The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Don't forget also, taking away someone's drivers licence also hinders their ability to Fly within the US, most Americans don't actually own a passport so that would have big implications, especially for Students who are 1,000 miles away from their Families.

Or they could get a passport
The pee pee tape better not be from the 80s. I want high quality video.
Big hair?


This is the 11th attempt at the time machine. They first tried altering history by getting Clinton elected. Didn't work. They tried the Boston Red Sox winning the 2010 superbowl. They tried England getting good at penalties. That did have some remarkable ancillary effects, as Alan Shearer led Labour to election victory. But still, it didn't stop the 2048 Armageddon. Once more, this time a little wearily, with the sounds of despair all around them in the ruin of the city, they clamber inside the ruin of 'Trump Tower'. This time they bring no military equipment, just a very large jar of hair gel. And the most advanced form of multi-function vibrator available in 2050...
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When I was a young airman taking home a grand or so per week, extra funds just went to paying off my more bills and maybe one additional outing with friends or maybe a couple extra gifts for family members during the holidays. I certainly couldn't put those extra funds in savings as I didn't have the kind of breathing room. Even when I was doing better for myself circa 2001/2002 when Bush sent out those tax rebates, that money just went to paying off bills and whatnot. These days, yes a few extra hundred quid might sit in the the bank but it certainly ain't gonna make me better off. I also don't have kids to support and numerous bills these days.

That was a such shit analogy by Ryan but not surprising to see GOP asshats play the base like that. I just wonder if he truly believes that tripe.
Jaysus, that articles reads like a political fiction thriller, can't believe it's stuff that is actually affecting the world right now.
This is a secondary phase. The links are too frequent, too complex, to be just coincidence. The Republicans - just think of it, the party of the hawks - are now seen to be propping up a cabal whose allegiance lies outside the country. At this stage the most interesting part of it are the half-in, half-out stay puts. The players who arrived late, promoted for their racist credentials, or their Bannonite economic views. Or the sitting Republicans who just held their noses. Ryan must - if he didnt before - know now. Jeff Sessions - giving him a huge benefit of the doubt - must know now. And yet only a mere handful of Republicans, up to this point, have stood up and been counted. Presumably the temptation is too great for the rest (And this is why the Roy Moore case is so uncomfortable for them. Too much Deja Vu).

A gift horse? A chance out of the blue, to get their agenda implemented? Trump was all the above. They expected a loss in the election of 2016; instead they got The Orange Thing as president, with some assistance from Vladimir. What would the consequences of further successes in this line be? Does anyone know what Putin really wants, ultimately?
Lifting the Magnitsky Act is the main thing. Alongside other obvious foreign policy missions everyone shares (weaker adversaries, favourable policies towards you etc.).

The Magnitsky Act has cost him personally quite a fortune hasn't it? Even when you're as ultimately rich and powerful as Putin is (i.e. arguably number 1 in the world) then you'd still be hacked off when something like that happened.

Plus I suspect he just wants the USA to be as divided and distracted internally and disrespected by the rest of the world as possible. They're such a mess at the minute that Russia would probably be able to do whatever the hell they wanted and get away with it with little to no opposition, that's vital for Putin. Surprised he hasn't tried to move more into Ukraine or Georgia in the past 12 months.
The Magnitsky Act has cost him personally quite a fortune hasn't it? Even when you're as ultimately rich and powerful as Putin is (i.e. arguably number 1 in the world) then you'd still be hacked off when something like that happened.
Him and many oligarchs. And if enough money dries up at the top he may lose his iron grip on Russia.

And it may already be happening, if recent desperate moves are anything to go on.
A gift horse? A chance out of the blue, to get their agenda implemented? Trump was all the above. They expected a loss in the election of 2016; instead they got The Orange Thing as president, with some assistance from Vladimir. What would the consequences of further successes in this line be? Does anyone know what Putin really wants, ultimately?

I think Putin just largely wants to feck with Western democracies and other countries he's not aligned with in order to further his own interests and ensured Europe and the US isn't united against him.

It's unlikely he ever expected Trump to get elected; the fact he succeeded was an added bonus. Even if Trump's eventually ousted and someone more overtly anti-Russia takes over, then Putin will view managing to get someone as disruptive as Trump in as a major success.
I find that Living Colour "Cult of Personality" has a good verse about this.

You don't have to follow me
Only you can set me free
I sell the things you need to be
I'm the smiling face on your T.V.
I'm the cult of personality
I exploit you still you love me
'Exclusive: McMaster baits Trump'

'Exclusive: Steve fired by Billy for crap puns'

The guy admitted at the end that he's one of the blacks for Trump people who holds up signs at his rallies. He's obviously not a good sample of a trump voter and CNN probably needs to screen these people a bit better before allowing them to get on camera.
The guy admitted at the end that he's one of the blacks for Trump people who holds up signs at his rallies. He's obviously not a good sample of a trump voter and CNN probably needs to screen these people a bit better before allowing them to get on camera.
They did screen him, and he probably gave the producers the biggest hard on.

F*ck Trump’ Lady Adds To Her Van After Arrest

A women who had a ‘F*ck Trump’ sticker on her car has added to her display only days after being arrested.

Clearly angered at being arrested on a completely unrelated charge, 46-year-old Forsenca claimed that this was an abuse of the badge.

After being released on a $1,500 bond, she gave the perfect response to the Sheriff, something he had coming.

Next to the Trump sticker, which naturally hasn’t been removed, is a new message directed at the Sheriff.

It reads:
F*ck Troy Nehls and f*ck you for voting for him.
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