The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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If you think the tax cuts are about rational economic policy, that's obviously wrong. If you think it's about putting money into the hands of rich people, that's kind of right, but not the whole story. If you want to know what the tax cuts are really about, here's your answer:

'The pay-as-you-go law requires that legislation that adds to the federal deficit be paid for with spending cuts or other offsets. If that does not happen, automatic cuts to programs like Medicare kick in. The Medicare cuts, which are capped at 4 percent of the program’s annual spending, could reach almost a half trillion dollars over 10 years, according to the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.
Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, the top Democrat on the Finance Committee, said previous Republican tax cut efforts had paved the way for sweeping spending cut proposals after the red ink reared its head. After President George W. Bush signed tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, his administration sought to overhaul Social Security and Medicare in hopes of cutting costs."
Representative Kevin Brady, Republican of Texas and the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, said this month that tax overhaul “alone won’t get us back to a balanced budget.” He said that House Republicans would soon turn toward “welfare reform and tackling the entitlements.”

Some Republican senators have also expressed interest in turning to spending cuts afterward.

“Yes, we waste an enormous amount of money in the federal budget,” said Senator Michael D. Crapo, Republican of Idaho. He said that government personnel should be cut along with Medicare and Social Security.'
Pretty rich when one recalls him openly admitting to sexually assaulting women. I'm sick of this clown and his fanbase.
Actual response from Trump supporter to me...

Me: (pic of tweets) I take it he forgot where he likes to grab women..?

Supporter: I don't think he's ever claimed to be a saint like al the perv

The women that came out against Trump should re light the flame and call out Trumps hypocrisy
i just cant get over the hypocrisy here... i mean here you have a widely notoriously not shy about it President on tape talking about doing whatever the faff you like to a Woman because you know.. Celebrity, No one that votes for him bats a bloody eyelid, they all twist his words - i quote my friend here from Louisiana "he meant grab LIFE by the pussy" (uh okay then? not what he said but sure) then you have allegations that are not as bad as Trumps (don't get me wrong, any kind of sexual harassment is wrong) in Paedo king Roy Moore and now in the long line of allegations of groping in Al Frankten (which may or may not be substantiated) and you have everyone coming out the bloody woodwork saying "OMG THAT IS SO WRONG, HE HAS TO RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!!!!!" now don't get me wrong, if the allegations are true then yes do not carry on in a position of power but for the love of christ you cannot say that when you have bloody Trump as the highest position in the bloody country in the Presidency continuing in the same capacity if everyone else has to resign, why in the world does this Drumpf fella get to carry on as he wishes? i know alot of Trump supporters but surely they can't fail to see the blatant in your face irony and hypocrisy here right?

The fact Trump come's out and try's to highlight all this makes it even bloody worse, i know he's completely living in his own Fantasy world but come on, this whole bloody thing is like The Real Housewives of D.C, even then the plotline is absurd even for their standards.

Beggars Belief i tell you.
The only thing trickling down from the rich to the poor in America is piss.
Those bank accounts in the Cayman islands are about to get a whole lot bigger.
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Wouldn't it be great if when he bows out of the presidency assuming he's not removed.
That once his one (please God) term is done he walks off the podium and is immediately arrested for all of his crimes.
Nice idea, but I don't think handcuffs would work on someone who's hands are smaller than their wrists.
While millions of broke ass poor southerners stand up and applaud their god emperor.

Very interesting read on why people believe in him.

I find the closing paragraphs a perfect summary of.
Trump voters are making a mistake to trust Fox, and Breitbart and their Facebook friends and community about politics because not only do each of them ALSO suffer from the illusion of knowledge, but those institutions have an agenda to intentionally keep their supporters misinformed in order to keep them voting against their own self-interest.

Because as long as poor and middle-class Trump voters continue to support him, Trump and Fox are able to implement their real goals: Tax breaks for the rich, and fewer regulations for business -– two agendas, neither of which will pave roads, improve schools, or ensure medicine and medical treatment get to those in need.

Why Do Trump Voters Believe His Lies? It’s Not Because They’re Stupid
Trump voters are making a mistake to trust Fox and Breitbart.
Nice idea, but I don't think handcuffs would work on someone who's hands are smaller than their wrists.

That's why they have zip ties! Imagine how shattered his ego would be when the arresting detective states they had to use the zip ties because his hands/wrists were too small for the cuffs to properly secure.
I honestly believe the know he lies a lot.
They just don't care.
It's like when a player on the team dives but you'll never admit it to a Scouser.
The liberals must not win, that is all.
I honestly believe the know he lies a lot.
They just don't care.
It's like when a player on the team dives but you'll never admit it to a Scouser.
The liberals must not win, that is all.

100% this.

He tells the same lies they love to tell. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, they believe his intentions are the same as theirs in the matters that mean the most to them. I think they also realise that he doesn't care about half the matters they care about, he's just dancing to their tune so they feed off each other.
Very interesting read on why people believe in him.

I find the closing paragraphs a perfect summary of.
Trump voters are making a mistake to trust Fox, and Breitbart and their Facebook friends and community about politics because not only do each of them ALSO suffer from the illusion of knowledge, but those institutions have an agenda to intentionally keep their supporters misinformed in order to keep them voting against their own self-interest.

Because as long as poor and middle-class Trump voters continue to support him, Trump and Fox are able to implement their real goals: Tax breaks for the rich, and fewer regulations for business -– two agendas, neither of which will pave roads, improve schools, or ensure medicine and medical treatment get to those in need.

Why Do Trump Voters Believe His Lies? It’s Not Because They’re Stupid
Trump voters are making a mistake to trust Fox and Breitbart.

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