The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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September 11th????

As a bit of a lamen with that language, what does this mean?

It gives the secretary of defense the right to call into service any retired service member or suspend retirements of current service members. Usually a war time or emergency move.

Remember the meeting two weeks ago where he said it was the calm before the storm? This looks like the harbinger of storm.
It gives the secretary of defense the right to call into service any retired service member or suspend retirements of current service members. Usually a war time or emergency move.

Remember the meeting two weeks ago where he said it was the calm before the storm? This looks like the harbinger of storm.

What the feck is he going to do like!!

Surely to any of these nations in his crosshairs, this will feel like a clear signal of intent. They're not as dumb as he is.
Niger is a different country.
There was a story not long ago that US are building a Drone base in Niger. Soon they will have drones all over the World ready to kill anyone at any time at the president's will. Without need to present anything to a court.
I know Niger is a different country. (I'm Nigerian)
There were reports that the US had a prescence in Niger as far back as early 2016. I assume it's the same operation.
Really damning stuff. Needs to be more attention on this. Considering they're the best and most well-equipped military in the world, stuff like this just shouldn't be happening.

Like I said, I think her narrative and points of criticism are about as justified as the Republicans and Benghazi (not much).

7 Our soldiers were not backed up by US Military air support- backed up by the French, who were not authorized to intervene or even fire Not every mission has air support, especially this profile

8 Our soldiers did not have armored vehicles. They traveled in pickup trucks. First SF in Afghanistan in late 2001 rode in on horseback. SF and SOF using pickups and other unconventional forms of transport is common.

9 "it was unlikely that they would meet any hostile forces." Of course, they walked into an ISIS ambush-chaotic and they took three lives That's just a fallacy. It was unlikely that the orange buffoon would win the presidency, and now that he did it doesn't mean the probability assessment was incorrect.

12 Finally, a rescue helicopter arrived, but it was not a US military helicopter.
13 No, we apparently outsourced that job to “private contractors.”
I'm gonna guess it was the closest helicopter around that would go (might also ask why the French seemed so tied down). Same as how in Benghazi they were finally relieved by a militia that someone in the CIA cooked up (probably paid). I don't imagine the guys caught up in the ambush minded that much.

15 Because they were not military, they never did a head count. That is how Sgt. La David Johnson was left behind. It is most certainly not up to the helicopter crew to do the head count, that is still the job of the SF Team leader. Either they fecked up, or they had already lost contact with La David when they evacuated. Might have even presumed he was already dead. Similar thing happened at so-called Robert's Ridge in Afghanistan 2002.
Niger is a different country.
There was a story not long ago that US are building a Drone base in Niger. Soon they will have drones all over the World ready to kill anyone at any time at the president's will. Without need to present anything to a court.

Makes perfect sense to build your drone bases within striking distance of where the terrorists are operating. There are more than few groups operating in the Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso areas, and obviously far more in eastern Africa.
I agree. But don't nullify Puerto Rico.
I have family there and in Vegas and in California

In no way did I mean to have my message come across like that, sorry about that. I was just accepting your correction of my estimate - no offence meant.
The French maintained support for their causes over there but I highly doubt they would authorise force in a situation that doesn't affect them in the slightest.

Can't wait for Trey Gowdy to grill Trump for 12 hours a day on national television.
If the French were not authorized to intervene, as she mentioned, to know why so.

But actually I'm probably contradicting myself there. She's not a credible source. French media are reporting that the French forces were actively engaged in the rescue.
(are you familiar by any chance?)

The French army allegedly came to their rescue, they sent helicopters and Mirages. I don't know much about it though.
It's beyond mental that he's gearing up for war, and we don't even know which countries is in his crosshairs.
"For a start, I know that it's now called Pro Evo."
As much as the Republicans deserve some payback for that Benghazi shit they pulled, what's most true in my opinion is something that was stated by a 3 or 4 star General who had to testify to Congress in that inquiry:

Broadly speaking and excluding the eastern horn, Africa is probably the place on the globe where the US military would take the longest to deploy any kind of force in quick reaction. The Air Force has nothing on the continent, carriers don't patrol around either of the coasts since its not strategically important. The reason why the SF ODA had no air cover and there was no QRF is pretty much the same as Benghazi.

This will happen again, unfortunately.

USAF does have a noticeable presence on the continent. Not all out bases like in the States and elsewhere but they do have forces including special ops, surveillance ops, etc. In fact, the USAF and other forces are located at an air base in Niamey, Niger, with expansion to Agadez as well. USAF and other spec ops have been performing missions in Niger for years. One problem being the distances, amongst many other things.
I know Niger is a different country. (I'm Nigerian)
There were reports that the US had a prescence in Niger as far back as early 2016. I assume it's the same operation.

We've been there longer. I was at SOCAFRICA in 2015 and know of ops ongoing in Niger back then.
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This clown keeps going lower and lower.
Trump launches petition in latest attack on NFL national anthem protests

“The President has asked for a list of supporters who stand for the National Anthem. Add your name below to show your patriotism and support,” the petition reads, asking people to put in their name, email, and zip code into a GOP-branded website.

The petition is issued by the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a fundraising organization for Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

So Kelly lied.

Long video. Does this include Kelly saying Congresswoman Wilson is an empty barrel referencing her speech opening the new FBI building. MSNBC just showed him saying that she made the speech all about her and ignored the fallen FBI officers. MSNBC followed by showing the entire video of her speech. He outright lied about her. Her speech was lovely and I'm struggling to see where she claimed the new building was down to her. She praised Rubio etc instead! Sanders has since doubled down. Absolutely disgusting.
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