The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What exactly is the 20% Uranium story then? I'm really out of the loop with that one.

Also the voicemail for Forbes, fecking hell. Just seriously, fecking hell.
Obama to speak later today. I hope he unleashes.

Imagine if he really did?

He's seemed like the most reserved President ever and he's generally a classy bloke. It'd be fecking incredible and brilliant if he just utterly went to town on the dumpster fire that is Trump.
There's a good bit of Bush-love going around this forum lately.

Probably just on virtue of the fact he comes out well in comparison to Trump. Not necessarily a good thing, but sort of understandable.
Probably just on virtue of the fact he comes out well in comparison to Trump. Not necessarily a good thing, but sort of understandable.

That's precisely what it is. People complaining about Dubya will be nostalgic for him and Cheney before these four years are up
That’s because however dumb and mislead he was, he at least thought it was for the best of the country, even if we all agree he was wrong. Also, as a private person, he’s just a pretty decent human being.

Oh well in that case...
As crazy as it sounds, the world wasn't this nervous when he was President. He wasn't the brightest guy in the room but no one questioned his ability to actually perform the job as President.

Iraq is a bigger catastrophe than anything Trump has done so far.
Bush comes out well compared to nobody. A mass murderer.

I'm not suggesting he does. I'm just saying that compared to Trump a lot of people will perceive him in a somewhat positive light.
As crazy as it sounds, the world wasn't this nervous when he was President. He wasn't the brightest guy in the room but no one questioned his ability to actually perform the job as President.

Well we certainly questioned his ability to do the job well. Or okayish. Or without being a complete disaster. Sadly he confirmed all doubts. Worst president in my life-time by far and I don't expect to see another disaster on the scale of Iraq again.
That's still to be determined.

No, there is nothing Trump has done so far that compared to Iraq. And much of the power he now has in terms of indefinite war and surveillance can be laid at the feet of politicians starting from 2001-today. Barbara Lee is the only one who is innocent wrt granting the president the power to wage eternal war.
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