The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Imagine if he really did?

He's seemed like the most reserved President ever and he's generally a classy bloke. It'd be fecking incredible and brilliant if he just utterly went to town on the dumpster fire that is Trump.

I know. Bush just did. Come on Obama.

He'll probably classy as usual and to be honest that's why he was so good.
Great timing from Bush considering Trump's tweets earlier today maintain Fusion GPS, the Russian dossier fabricators, are all pleading the Fifth in that investigation.

It truly is a time of conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.

Yep. Also when Trump's tweets get this unhinged its a sure sign he desperately wants to change the topic from something that's currently dominating the news cycle.
Trump apparently took the unusual step of personally interviewing Preet Bharara's replacement, which is odd given that whoever takes the job will likely have to investigate the Trump businesses in NY.

@Il Prete Rosso

After replying to you, I googled her name and found this:

This was what I was talking about with Barbara Lee. The vote was 420-1. She was the one. Everyone in the 420, including Bernie, bears some responsibility for the endless war on terror.
We'll find out how 'unhinged' they are soon enough. The noose is tightening on Clinton all the while...

Trump's tweets are always unhinged tbf. Even if there's an element of truth in current allegations against Bush, Clinton etc, I doubt Trump's looked into any evidence himself, and I doubt he'd have an even basic understanding of the situation involved considering his lack of political nous. Likely just opportunism from him.
@Il Prete Rosso

After replying to you, I googled her name and found this:

This was what I was talking about with Barbara Lee. The vote was 420-1. She was the one. Everyone in the 420, including Bernie, bears some responsibility for the endless war on terror.

The war on terror would exist irrespective of the Iraq invasion.
The war on terror would exist irrespective of the Iraq invasion.

Indeed. This was about the AUMF, passed right after 9/11 and renewed periodically since, which has led to a de-facto permanent war against any number of countries, at the president's discretion. She could see this danger through the fog of 9/11.
I'm not alone in thinking BOTH Clinton and Trump are horrible crooked cnuts am I?

I believe Trump when he bangs on about crooked Hillary and I'm not quite sure why other than a serious dislike of her, even if it's nowhere near the dislike I have for Donny boy.
I'm not alone in thinking BOTH Clinton and Trump are horrible crooked cnuts am I?

I believe Trump when he bangs on about crooked Hillary and I'm not quite sure why other than a serious dislike of her, even if it's nowhere near the dislike I have for Donny boy.

Oh yeah Clinton's undoubtedly a dodgy, dodgy character, but Trump's opposition to her was always more because she stood in his way rather than anything else. He'd been mates with the Clinton's for years beforehand and has spent most of his life associating with elite types and trying to intermingle with them.

He never demonstrated a real understanding of anything she'd been accused off, and if nothing else she had a modicum of political competence along with a ton of experience, compared to him having none.
I'm off the opinion that the whole lot of them are dodgy. I mean you can only get so far in politics without greasing a few palms and passing off a few brown envelopes. Cynical I know....

It's a question of how dodgy are they? What are they in it for? Do they have an altruistic agenda (but will try to achieve it by dodgy means)? or are they trying to attain power? wealth? Are they just cnuts?
It's insinuated that Hillary is at the heart of it all and I honestly find that hard to disbelieve.
I'm off the opinion that the whole lot of them are dodgy. I mean you can only get so far in politics without greasing a few palms and passing off a few brown envelopes. Cynical I know....

It's a question of how dodgy are they? What are they in it for? Do they have an altruistic agenda (but will try to achieve it by dodgy means)? or are they trying to attain power? wealth? Are they just cnuts?
It has to be a power thing, look at how much it costs to get elected, or maybe just lose.
The swamp/deep state/general Washington D.C. powerplay politics.

Quite possibly the only truth Donald Trump has ever, ever told is that Hillary is crooked and in a big way.

(Note - Trump is still far, far, far worse)
Maybe... I haven't seen anything to convince me but sure, it's possible.

It has to be a power thing, look at how much it costs to get elected, or maybe just lose.
Primarily yeah, power and wealth.
Of course they did, loads of people did.

The heart of what?

Maybe at the start because he was a one term senator. Obama was both scrutinized and had his life threatened more than any other President because of his skin colour. But as a statesman and a politician he actually knew his job and understood governence unlike this festering bag of cheese curds.
Ah lil prezzie Bush, Him and his Doting War Mongering Father should be locked up along with Tony Blair as a personal lapdog... Bush might very well appear all cuddly and loveable in his older age but lest we forget all the shanzaggens his Administration had done, Dick Cheney anyone? Everything that is currently going on in the world is mostly directly or just about indirectly related to Bush & Blair's time in office and even back in Bush Snr's role in the Middle East that was a prelude to Bush Jnr fight.

Still... he made some good points which was obviously a reference to Trump, however he is definitely the definition of the lesser of two evils in regards to them both,
If the choice was between Bush and Trump (and suicide wasn't allowed) I think I'd have to opt for Bush.

I mean, the man's an idiot, but Trump is a deranged idiot.
Ah lil prezzie Bush, Him and his Doting War Mongering Father should be locked up along with Tony Blair as a personal lapdog... Bush might very well appear all cuddly and loveable in his older age but lest we forget all the shanzaggens his Administration had done, Dick Cheney anyone? Everything that is currently going on in the world is mostly directly or just about indirectly related to Bush & Blair's time in office and even back in Bush Snr's role in the Middle East that was a prelude to Bush Jnr fight.

Still... he made some good points which was obviously a reference to Trump, however he is definitely the definition of the lesser of two evils in regards to them both,
I'm not sure if I hate Trump or him most. I'm still disgusted in myself that I liked him early on.

:rolleyes: Obviously.

What the actual feck?

Worse than Katrina? 1,836 people died in Katrina, this hurricane took the lives of around 16 people.

Nobody's ever heard of a category 5 hitting land? Hurricane Andrew was category 5 in '92.

This guy literally makes shit up in front of everyone and they just fecking nod and look at the camera. Why is nobody calling his ass out on this bullshit?
What the actual feck?

Worse than Katrina? 1,836 people died in Katrina, this hurricane took the lives of around 16 people.

Nobody's ever heard of a category 5 hitting land? Hurricane Andrew was category 5 in '92.

This guy literally makes shit up in front of everyone and they just fecking nod and look at the camera. Why is nobody calling his ass out on this bullshit?

This guy values his job over truth. Maybe we all do. But you're wrong there's 46 dead last I heard. The issue is more about the lack of government action. They've done the bare minimum.
This guy values his job over truth. Maybe we all do. But you're wrong there's 46 dead last I heard. The issue is more about the lack of government action. They've done the bare minimum.
OK well 46 dead. The damage in billions of dollars will pale in comparison with Katrina. Will this hurricane have over $100 billion in damage costs? I doubt it.

He makes it out like he's some godlike saviour when all he did was chuck kitchen roll out to a crowd. Total prick.
OK well 46 dead. The damage in billions of dollars will pale in comparison with Katrina. Will this hurricane have over $100 billion in damage costs? I doubt it.

He makes it out like he's some godlike saviour when all he did was chuck kitchen roll out to a crowd. Total prick.

I agree. But don't nullify Puerto Rico.
I have family there and in Vegas and in California
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What the actual feck?

Worse than Katrina? 1,836 people died in Katrina, this hurricane took the lives of around 16 people.

Nobody's ever heard of a category 5 hitting land? Hurricane Andrew was category 5 in '92.

This guy literally makes shit up in front of everyone and they just fecking nod and look at the camera. Why is nobody calling his ass out on this bullshit?

This is what I can't understand. It has just become expected and accepted that he lies.

Clinton was not impeached because he had an affair, but because he lied to the American people.

Trump can just get away with lie after lie and not enough people are doing enough about it.

Quadruple down Don, ffs!

His names are getting sillier "Big ratings getter Hannity" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
"Wacky Wilson" will stick though.

All in all it's a 5/10 for me.
Ah lil prezzie Bush, Him and his Doting War Mongering Father should be locked up along with Tony Blair as a personal lapdog... Bush might very well appear all cuddly and loveable in his older age but lest we forget all the shanzaggens his Administration had done, Dick Cheney anyone? Everything that is currently going on in the world is mostly directly or just about indirectly related to Bush & Blair's time in office and even back in Bush Snr's role in the Middle East that was a prelude to Bush Jnr fight.

Still... he made some good points which was obviously a reference to Trump, however he is definitely the definition of the lesser of two evils in regards to them both,
W wasn't that bright, but he wasn't downright evil. He was led around by the real evil; Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al. Trump is downright evil in comparison to his counterpart.

But back to the matter at hand, I'm just getting caught up on the most recent firestorm about soldiers' families...he is simply incapable of even token sympathy towards another human.

I would question his strategy of insulting two of the most American of all institutions, the NFL and the US military, but knowing he's incapable of strategic thinking it'd be a waste of time. Hell, he insulted the honor of US troops' service while simultaneously still pretending to be outraged over the kneeling during the anthem, which is a contradiction in terms.
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Interesting stuff on last night's Maddow that could explain why Trump has refused to speak about the Niger ambush. Apparently Chad's anti-terrorism forces pulled out of Niger days before the ambush as a response to being inexplicably put on the latest iteration of the travel ban. If that's true then the Dems have their Benghazi.
WTF is he on about now? :confused:

Edit: So it's about this report which doesn't seem to mention radical islamic terror at all.
WTF is he on about now? :confused:

Edit: So it's about this report which doesn't seem to mention radical islamic terror at all.

Is it me, or are his tweets/lies getting worse (since his election)? Following this to it's natural conclusion, how long can this really go on for?
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