The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Someone needs to post the Last Week Tonight with John Oliver from this week (end of season finale) he destroys Trump and his trolling and whataboutism. It was a joy to watch. I would but am on my phone.

It's definitely worth watching.

It was a really great season finale and I had honestly forgotten about half of those things.
It's almost impressive that all the things they brought up doesn't even account for 5% of the total number of facepalm moments the POTUS have had in less than a year.
I do care when Trump and his administration make morally-bankrupt statements and decisions. Who wouldn't be? The problem, for me, lies with double standards and blatant hypocrisy from our side when Trump is criticised for things liberals themselves say/do (e.g. Obama is on record saying he's against illegal immigration but when Trump says it, he's a Nazi racist), or when Trump's actions/statements are exaggerated and blown out of proportion. The only person who triumphs in those situations is Trump himself.
"Our side" :lol:

That aside, just a massive fecking lol at the idea that stating you're against illegal immigration is equivalent to saying illegal immigrants are rapist and murderers.
So there's been no drug-dealing nor rapist illegal immigrants into the U.S? At all?
Holy shit, this is pathetic. It's got to be a new low, even for you.
Did he just retweet some shite to move his timeline along instead of deleting and amending his incorrect tweet?
He's also making time to utter drivel like this:

While in the Philippines I was forced to watch @CNN, which I have not done in months, and again realized how bad, and FAKE, it is. Loser!

It is mindblowing that he is the president and acts like he does.
He's also making time to utter drivel like this:

It is mindblowing that he is the president and acts like he does.

Not to mention the fact his actions towards CNN are under the microscope as it's suspected he's trying to facilitate Murdoch's takeover.
He devoted more words to a TV channel he doesn't like than to murdered American people.
Agreed - I love how he keeps finding ways to either inadvertently watch or be forced by circumstances to watch it.

Obviously otherwise he can't really tweet about it!
TBF He probably was "forced". His options were to either watch TV or do some actual work...
More on the shooting tweet. feckin' shitbag human.


I dont know who it's more an indictment of, that a presidential is copying and pasting condolence messages...Trump or America.
Can’t help but think that a this stage the GOP will just dismiss it.

Of course they will. These things can only go somewhere when a majority in both houses get on board. This is merely ceremonial, although the charges Cohen lists are pretty spot on.
It's not particularly sophisticated in terms of the posts themselves, the sophistication comes in the user targeting. There's lot of blunt force crap that works on a 'apply by the shovel load' principle, but there's also some very carefully directed work going on, aimed at ensuring exactly the right demographics of people are seeing posts that could potentially sway them based on their likes/dislikes/personal habits etc.

This is the stuff that Cambridge Analytica were doing for both the Brexit and the Trump campaigns.
Yes I guess you're right, there's a lot more sophistication in how they do it than the actual results we see. Thanks for food for thought!
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