The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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We're all living a Simpsons Fantasy via Drumpf.
Trump's not happy at the attention being give to all 5 living ex-presidents who are appearing together for a hurricane relief concert. He's currently boasting on Twitter about his achievements in office.
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Whatever about some of his claims, I do feel Trump hasn't got enough credit for his role in eliminating ISIS, as well as the the unemployment rate being drastically cut and thousands of jobs returning to the U.S. which were either overseas or planned to go overseas. The TPP and TTIP pullouts were great moves on behalf of his fellow citizens.
I do feel Trump hasn't got enough credit for his role in eliminating ISIS
He's done feck all, he's the first president who wants less information in security briefings.

as well as the the unemployment rate being drastically cut and thousands of jobs returning to the U.S. which were either overseas or planned to go overseas.
:lol: Holy shit you're a sycophant aren't you? Every job he's claimed to bring back has turned out to either not exist or have been decided before he was elected. The employment rate is just continuing as it was before he was elected.

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Whatever about some of his claims, I do feel Trump hasn't got enough credit for his role in eliminating ISIS, as well as the the unemployment rate being drastically cut and thousands of jobs returning to the U.S. which were either overseas or planned to go overseas. The TPP and TTIP pullouts were great moves on behalf of his fellow citizens.
Nice try :wenger:
Whatever about some of his claims, I do feel Trump hasn't got enough credit for his role in eliminating ISIS, as well as the the unemployment rate being drastically cut and thousands of jobs returning to the U.S. which were either overseas or planned to go overseas. The TPP and TTIP pullouts were great moves on behalf of his fellow citizens.

Given the US has played a supporting role in the fight against ISIS for years the only credit owed to Trump is for his decision to not reverse his predecessors policy. You can't claim credit for taking a cake out of the oven that someone else baked.

As for that drastic reduction in the unemployment rate? Ummmm... check the trend and reread that cake analogy.

Edit - man I should have read on a little, @Silva has already pointed this out.
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He's done feck all, he's the first president who wants less information in security briefings.

:lol: Holy shit you're a sycophant aren't you? Every job he's claimed to bring back has turned out to either not exist or have been decided before he was elected. The employment rate is just continuing as it was before he was elected.

Yeah but what about the stock market. Highest ever thanks to Trump and Trump alone :wenger:
on the jobs front, i find this whole thing skewed in favor of most probably Northern States, if you ever venture into the South and my Gf can attest to this, finding a job anywhere that a) you're not being taken advantage of and b) afford to live then you sure are lucky, my Gf spent months being unemployed and fired/re-hired by the same company (on lesser wages mind you) despite having degrees and to use a Trump phrase "incredibly smart" there was nothing for her in Louisiana as so many companies are moving out of the South (probably the weather) and it's mostly the Service industry which is iffy, New Orleans especially is dying/sinking... however she moved to Virginia and managed in the first month to get herself a $75k a year job working for a Hospital in I.T Applications, so Trump's boast of job's is really quite biased as the figures don't really take the South as a whole into account or really the mid-west.
Whatever about some of his claims, I do feel Trump hasn't got enough credit for his role in eliminating ISIS, as well as the the unemployment rate being drastically cut and thousands of jobs returning to the U.S. which were either overseas or planned to go overseas. The TPP and TTIP pullouts were great moves on behalf of his fellow citizens.

Why would anyone give him credit for eliminating ISIS? They were already long on the retreat before Trump came into power and it was pretty much a guarantee that their gradual defeat would continue in the post-Obama era.

It is worth noting that during Trump's reign there's been a marked increase in the number of civilians being killed. Trump portrayed himself as being notoriously against the actions of Bush/Obama etc in regards to foreign policy, but he's pretty much been no different in his own actions.

Plus as @Silva aptly pointed out unemployment's been falling for a good while. Trump himself doesn't really have any understanding of economics etc and so there's little reason to praise him for a continuing trend.
Why would anyone give him credit for eliminating ISIS? They were already long on the retreat before Trump came into power and it was pretty much a guarantee that their gradual defeat would continue in the post-Obama era.

It is worth noting that during Trump's reign there's been a marked increase in the number of civilians being killed. Trump portrayed himself as being notoriously against the actions of Bush/Obama etc in regards to foreign policy, but he's pretty much been no different in his own actions.

Plus as @Silva aptly pointed out unemployment's been falling for a good while. Trump himself doesn't really have any understanding of economics etc and so there's little reason to praise him for a continuing trend.

That's okay, then. Things were happening before Trump took office and he deserves no credit at all for their continued success. Great.

P.S. I thought CNN, the New York Times etc. all promised us nightmarish instability on all fronts if Trump became president?
P.S. I thought CNN, the New York Times etc. all promised us nightmarish instability on all fronts if Trump became president?
You mean things like the rise of the far right? Sure glad that turned out to be nothing!


His proposed tax cuts will also debilitate the US. Not to mention the horrific health proposals that nearly passed.
One of Trump's most vociferous campaign promises was the elimination of ISIS. They're almost wiped off the map now and there's areas in the Middle East completely liberated after four years of evil, tyrannical control.

But, you know, that's got nothing at all to do with him. :rolleyes:

(I'm not for one minute suggesting it's all down to him as that would be a moronic thing to claim, but I find it equally moronic the incessant urge to downplay everything success the Trump presidency experiences. The rabid hatred is doing nobody any favours, least of all the Democratic Party.)
One of Trump's most vociferous campaign promises was the elimination of ISIS. They're almost wiped off the map now and there's areas in the Middle East completely liberated after four years of evil, tyrannical control.

But, you know, that's got nothing at all to do with him. :rolleyes:

(I'm not for one minute suggesting it's all down to him as that would be a moronic thing to claim, but I find it equally moronic the incessant urge to downplay everything success the Trump presidency experiences. The rabid hatred is doing nobody any favours, least of all the Democratic Party.)
What's he actually done that's different from Obama on ISIS? The US foreign policy has been practically unchanged for decades. It's just been one huge sprawling operation creep. Maybe if he and his supporters actually said something to support their statements we wouldn't find them quite as moronic as they appear.
One of Trump's most vociferous campaign promises was the elimination of ISIS. They're almost wiped off the map now and there's areas in the Middle East completely liberated after four years of evil, tyrannical control.

But, you know, that's got nothing at all to do with him. :rolleyes:

(I'm not for one minute suggesting it's all down to him as that would be a moronic thing to claim, but I find it equally moronic the incessant urge to downplay everything success the Trump presidency experiences. The rabid hatred is doing nobody any favours, least of all the Democratic Party.)

It's hard to see what he's done that isn't a straight continuation of what was already in motion.

It might be easier to give him credit if he had not gone to Riyadh and allowed the red carpet treatment he received there to completely overturn the pre-election hostility he displayed towards the House of Saud.
You mean things like the rise of the far right? Sure glad that turned out to be nothing!


His proposed tax cuts will also debilitate the US.

There's been an equally distasteful rise of the far left. Antifa riots and associated destruction have been plaguing many appearances in cities across the U.S. (and beyond).

As for the tax cuts, your argument is up for debate and dependent entirely on your own interpretation. The American populace, being citizens of a 'free' country, should not accept the Government's claim to their own money to use as the Government sees fit. Not to mention the correlation between high tax rates and the discouragement to work and invest, two key components of what makes an economy prosper.
There's been an equally distasteful rise of the far left. Antifa riots and associated destruction have been plaguing many appearances in cities across the U.S. (and beyond).

As for the tax cuts, your argument is up for debate and dependent entirely on your own interpretation. The American populace, being citizens of a 'free' country, should not accept the Government's claim to their own money to use as the Government sees fit. Not to mention the correlation between high tax rates and the discouragement to work and invest, two key components of what makes an economy prosper.
Okay, got it, you're stupid an Ayn Rand wannabe.
What's he actually done that's different from Obama on ISIS? The US foreign policy has been practically unchanged for decades. It's just been one huge sprawling operation creep. Maybe if he and his supporters actually said something to support their statements we wouldn't find them quite as moronic as they appear.

Why does he have to have done something differently to Obama to merit your praise? Shouldn't stabilisation and a continuation of decades-old foreign policy be enough? As I said, he's not the sole reason why ISIS were defeated, but the ignominious silence on the matter just because it's under the Trump administration is counter-productive in the long run, for me.
Why does he have to have done something differently to Obama to merit your praise? Shouldn't stabilisation and a continuation of decades-old foreign policy be enough? As I said, he's not the sole reason why ISIS were defeated, but the ignominious silence on the matter just because it's under the Trump administration is counter-productive in the long run, for me.
What the feck are you talking about? Ignominious silence? No one was giving Obama credit for ISIS slow retreat either, quite the opposite. The US role in the conflict has been largely criticised by anyone with half a braincell. The only people giving Obama credit are Obama sycophants, and the only people giving Trump credit are Trump sycophants.
Why does he have to have done something differently to Obama to merit your praise? Shouldn't stabilisation and a continuation of decades-old foreign policy be enough? As I said, he's not the sole reason why ISIS were defeated, but the ignominious silence on the matter just because it's under the Trump administration is counter-productive in the long run, for me.

If he deserves praise for the elimination of ISIS then there's surely got to be an element of his foreign policy which differs from Obama that means we can give him that praise? Otherwise it's not particularly praiseworthy because he's doing something any President would've done.

I'd perhaps be more willing to praise him if he demonstrated an even basic understanding of foreign policy. His decision to attack Assad's regime back in around April after he chemically gassed civilians was bizarre, because he'd previously seemed to be fairly pro-Assad...when Assad had already gassed his civilians in the past.

I'm not sure there's really any merit in praising Trump for this. What's he done to affect the process in particular that no one else would have done?
What the feck are you talking about? Ignominious silence? No one was giving Obama credit for ISIS slow retreat either, quite the opposite. The US role in the conflict has been largely criticised by anyone with half a braincell. The only people giving Obama credit are Obama sycophants, and the only people giving Trump credit are Trump sycophants.

Not to mention that Russia's bombing of Aleppo was massively responsible for ISIS' retreat as well. It's hardly been a solely US thing.
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