The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Cuomo covering for Don Lemon and has Lavar on right now, the man is making no fecking sense whatsoever. It's insane, but also insanely funny. Him v Trump is going to be hilarious.

This is surreal, one of the most insane interviews I have ever seen. :lol:
That was the greatest interview I have ever witnessed.
True. And another way to milk more funds out of people. That's another $100-200 to the gub'net.

I don't condone the confiscation of drivers licenses but its facile to suggest they can't vote if they don't have a license.

American is a failed country. But let's not go overboard on solvable issues.

A decently long read (about 10mins) about Nationlism that helped get Trump elected.

One measure of the allure of Trump’s white identity politics is the extent to which it has overridden other concerns as his administration has faltered.The president’s supporters have stood by him even as he has evinced every quality they described as a deal breaker under Obama. Conservatives attacked Obama’s lack of faith; Trump is a thrice-married libertine who has never asked God for forgiveness. They accused Obama of being under malign foreign influence; Trump eagerly accepted the aid of a foreign adversary during the election. They accused Obama of genuflecting before Russian President Vladimir Putin; Trump has refused to even criticize Putin publicly. They attacked Obama for his ties to Tony Rezko, the crooked realtor; Trump’s ties to organized crime are too numerous to name. Conservatives said Obama was lazy; Trump “gets bored and likes to watch TV.” They said Obama’s golfing was excessive; as of August Trump had spent nearly a fifth of his presidency golfing. They attributed Obama’s intellectual prowess to his teleprompter; Trump seems unable to describe the basics of any of his own policies. They said Obama was a self-obsessed egomaniac; Trump is unable to broach topics of public concern without boasting.Conservatives said Obama quietly used the power of the state to attack his enemies; Trump has publicly attempted to use the power of the state to attack his enemies. Republicans said Obama was racially divisive; Trump has called Nazis “very fine people.” Conservatives portrayed Obama as a vapid celebrity; Trump isa vapid celebrity.

There is virtually no personality defect that conservatives accused Obama of possessing that Trump himself does not actually possess. This, not some uncanny oracular talent, is the reason that Trump’s years-old tweets channeling conservative anger at Obama apply so perfectly to his own present conduct.

Trump’s great political insight was that Obama’s time in office inflicted a profound psychological wound on many white Americans, one that he could remedy by adopting the false narrative that placed the first black president outside the bounds of American citizenship. He intuited that Obama’s presence in the White House decreased the value of what W. E. B. Du Bois described as the “psychological wage” of whiteness across all classes of white Americans, and that the path to their hearts lay in invoking a bygone past when this affront had not, and could not, take place.

That the legacy of the first black president could be erased by a birther, that the woman who could have been the first female president was foiled by a man who confessed to sexual assault on tape—these were not drawbacks to Trump’s candidacy, but central to understanding how he would wield power, and on whose behalf.

Americans act with the understanding that Trump’s nationalism promises to restore traditional boundaries of race, gender, and sexuality. The nature of that same nationalism is to deny its essence, the better to salve the conscience and spare the soul.

A decently long read (about 10mins) about Nationlism that helped get Trump elected.
Just came here to post the same article. Exceptional read. 10 minutes is a bit optimistic, though. 20 would be more accurate. Or maybe I'm just a slow reader.

Loved that part:
The plain meaning of Trumpism exists in tandem with denials of its implications; supporters and opponents alike understand that the president’s policies and rhetoric target religious and ethnic minorities, and behave accordingly. But both supporters and opponents usually stop short of calling these policies racist. It is as if there were a pothole in the middle of the street that every driver studiously avoided, but that most insisted did not exist even as they swerved around it.
Just came here to post the same article. Exceptional read. 10 minutes is a bit optimistic, though. 20 would be more accurate. Or maybe I'm just a slow reader.

Loved that part:

I'm a fast reader, so that may be why :lol:

It's a brilliant article, and goes in to thorough depth - I wish it reached the very people who need to read it.
Can you imagine the word salad between Ball and Trump? :lol:

I actually think Trump may have finally met his match. I so hope they come to blows now.

So much credit due to Cuomo, patience of a saint that man.
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