The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I do care when Trump and his administration make morally-bankrupt statements and decisions. Who wouldn't be? The problem, for me, lies with double standards and blatant hypocrisy from our side when Trump is criticised for things liberals themselves say/do (e.g. Obama is on record saying he's against illegal immigration but when Trump says it, he's a Nazi racist), or when Trump's actions/statements are exaggerated and blown out of proportion. The only person who triumphs in those situations is Trump himself.

You really need to stop comparing Trump to Obama. There's simply no comparison between the two when it comes to simply being a decent human being.
Reciprocity :lol:

Feck me how he struggled with that word.

Love how he's talking about the deficit yet proposing a tax plan that will add to it YUGELY!

He's sniffing badly again too.
I hate it when he's reading from autocue. But even worse, the man has the most annoying mannerisms I have ever seen. He can't even drink like a normal person let alone talk like one. He's just odd in every single way possible. I wouldn't be surprised if he was half goat from the waist down.
He's taking credit for the world being united against North Korea?

Seriously? He knows no bounds, he really doesn't.

Unsurprising the chicken-shit MF skulks off without answering questions.

He's the ventriloquist and the dummy.
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