The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This is the person reading intelligence reports and taking actions as the commander in chief. Somehow that doesn't sink in.
Kelly's press briefing yesterday. Wow. Very moving. Really went after Americans in general, that congresswoman, and Trump.

"...they volunteer to protect our country when there's nothing in our country anymore that seems to suggest that selfless service is not only appropriate, but required... but that's alright".

Interesting stuff on last night's Maddow that could explain why Trump has refused to speak about the Niger ambush. Apparently Chad's anti-terrorism forces pulled out of Niger days before the ambush as a response to being inexplicably put on the latest iteration of the travel ban. If that's true then the Dems have their Benghazi.
I saw this on Twitter:
I saw this on Twitter:

That's the thing with this presidency. As disgusting and absurd as it sounds, nothing would really surprise you. While I haven't seen the Rachel piece and don't know if it's true, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Trump was willing to risk his own troops in order to further his own agenda or satisfy his corporate friends.
WTF is he on about now? :confused:

Edit: So it's about this report which doesn't seem to mention radical islamic terror at all.

Our increase in crime has very little to do with Islam. It has a lot to do with young people literally believing they can literally get away with murder. Knife crime in the west midlands has gotten out of control over the last 12 months for example.

There was a man killed at a charity boxing match in my home town. I am 99.99% certain that the man responsible was white and either christian or held no religious belief.
WTF is he on about now? :confused:

Edit: So it's about this report which doesn't seem to mention radical islamic terror at all.

Does he realise that quotation marks imply that you are copying something verbatim? Literally nobody but him has suggested that the increase is to do with the spread of radical Islam.
Or those murdered during Saddam's regime. Two can play that game.

Sounds like Trumpesque whataboutism to me.

Both Saddam and Bush were murderous tyrants. I don't see why condemning both needs to be a mutually exclusive thing considering they both piled heaps of suffering upon the Iraqi people.
Both Saddam and Bush were murderous tyrants. I don't see why condemning both needs to be a mutually exclusive thing considering they both piled heaps of suffering upon the Iraqi people.

Ok so you agree that pre-2003 Iraq wasn't exactly a bucolic scene of Julie Andrews dancing in the hills to the Sound of Music. With Democracy and better governance within reach today, I'm guessing no one is fondly harking back to return to living under Saddam.
Ok so you agree that pre-2003 Iraq wasn't exactly a bucolic scene of Julie Andrews dancing in the hills to the Sound of Music. With Democracy and better governance within reach today, I'm guessing no one is fondly harking back to return to living under Saddam.

Nice deflection. I never claimed it was a utopia and I've always hated Saddam.

Your 'get over it' comment is what I found extremely tasteless when referring to a war that led to a million dead. Its pretty much the equivalent of "But her emails!".
I think it's amazing that the only reason the public* knows US troops are in Niger are because some of them were killed. Without those deaths, this mission (which I still haven't seen much about), and the presence of troops there, would be unknown. It's frightening how omnipresent the US military is.

*at least the part of it that watches the news.
WTF is he on about now? :confused:

Edit: So it's about this report which doesn't seem to mention radical islamic terror at all.

No mention of radical islamic terror +

Anti-Muslim hate crimes increase fivefold since London Bridge attacks
Spike in reported incidents to 54 a day is greater than after Manchester atrocity and includes abusive calls and verbal attacks in public

It can't be both ways (increase both because of radical islam and Antti-muslim hate crime. people won't read past his tweet. he doesn't even care about the harm he is doing with his tweets.
I'm sure it will, came across a decent twitter thread summary of what we know so far and it's fairly damning stuff already.

As much as the Republicans deserve some payback for that Benghazi shit they pulled, what's most true in my opinion is something that was stated by a 3 or 4 star General who had to testify to Congress in that inquiry:

Broadly speaking and excluding the eastern horn, Africa is probably the place on the globe where the US military would take the longest to deploy any kind of force in quick reaction. The Air Force has nothing on the continent, carriers don't patrol around either of the coasts since its not strategically important. The reason why the SF ODA had no air cover and there was no QRF is pretty much the same as Benghazi.

This will happen again, unfortunately.
I'm sure it will, came across a decent twitter thread summary of what we know so far and it's fairly damning stuff already.

Really damning stuff. Needs to be more attention on this. Considering they're the best and most well-equipped military in the world, stuff like this just shouldn't be happening.
I read somewhere more people died in Las Vegas shooting than in UK terror attacks this decade.
I think it's amazing that the only reason the public* knows US troops are in Niger are because some of them were killed. Without those deaths, this mission (which I still haven't seen much about), and the presence of troops there, would be unknown. It's frightening how omnipresent the US military is.

*at least the part of it that watches the news.
Are you sure the public didn't know?
Nigerians have known that American troops were in Nigeria as far back as last year.
But we were told it was strictly non-combat.
Are you sure the public didn't know?
Nigerians have known that American troops were in Nigeria as far back as last year.
But we were told it was strictly non-combat.
Niger is a different country.
There was a story not long ago that US are building a Drone base in Niger. Soon they will have drones all over the World ready to kill anyone at any time at the president's will. Without need to present anything to a court.
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