The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Painfully obvious he has been in distraction mode lately. Sure beats people discussing Russia or the details of his tax plan.
Probably not the right thread, but there isn't enough national attention over how insanely useless the proposed tax bill is, to anyone not a millionaire.

He's quite literally just giving himself some tax cuts. Baffling to see people standing by him.:lol:
Probably not the right thread, but there isn't enough national attention over how insanely useless the proposed tax bill is, to anyone not a millionaire.

Bit of a tangent and doesn't really immediately respond to your point but you just reminded me...

I attended a conference a few weeks ago which had a guest speaker from one of our firm's US offices, it was for clients looking to do business in the States and he was giving some local insight into the hurdles etc.

Discussion turned to tax policy and he mentioned the current attempts at reform. Took me about 10 seconds to peg him as a Republican :lol:
He's made a mistake with his Twitter handle. Should read @greatDonaldTrump
'Your favorite President': slightly optimistic there.
Also why does he say "mike" instead of mic? Am I missing something? Or is it another error?:lol:
Flake proven right by "our" favourite Precedent.
What's the age threshold for being deeply disturbed?
There is no age threshold. I just dont remember her being a mess when she was that young. Mean Girls came out in 2004. Thought things going down for her a few years after that.
There is no age threshold. I just dont remember her being a mess when she was that young. Mean Girls came out in 2004. Thought things going down for her a few years after that.

She was doing a lot of partying in Beverly Hills / Hollywood in those days, which was a prelude to her more publicized problems a couple of years later.
Don't forget also, taking away someone's drivers licence also hinders their ability to Fly within the US, most Americans don't actually own a passport so that would have big implications, especially for Students who are 1,000 miles away from their Families.
From what (little) I've seen of the US, outside NY, Chicago, and maybe DC/SF, a car is almost essential. The entire layout of the city - work, shops, etc - is built around the assumption of car ownership.
Applying/interviewing for jobs will be much tougher without a car.

And that is without the ID implications.
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