The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Good this should eat up the media cycle for the next 24-48 hours and cast more spotlight on Trump's own accusers.

A decently long read (about 10mins) about Nationlism that helped get Trump elected.

Found this part interesting and spot on.

Birtherism is rightly remembered as a racist conspiracy theory, born of an inability to accept the legitimacy of the first black president. But it is more than that, and the insistence that it was a fringe belief undersells the fact that it was one of the most important political developments of the past decade.

Birtherism is a synthesis of the prejudice toward blacks, immigrants, and Muslims that swelled on the right during the Obama era: Obama was not merely black but also a foreigner, not just black and foreign but also a secret Muslim. Birtherism was not simply racism, but nationalism—a statement of values and a definition of who belongs in America. By embracing the conspiracy theory of Obama’s faith and foreign birth, Trump was also endorsing a definition of being American that excluded the first black president. Birtherism, and then Trumpism, united all three rising strains of prejudice on the right in opposition to the man who had become the sum of their fears.

In this sense only, the Calamity Thesis is correct. The great cataclysm in white America that led to Donald Trump was the election of Barack Obama.
Birtherism is a synthesis of the prejudice toward blacks, immigrants, and Muslims that swelled on the right during the Obama era: Obama was not merely black but also a foreigner, not just black and foreign but also a secret Muslim. Birtherism was not simply racism, but nationalism—a statement of values and a definition of who belongs in America. By embracing the conspiracy theory of Obama’s faith and foreign birth, Trump was also endorsing a definition of being American that excluded the first black president. Birtherism, and then Trumpism, united all three rising strains of prejudice on the right in opposition to the man who had become the sum of their fears.
To add to list: Obama was also a secret homosexual, and Michelle a man.

I really hope there’s a very large group of journalists working very hard right now to round up all the women he’s sexually assaulted over the years. I suspect there is.
I really hope there’s a very large group of journalists working very hard right now to round up all the women he’s sexually assaulted over the years. I suspect there is.
Thing is, that happened last year, and then he got elected president.
So the Republican president of the United States thinks it's better to elect a child molester and sexual predator then it is to elect some one with a different opinion to his.
“You don’t need someone who is soft on crime, like Jones.”

Says the guy under investigation in support of another guy under investigation.

Where’s Monty Python’s “this is silly” cut scene when you need it?

"What have the Democrats ever done for us?"
What happened before net neutrality and what could happen again now:

Sources -
Have you ever looked at who those 45 are?

I encourage it

Half of them are basically accounts for things he owns. A quarter are his family and the other quarter are basically people who feed his ego on a daily basis.:lol:
Are you surprised?
I shouldn't be but with this I am. A fecking child molester over what seems to be a middle of the road southerner. I came to this country under the dumb Bush and felt a bit dirty being here but after my first night on the piss I knew I would grow to love this country. I was so proud to be here when Obama was elected and got swept up in some hope and change, got hitched and had kids. I'm now sitting here not knowing what to think watching a fat ugly slob of a man covered in foundation and hairspray basically giving a pedophile a pass so he can raise my taxes and kick my wife and kids in the gutter if we are unlucky enough to have a serious illness. I'm not leaving though. I'm going to fight these mother feckers till the bitter end.
And just think... the GOP still gives Bill hell for getting a (consensual, adult on adult) hummer while in the Oval
Consensual being the key word, I can live with that, they can't though. Very strange to think what the reaction would be if Roy Moore was a Democrat from Connecticut.
There's also the rape allegations.
They don't give a feck about that. Most trump supporters I know and a few Bernie fans believe the Clintons are serial killers. They were hopping around like cats on a hot tin roof when they heard a cigar was moistened in the Oval office and nothing came of it except a colossal wast of tax payer money and an anti Clinton money making industry. Bill does come out smelling of roses though and somtimes I wonder how Hillary would have done had she divorced him after his terms ended.
The Mnuchin and his wife photo from the other day exemplifies this more so than anything.
Them two fecking annoy me so much. When he held up that sheet of money all I could think of was would it fit between his teeth when he talks. And why does he have to take his wife everywhere he goes, its a bit weird. fecking hell, what a bunch of feckers Trump has put in charge of things.
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