The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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One of Trump's most vociferous campaign promises was the elimination of ISIS. They're almost wiped off the map now and there's areas in the Middle East completely liberated after four years of evil, tyrannical control.

But, you know, that's got nothing at all to do with him. :rolleyes:

(I'm not for one minute suggesting it's all down to him as that would be a moronic thing to claim, but I find it equally moronic the incessant urge to downplay everything success the Trump presidency experiences. The rabid hatred is doing nobody any favours, least of all the Democratic Party.)

It's comments like these that make Americans look stupid. Trump's done NOTHING different than what Obama did over the past 5 years as it pertains to ISIS. All he's done is took off the Obama name tag and put his name on it...Just like his Trump steaks, ties and suits. If you think Trump, a draft dodger and a guy who's a serial liar actually HAD a plan for ISIS other than bomb, bomb, bomb, then obviously your thought kidney has been damaged by the Trump Kool-aid.
He's also got brain cancer and will die in a few months. Not sure why he still has all these responsibilities, dude should be in a hospital somewhere.

The only reason keeping him going is to avoid some tea party nutter on Bannon's dick claiming that senate seat in his stead.
I'm not on about me. I'm highlighting 2016/2017 in a nutshell: contrasting opinions are shouted down and people are labelled all sorts of horrible things for having the temerity to have a differing opinion. If this is the future of the 'progressive' movement, we are in for one hell of a rude awakening in the next election.

Here's the thing. If you quack like a duck and walk like a duck and want people to call you a snake then something is obviously wrong with everyone else...right? These alt-right people or whatever they wanna call themselves hate when people call them racist but come on...they need to embrace it. They talk racist, act racist and try to influence others in the name of "Nationalism". When they're called racists, they hate it..."Call me alt-right!". Having a differing opinion is okay as long as your opinion can be based on some sort of evidence or fact. As far as I can see since Trump got elected, America's true colours are as clear as day for the world to see. It's great seeing the so-called greatest nation on earth regress itself.
One of Trump's most vociferous campaign promises was the elimination of ISIS. They're almost wiped off the map now and there's areas in the Middle East completely liberated after four years of evil, tyrannical control.

Do you also reference Rashford as proof that Mourinho is great at finding academy prospects?
U.S. senators said on Sunday the White House has not been forthcoming with details about the military's presence in Niger after the deaths of four soldiers there earlier this month and they want more answers on U.S. operations in the west African country.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer said in separate interviews that they support Republican Senator John McCain's effort to get answers from the Pentagon on the ambush and more broadly on the U.S. fight against ISIS in Niger.

"I didn't know there was 1,000 troops in Niger," Graham said on NBC's Meet the Press. "This is an endless war without boundaries and no limitation on time and geography," he added. "You've got to tell us more and he [McCain] is right to say that."

I follow US news and I didn't know/remember this story, and it seems, neither did the senate!
Amusing how Trump supporters are getting excited over this news. They've been engaged in a smear campaign against Mueller since he was appointed and have been yapping on about how he's part of the deep state.
I just seen this quote:

"My entire life, I've watched politicians bragging about how poor they are, how they came from nothing, how poor their parents and grandparents were. And I said to myself, if they can stay so poor for so many generations, maybe this isn't the kind of person we want to be electing to higher office. How smart can they be? They're morons."

He just (some time ago) called a majority of people who voted for him morons...
I just seen this quote:

"My entire life, I've watched politicians bragging about how poor they are, how they came from nothing, how poor their parents and grandparents were. And I said to myself, if they can stay so poor for so many generations, maybe this isn't the kind of person we want to be electing to higher office. How smart can they be? They're morons."

He just (some time ago) called a majority of people who voted for him morons...
Disdain for the poor has long been a central theme for the GOP.
Trump somehow further proves each week that he can make a bigger mistake than the previous week, Praises himself over Puerto Rico and then get's caught out by people actually living there and then gets a in a Twitter spat with a bloody Gold Star Family, i mean i'm sure a Widow of a honourable brave solider really expected to get caught up having a row with the President of the United States on bloody Twitter, when will James Cameron get on with raising that bar?
He also did it in multiple televised campaign speeches. It's beyond doubt that they're dumb as shit.

Extremely. My aunt shared a post from the Rowdy Republican calling for Congresswoman Wilson to resign because she "disgraced Congress by listening to a private call from President Trump to a grieving military widow."

They're just lemmings headed towards the cliff. Better yet, they've jumped and are attempting to stay afloat.
Another article on Sinclair Broadcast Group. What is the ultimate goal for this group? Direct ear to the POTUS? Unlimited political power? Profits?

--Experts believe the FCC will approve the merger, despite critics on the left and right who argue the deal will give Sinclair far more reach into American households than the law allows.

But under the leadership of Ajit Pai, a Republican who joined the commission in 2012 and whom Trump elevated to chairman, the FCC has seemingly gone out of its way to grease the wheels for the Sinclair-Tribune merger, reinstating a rule from the Reagan era that could help the company avoid limits on media consolidation. “The FCC is gaming the rules to directly benefit Sinclair,” says Craig Aaron, the president of the public interest group Free Press.

If the merger is approved, Sinclair’s broadcasts will reach 72 percent of all households.--
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