The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's funny because supporting a man like Moore despite what he is and what he has done is probably about as extreme Liberal an act as you can get.

They're literally saying "I don't agree with how you live your life but I am willing to accept you anyway" to a man who despite being a conservative christian, made sexual advances on young girls without a single thought of marriage first.
Oh, well as long as it isn’t personal...

It's always so funny how Americans are willing to judge their own country, but when they see someone from outside the US drawing the same conclusions, they are offended again. No it's not personal. It's about the US politics of the past 20 years. They are unreliable, warmongering, self-centrist, anti-liberal and damaging to European security. And yes, despite the fact that you and a lot of Americans don't support such positions, we have to face the fact that large parts of the American populace does. They despise the way we live, our countries and our values. Trump isn't a fluke, Trump is a symptom of a much larger problem and we, as Europeans, need to acknowledge that.
Trump will be glad to hear Pelosi has just messed up big time on "Meet the Press". She was just defending Conyers and was even lavishing praises on Conyers.

The party should have been able to take a stand on sexual harassment/abuse and the leadership have managed to score an own goal.
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Trump will be glad to hear Pelosi has just messed up big time on "Meet the Press". She was just defending Conyers and was even lavishing praises on Conyers.

The party should have been able to take a stand on sexual harassment/abuse and the leadership have managed to score an own goal.
It's not really surprising since they have done this in the past. Just as the Republicans turn a blind eye to the wrongs their own do. Neither party can stand on the moral high ground on the issues of harassment/assault/rape.
He’s just a sentiment to how the US has ceased to share our values. We really should stop treating them any better than we do the Chinese or anyone.

This is dangerous us vs them thinking and its factually wrong. The resurgence of more extreme right-wing ideas is a worldwide phenomenon not something limited to the USA.

Look at the UK and Trump's mate Farage's victory for the Brexit vote that previewed Trump's election. The continent has seen many far-right anti-immigration protests famously in France very similar to the alt-right in the US, Eastern Europe and Russia are still some of the biggest bastions of racism and discrimination against Africans and black people in general. There is a rise of far right firebrand commentators in Latin America as well. And in China the Han have a long history of institutional racism against non-Han Chinese let alone some recent comments on the trouble with Africans in China as well.

People mistakenly believing the current rise of the far right is just "America's problem" are making a dangerous mistake of not understanding that this resurgence is happening literally everywhere. And from reports the far right is also on the rise in Germany including far right entering German's parliament.
This is dangerous us vs them thinking and its factually wrong. The resurgence of more extreme right-wing ideas is a worldwide phenomenon not something limited to the USA.

Look at the UK and Trump's mate Farage's victory for the Brexit vote that previewed Trump's election. The continent has seen many far-right anti-immigration protests famously in France very similar to the alt-right in the US, Eastern Europe and Russia are still some of the biggest bastions of racism and discrimination against Africans and black people in general. There is a rise of far right firebrand commentators in Latin America as well. And in China the Han have a long history of institutional racism against non-Han Chinese let alone some recent comments on the trouble with Africans in China as well.

People mistakenly believing the current rise of the far right is just "America's problem" are making a dangerous mistake of not understanding that this resurgence is happening literally everywhere. And from reports the far right is also on the rise in Germany including far right entering German's parliament.

It's an interesting one to look at and most cases are very different from each other. Trump's win was interesting because in spite of his populism seeming out of place it's largely similar to views held even by most establishment Republicans. The fact that the Republicans are actively in government makes them a different case to a lot of other far-right movements. As does the fact that instead of being a new party rising from nothing, it's an established party who have drifted further and further to the right.

Brexit was boosted by Farage but had support from plenty of left-wingers; something like 30% of Lib Dem, Labour and SNP voters were all behind it and yet many of them still stuck to voting for their preferred parties this year. UKIP got about 12% in 2015 but that was them at their best and now they're irrelevant. The Tories contain some very right-wing figures but also have plenty of right-wingers who'd veer a bit closer to the centre.

Also, I'd say far-right politicians have had a fairly underwhelming year for the most part. Wilders was leading in the Dutch polls but ended up coming nowhere near having the most votes. Le Pen flopped in France's second round vote even though she made it past the first round. As has been mentioned UKIP fell away here and the talking point was Corbyn's surge. The AfD got into parliament in Germany but never really managed to get anywhere near 20%.
It's an interesting one to look at and most cases are very different from each other. Trump's win was interesting because in spite of his populism seeming out of place it's largely similar to views held even by most establishment Republicans. The fact that the Republicans are actively in government makes them a different case to a lot of other far-right movements. As does the fact that instead of being a new party rising from nothing, it's an established party who have drifted further and further to the right.

Brexit was boosted by Farage but had support from plenty of left-wingers; something like 30% of Lib Dem, Labour and SNP voters were all behind it and yet many of them still stuck to voting for their preferred parties this year. UKIP got about 12% in 2015 but that was them at their best and now they're irrelevant. The Tories contain some very right-wing figures but also have plenty of right-wingers who'd veer a bit closer to the centre.

Also, I'd say far-right politicians have had a fairly underwhelming year for the most part. Wilders was leading in the Dutch polls but ended up coming nowhere near having the most votes. Le Pen flopped in France's second round vote even though she made it past the first round. As has been mentioned UKIP fell away here and the talking point was Corbyn's surge. The AfD got into parliament in Germany but never really managed to get anywhere near 20%.
Yeah, I think that's the main difference - not the fringe right, but the mainstream right. Republicans have been comic book character evil for years already.
This is dangerous us vs them thinking and its factually wrong. The resurgence of more extreme right-wing ideas is a worldwide phenomenon not something limited to the USA.

Look at the UK and Trump's mate Farage's victory for the Brexit vote that previewed Trump's election. The continent has seen many far-right anti-immigration protests famously in France very similar to the alt-right in the US, Eastern Europe and Russia are still some of the biggest bastions of racism and discrimination against Africans and black people in general. There is a rise of far right firebrand commentators in Latin America as well. And in China the Han have a long history of institutional racism against non-Han Chinese let alone some recent comments on the trouble with Africans in China as well.

People mistakenly believing the current rise of the far right is just "America's problem" are making a dangerous mistake of not understanding that this resurgence is happening literally everywhere. And from reports the far right is also on the rise in Germany including far right entering German's parliament.

Thanks for telling a German that a far right party entered parliament. How could I have known.

On a serious note, as @Cheesy pointed out, those cases are fundamentally different often enough. Brexit wasn't purely a right wing movement, most parts of the AfD would qualify as almost centrist in other European countries (Including the UK) and nowehere but in the US are those movements as backed by society in a western country. That's just the cold, hard truth.

Can he just be on his way already, to spare us from having to know more about what goes on in the mind of a total idiot?
its one of the ones you have to double check to see if it was really from him

I think the guy is great entertainment sometimes. Clearly trying to troll the world
I just find it really tiresome now, there is absolutely no question that he’s mentally ill.

It’s not a case of “when will he have a mental breakdown”, he clearly had a mental breakdown a number of years ago.

In a few years time we will be hearing that his dementia is now quite severe and he can’t do any number of basic tasks without assistance. It’ll be at that point that people say “well feck, he actually did have a degenerative brain condition, it was so obvious why didn’t we do anything?”
Top 3 worst Trump tweet ever?

It’s holding all three spots.

The question is... what’s about to drop this time?

Edit - of course, Kushner’s email deadline today. So here we have confirmation that we are about to hear something incriminating come from this.
It’s holding all three spots.

The question is... what’s about to drop this time?

Edit - of course, Kushner’s email deadline today. So here we have confirmation that we are about to hear something incriminating come from this.

Probably another set of indictments.
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