The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Gorkas the kind of guy that would get his face smashed in during a fist fight.

Thinking about it, I'm not sure I can pinpoint a time when I would stop punching.
I still don't get how a british-hungarian racist ended up in the White House.
He wants shooting just for that waistcoat.
That's the thing about Trump -- he makes the headline stories/numpty acts which we all laugh at but with the powers of the EOs, he quietly changes the world, in a bad way.

Exactly, but so many don't see it, even worse, more than I would have ever thought either like what he's doing, or will accept it and go along with it if it helps their agenda in the long run. Seriously, the lack of morals is sickening. How is this cnut a role model for kids? It's unreal.

I saw Russell Brand tonight and I thought he was going to go on an epic rant about Trump, but he just mocked him for about a minute and finally said "The thing is with Trump, he acts like a complete cnut, and I honestly don't think he's putting it on" :lol: Perfect description.

:lol: "The truth from me" FML! Utter cnut. It's more like everyone else can see right through him and have morals and standards and are disgusted by him.

:lol: "Didn't realise we had done so much" Unfeckingbelievable. Made even better that the website appears to be broken.
I doubt there's anything in it. This guy seems like your average Scott Dworkin type anti-Trump tweeter
I doubt there's anything in it. This guy seems like your average Scott Dworkin type anti-Trump tweeter

I agree, but if Trump has been saying that, then, well, he could be right. I was more posting it to see if anyone had seen or heard reports of Trump saying that. I've been out of the loop recently.

I know, it's brilliant, like he hasn't a fecking clue what he's doing or has done. Which is kind of true in a way but not at all in another.

:lol: What does SHE think about him supporting him though? Or her husbands actions? She could play this to her advantage and I wouldn't be surprised to see her come out of this well and with sympathy and support from the public. The dynamics are intriguing for sure.
Every time he rudely criticises an Obama admin official, it should warn Trump's colleagues that they could be next, should the fancy take him.

:lol: "The truth from me" FML! Utter cnut. It's more like everyone else can see right through him and have morals and standards and are disgusted by him.

Many people outside the US view CNN as mostly US govt-friendly propaganda, especially on US foreign policy. I wonder how a foreigner would respond to 24/7 Fox.
Trump is apparently still butt hurt at having to watch CNN International during his Asia trip two weeks ago. :lol:
Many people outside the US view CNN as mostly US govt-friendly propaganda, especially on US foreign policy. I wonder how a foreigner would respond to 24/7 Fox.

The Fox thread gives you a bit of an idea. I imagine most Aussies, like us Brits see it for what it is purely because of Murdoch's reputation. He's pretty much despised in the UK, and his reputation is awful because of the scandals with his tabloid papers. Although I think The Sun is still the best selling paper in the UK, and Sky TV is still hugely popular due to lack of serious competition or availability.

Surprisingly though, Sky News is incredibly popular, and aside from some truly odious presenters and news readers, it's nowhere near anything like Fox and is a reasonably well respected channel.
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