The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Tbh, even I believe major news organisations fabricate stories about Trump. CNN? had to fire some people for it. I'd be more shocked if a president went a full term without fabrications about them.
Tbh, even I believe major news organisations fabricate stories about Trump. CNN? had to fire some people for it. I'd be more shocked if a president went a full term without fabrications about them.
Quite. I would've said yes.
Sad watching a POTUS tear down democratic institutions because they are doing their jobs. I'd expect this with Erdogan or Putin, but its damn sad when it happens in the US.
Yeah, it's the USA has become like Turkey or some banana republics.
Sad watching a POTUS tear down democratic institutions because they are doing their jobs. I'd expect this with Erdogan or Putin, but its damn sad when it happens in the US.
Depends on what the response to Trump is. If new laws are passed surrounding the job of the president his narcissism will have served a good purpose. If not, it will make obvious to aspiring dictators what the weaknesses of American democracy are.
Sad watching a POTUS tear down democratic institutions because they are doing their jobs. I'd expect this with Erdogan or Putin, but its damn sad when it happens in the US.
He has a mandate to do it, though. Nearly half of the electorate found his attacks on the media compatible with their vote.
I definitely think we've reached a point where most media institutions value their bottom line far more than accurate reporting. The media spend their time crying out about how supposedly terrible Trump is yet during the election and since he was inaugurated, they've given him wall to wall coverage. I don't remember Obama getting this level of attention from anyone but Fox News.
I definitely think we've reached a point where most media institutions value their bottom line far more than accurate reporting. The media spend their time crying out about how supposedly terrible Trump is yet during the election and since he was inaugurated, they've given him wall to wall coverage. I don't remember Obama getting this level of attention from anyone but Fox News.
Obama wasn't this interesting. He largely just got on with the job and it was only newsworthy when there was a contentious topic. Trump inadvertently creates two contentious topics a week and deliberately creates two more.
I definitely think we've reached a point where most media institutions value their bottom line far more than accurate reporting. The media spend their time crying out about how supposedly terrible Trump is yet during the election and since he was inaugurated, they've given him wall to wall coverage. I don't remember Obama getting this level of attention from anyone but Fox News.
It's been about the bottom line since before your grandparents were born.

Obama wasn't crazy or constantly newsworthy, so covering him 24/7 wasn't as necessary.
I mean, he called Puerto Rico's governor* their president. It's hard to have a nuanced foreign policy when you don't know where your own country ends.

*(probably governor, could have been one of the mayors but that was never clarified)


Also had to be told that Crimea had been annexed, because he didn't know.

Don't forget Nambia.
It is finally sinking through... (well not to his core support i guess)

Its been vacillating in the 30s for about 6 months now. The real news would be if it ever, even for a day, dips into the high 20s. That's when the rats jump off the ship.
I've learned a long, long time ago that entertaining anybody's questions in this thread is a foolhardy task. It's why I stay out of it for weeks/months on end and only pop my head in very occasionally. I'm not going to persuade/dissuade anyone here re: their position on Trump so just continue the echo chamber and circlejerk. Any time I mention I'm a liberal who just so happens to disagree (a lot) with the direction of the progressive movement, it's thrown back in my face and ridiculed. I'm fine with that, honestly. But please forgive my lack of hunger to argue five and six battles at a time whenever I do pop my head in the door.

(Incidentally, it was the same in the Election 2016 thread where it was 99% pro-Clinton wankfest and look how that turned out for all concerned.)

P.S. I'm not pro-Trump in any sense of the phrase. I just believe in bringing a semblance of parity to the table. We may ignore the lessons of 2016 at our peril because as it stands, Trump is heading to an eight-year term whether we like it or not.

Add 7 because you're so pro Trump.

Criticize his regime fairly.
Show me 5 of the good things he has done.
Then go prove 5 things he's actually done.
Then show me what he's done for the poor or middle class.

Then show the difference between him and Obama where he wins.
Then give facts.

Do that and I'll believe you.
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This is something Mueller should look into if the US visa is not reissued.

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First I've heard of Browder but stumbled across this piece. It's a lengthy piece.

Bill Browder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee
“I hope that my story will help you understand the methods of Russian operatives in Washington and how they use U.S. enablers to achieve major foreign policy goals without disclosing those interests,” Browder writes.
Likely to be the case that once a name is put on the Interpol list, the US automatically revokes visas.

State dept should have no excuses not to reissue the visa, as its clear to everyone Russia has done this for political purposes and Browder is innocent.
on the jobs front, i find this whole thing skewed in favor of most probably Northern States, if you ever venture into the South and my Gf can attest to this, finding a job anywhere that a) you're not being taken advantage of and b) afford to live then you sure are lucky, my Gf spent months being unemployed and fired/re-hired by the same company (on lesser wages mind you) despite having degrees and to use a Trump phrase "incredibly smart" there was nothing for her in Louisiana as so many companies are moving out of the South (probably the weather) and it's mostly the Service industry which is iffy, New Orleans especially is dying/sinking... however she moved to Virginia and managed in the first month to get herself a $75k a year job working for a Hospital in I.T Applications, so Trump's boast of job's is really quite biased as the figures don't really take the South as a whole into account or really the mid-west.
Of course that's the case though, because the money isn't in the South. Financial services, science and tech centers, even educational standards are all concentrated more to the north.

However, we have to take this with a grain of salt. Unemployment numbers are always skewed due to whoever came up with the idea of not counting those who stopped looking for jobs because they couldn't get one "out of the labor force" and therefore ineligible to be counted in those numbers.
First I've heard of Browder but stumbled across this piece. It's a lengthy piece.

Bill Browder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee
“I hope that my story will help you understand the methods of Russian operatives in Washington and how they use U.S. enablers to achieve major foreign policy goals without disclosing those interests,” Browder writes.

Yes, its appaling. I'm guessing Vlad has instructed Drumpf to not let this guy back into the country. He would love to get his hands on him for preventing his Oligarchs from moving money around.
I definitely think we've reached a point where most media institutions value their bottom line far more than accurate reporting. The media spend their time crying out about how supposedly terrible Trump is yet during the election and since he was inaugurated, they've given him wall to wall coverage. I don't remember Obama getting this level of attention from anyone but Fox News.
Wapo's new policies forbids employees to criticize owner, partners, advertisers etc on social media. Employees also testify that it's a bad career move to investigate financial interests of the paper. This means shady businesses can effectively pay not to be scrutinized. As someone said it's always about the dollar.
Wapo's new policies forbids employees to criticize owner, partners, advertisers etc on social media. Employees also testify that it's a bad career move to investigate financial interests of the paper. This means shady businesses can effectively pay not to be scrutinized. As someone said it's always about the dollar.

Most media outlets report on their own company and stipulate any potential conflicts within the report.

Barack Obama independently sending out letters of condolences to families of deceased soldiers post-Presidency while they get no contact from Trump.

Well, if you read through it then actually it's a feature on Obamas website which allows you to request letters from him. By him, I mean template letters. So you're actually requesting a letter from a computer with an Obama signature.
Well, if you read through it then actually it's a feature on Obamas website which allows you to request letters from him. By him, I mean template letters. So you're actually requesting a letter from a computer with an Obama signature.

Even then though, still better than nothing, isn't it? Especially considering he wouldn't have to do anything as a former President.
It's weird how little restraint he has. Even I know to wait and think before I react to something and send out a message...
Him responding only compounds the crisis and gives more ammo to the congressional investigation into what exactly happened on that mission in Niger. Let him tweet.
Drumpf is getting slaughtered on MSNBC right now over the latest tweet. This will be an ugly few days ahead.


Absolutely shameless - plus making a huge point about how he didn't have to hesitate before speaking his name.

I should fecking well hope not!!

Calling her a liar now. Such a classy guy.

Him responding only compounds the crisis and gives more ammo to the congressional investigation into what exactly happened on that mission in Niger. Let him tweet.

Like they want it to be a fair and thorough investigation.
Calling her a liar now. Such a classy guy.

Like they want it to be a fair and thorough investigation.

Well, McCain is the chairman of the senate armed services committee, so its about as fair an investigation as you can hope for.
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