The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I still find the obstructionist rhetoric genuinely baffling. The Democrats are in opposition to's their literal fecking job to obstruct him, no? If he's saying that they're succeeding in obstructing him then he's actively praising his opposition for doing what they're supposed to! Mental.
Their job is to try to invoke policies that further their supporters' agenda. If that's through cooperating with the GOP then so be it. If they feel any policies will harm their supporters they should try and obstruct them. They don't have to obstruct them at every turn.
Well that's how it should work, but politicians in general and the political environment in the States mean it's basically a game of football.
Their job is to try to invoke policies that further their supporters' agenda. If that's through cooperating with the GOP then so be it. If they feel any policies will harm their supporters they should try and obstruct them. They don't have to obstruct them at every turn.
Well that's how it should work, but politicians in general and the political environment in the States mean it's basically a game of football.

That would work if on some level they could all be sensible human beings, but they don't operate that way. For example, they should be saying "Oh s**t, the climate is fecked if we don't move now, let's work together". But instead, you've got fracking, coal mines and leaking oil pipelines. That's not exclusive to the US, but it's pretty bad there driven by both vested interest and arrogant evangelical politics. Corporations Are People, remember :D
I still find the obstructionist rhetoric genuinely baffling. The Democrats are in opposition to's their literal fecking job to obstruct him, no? If he's saying that they're succeeding in obstructing him then he's actively praising his opposition for doing what they're supposed to! Mental.

I hadn't thought of it like that. It actually does put it into perspective when you flip it and ask what Republicans would have done if Obama was on Twitter complaining that they were standing in the way of 'progress'. They were jubilant whenever they thought they stuck it to him, so it's quite funny seeing Trump crying now he's in the same situation. The fact that he needs an excuse for his shortcomings isn't lost on me, but yeah, it's still quite absurd when you put it like that.
I still find the obstructionist rhetoric genuinely baffling. The Democrats are in opposition to's their literal fecking job to obstruct him, no? If he's saying that they're succeeding in obstructing him then he's actively praising his opposition for doing what they're supposed to! Mental.

It's more hypocritical given that the GOP spent 8 years obstructing literally everything Obama tried to do.

Their job isn't to obstruct, it's to further their own political agenda and get the best deal as they see it for voters. Luckily for the Dems, the GOP genuinely keep trying to pass bills like 'let's take away millions of people's healthcare!!' and 'let's take money away from poor people and give it to the super rich!' so at least the Dem obstruction makes some sense.

Seriously folks... he is telling her to get on with her life...when he mentions her every other day in the media :lol:

Seriously folks... he is telling her to get on with her life...when he mentions her every other day in the media :lol:

Has she actually done anything this time or is it just another distraction?
Ffs, just rage-quit the presidency already.
It's strange he's retweeted a couple of these tweets

It's almost as if Trump made an announcement, reversed said announcement and suggests it wasn't his idea to begin with and now being treated like a hero by "looking at the facts" which we all know he sure as hell doesn't.
It's strange he's retweeted a couple of these tweets

It's almost as if Trump made an announcement, reversed said announcement and suggests it wasn't his idea to begin with and now being treated like a hero by "looking at the facts" which we all know he sure as hell doesn't.

I don't think he was for the Elephant policy in the first place and was probably taken aback by the outrage - combined with one off appeals from the likes of Greta, Morgan and probably Ivanka et al.
It's strange he's retweeted a couple of these tweets

It's almost as if Trump made an announcement, reversed said announcement and suggests it wasn't his idea to begin with and now being treated like a hero by "looking at the facts" which we all know he sure as hell doesn't.

Maybe he doesn't know what repellent means. Unlikely though. He's certainly been called that before.
It's probably going to pass, but this is quite something:

Is this old news?

Well it's always been out there. Heard it a couple of weeks ago and yes they're his usual vile and abhorrent views of women being aired. It won't concern him though because a) he genuinely believes it and b) he knows that much of his base do too. it will not make one iota of difference.
It's strange he's retweeted a couple of these tweets

It's almost as if Trump made an announcement, reversed said announcement and suggests it wasn't his idea to begin with and now being treated like a hero by "looking at the facts" which we all know he sure as hell doesn't.

Berlusconi used to do this. He said one thing during one day, then the opposite the next day. He could say he was misunderstood in this way and everyone said he was right.
Their job is to try to invoke policies that further their supporters' agenda. If that's through cooperating with the GOP then so be it. If they feel any policies will harm their supporters they should try and obstruct them. They don't have to obstruct them at every turn.
Well that's how it should work, but politicians in general and the political environment in the States mean it's basically a game of football.

Of course, but the vast majority of Trump policies are ones that aren't going to appeal to their members or voters. In opposing policies their own voters won't like they're doing a good job and holding the government to account. As they should. Trump highlighting this is effectively demonstrating that they're doing a good job.

fecking hell.

So should've left a fellow countrymen rotting in jails because their father has criticised him. I know I shouldn't be surprised with him but the state of some of the statements he comes up with..
So should've left a fellow countrymen rotting in jails because their father has criticised him. I know I shouldn't be surprised with him but the state of some of the statements he comes up with..
To be honest he should not have intervened. If they committed a crime they should face the consequences.
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