The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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'The truth about Mothman! Coming soon on Prez TV!'
Eh, just looked it up. They are due to be released this year anyway, he’s just trying to own it.

Long video. Does this include Kelly saying Congresswoman Wilson is an empty barrel referencing her speech opening the new FBI building. MSNBC just showed him saying that she made the speech all about her and ignored the fallen FBI officers. MSNBC followed by showing the entire video of her speech. He outright lied about her. Her speech was lovely and I'm struggling to see where she claimed the new building was down to her. She praised Rubio etc instead! Sanders has since doubled down. Absolutely disgusting.
Yeah she says that she wasn't even in congress when it was funded so why would she have claimed the funding was down to her.
Daddy Bush was involved in killing JFK. Hillary Clinton voted for the Iraq War supporting Bush Jr....collusion? Lock her up!
'Turns out MLK shot JFK. Who knew?'
Infuriating. I can’t figure out if it’s the GOP protecting their reputation or if the corruption runs deep and others are implicated.

Its pathetic. You would think the GOP would want credible investigations into the Russia probe, as that would then give them a chance to turn round and say they did everything they could in their power to see what was going on and to help protect the US during the next elections as the Russians will be up to their old tricks again.
"You know, that's an original Renoir," the author said Mr Trump had told him, adding that the property tycoon repeated the claim the following day.

"Donald, it's not," he recalled telling Trump. "I grew up in Chicago, that Renoir is called Two Sisters on the Terrace, and it's hanging on a wall at the Art Institute of Chicago.

"That's not an original."
Why is the JFK files being released such a big deal? All the incriminating or juicy details will be redacted, so people are getting excited over what will be a damp squib.
Why is the JFK files being released such a big deal? All the incriminating or juicy details will be redacted, so people are getting excited over what will be a damp squib.

Many people aren't aware of the redaction so they get hyped up into a frenzy.
Trump supporters are generally unaware of anything so whatever gets put out there on "that thar interweb" will be taken as Gospel then Trump will be praised and revered as an all action hero/god.
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