on. To put a stop to this far right assault on decency, values and constitutional rights we need real accountability and prosecutions. Plus I would like to see the media gang up on Fox News and call them out for what they really are.

Er...... no thanks.

Too dramatic? Yeah maybe... Another option could be to just completely ignore him, but it just sounds a bit boring compared to sacrificing the planet and everyone on it to stop us from hearing Trump's thoughts.
Too dramatic? Yeah maybe... Another option could be to just completely ignore him, but it just sounds a bit boring compared to sacrificing the planet and everyone on it to stop us from hearing Trump's thoughts.

Fair point. I mean a nuclear apocalypse would fill up most of my day.
If Mueller doesn't get him by the end of next year we have to hope the Generals use some common sense. This is because he will definately push an armed conflict somewhere to solidify his knuckle dragging base but you can be sure of this, the US will go it alone. No mish mash coalition of the willing or submissive Christian brother from another mother like Blair.

Why do you think May and her government of the far right wouldn't go along with it?
Why do you think May and her government of the far right wouldn't go along with it?
Her government is in a fragile position right now especially with Brexit. Plus the British people won't want another conflict on the whim of a US president, especially Trump. It would be political suicide for any country to join Trump, except Russia and a couple of other nations with despots in power.
Her government is in a fragile position right now especially with Brexit. Plus the British people won't want another conflict on the whim of a US president, especially Trump. It would be political suicide for any country to join Trump, except Russia and a couple of other nations with despots in power.

I think it depends how they spin it. There's plenty of people in Britain who would go along with it if it was phrased in the right way. A lot of people love a war, especially when they're feeling insecure about their own countries stability. It lets them feel powerful and superior again.
This NYT/Veritas story is the perfect antidote to the Trump Fake News trope. Real journalists doing real journalism and exposing Trump-linked cretins trying to muddy the waters about the Roy Moore accusations.
The Andrew Jackson thing on top of that is just ridiculous. If I didn't already know they were so breathtakingly incompetent I'd think it was a deliberate insult.
It's no surprise that Andrew is his 2nd favorite POTUS, after himself of course.
This NYT/Veritas story is the perfect antidote to the Trump Fake News trope. Real journalists doing real journalism and exposing Trump-linked cretins trying to muddy the waters about the Roy Moore accusations.

Fecking hell that's shady as feck. Well worth a read,

TL/DR: A woman falsely claimed to The Washington Post Roy Moore impregnated her as a teenager it later turns out she appears to work with a right-wing organization that uses deceptive tactics to embarrass its targets to push Trump's "FAKE NEWS" narrative by setting up news organisations with fake stories.

edit: Here's the WaPo Article on it too:



What the Living Feck. How can anyone in 2017 think it is acceptable to stand up and talk such racist crap? He's standing in front of Native Americans and he comes out with that. Disgusting.

The sad thing is that it wont diminish his popularity with his core voters. Some of them will lap up this vile filth.

I literally just burst out laughing at this :lol:

With his Dad I sometimes give him credit for being obtuse rather than dumb but this just stinks of being completely thick. Also, the brains of these people is hard wired to thinking about things in monetary terms isn't it? Money and happiness eh? I'm a student struggling to get by these days but I'm absolutely certain I'm happier than these people will ever be in their narrow minded little worlds.
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