The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Sooo, when you went looking for a source, with the vastness of the internet before you, the tone of that language didn't make you suspicious at all?

Fine, fine.

Regardless, whether it is all true or not, I dont agree with that, as well as Republican's idea of banning the "Cap, pill and the morning after pill". That's all.

I agree, it is not as black and white. Someone very dear to me in my life also had to do an abortion, because of health issues, that I agree. Based on the quote, it seems to me abortions are still possible, especially for the "cases of rape, incest or life-threatening situations".

If the current GOP really does indeed ban such things (Cap, pill or the morning after pill), I think that is wrong as well.

Basically, I am for abortions for cases like above. Not to abortions to kill the babies and sell their organs for money/profit. I am for adoptions as they are many out there that would love to adopt the 'unwanted' babies. Just ask Angelina Jolie. (Joking aside, the babies should be given the option to live or not as well, right?)

I'm sorry, but who are for abortions that kill babies in order to sell their organs? I've never heard of that.
I'm sorry, but who are for abortions that kill babies in order to sell their organs? I've never heard of that.
It may be true, it may be false. Take it with grain of salt, so to speak.

On the left side, Democrat, they have Planned Parenthood (PP). On the right, Republican, they have Pro Life (PL). On face value, PP is for women's rights for abortions, and PL is against it, but there are more than just that basically. Having said that, the more I read, or gain info from hearsay (again take my resources with pinch of salt), PP's real agenda is for mass abortions, for all reasons and not only because of health-related issues, rape and whatnots.

Hence, PL is created to fight that, the mass abortions so that the organs would be sold for reasons I am not sure yet, but rumours of cosmetics (make ups, face cream) and even for food ingredients (disgusting!). PL fight so the 'unwanted' babies could be adopted.

Again, I am not against abortion, nor I advocate/support banning of contraceptions. I just find the idea of cutting up babies (that has formed into complete human already, not the alien looking fetus stage) is inhuman. That is all.

Again, up to you to do your own research and find your own truth. :)
It may be true, it may be false. Take it with grain of salt, so to speak.

On the left side, Democrat, they have Planned Parenthood (PP). On the right, Republican, they have Pro Life (PL). On face value, PP is for women's rights for abortions, and PL is against it, but there are more than just that basically. Having said that, the more I read, or gain info from hearsay (again take my resources with pinch of salt), PP's real agenda is for mass abortions, for all reasons and not only because of health-related issues, rape and whatnots.

Hence, PL is created to fight that, the mass abortions so that the organs would be sold for reasons I am not sure yet, but rumours of cosmetics (make ups, face cream) and even for food ingredients (disgusting!). PL fight so the 'unwanted' babies could be adopted.

Again, I am not against abortion, nor I advocate/support banning of contraceptions. I just find the idea of cutting up babies (that has formed into complete human already, not the alien looking fetus stage) is inhuman. That is all.

Again, up to you to do your own research and find your own truth. :)
Is there a level of ignorance that warrants reporting? Cause I fear he means well but this is pretty offensive.
It may be true, it may be false. Take it with grain of salt, so to speak.

On the left side, Democrat, they have Planned Parenthood (PP). On the right, Republican, they have Pro Life (PL). On face value, PP is for women's rights for abortions, and PL is against it, but there are more than just that basically. Having said that, the more I read, or gain info from hearsay (again take my resources with pinch of salt), PP's real agenda is for mass abortions, for all reasons and not only because of health-related issues, rape and whatnots.

Hence, PL is created to fight that, the mass abortions so that the organs would be sold for reasons I am not sure yet, but rumours of cosmetics (make ups, face cream) and even for food ingredients (disgusting!). PL fight so the 'unwanted' babies could be adopted.

Again, I am not against abortion, nor I advocate/support banning of contraceptions. I just find the idea of cutting up babies (that has formed into complete human already, not the alien looking fetus stage) is inhuman. That is all.

Again, up to you to do your own research and find your own truth. :)

This comes across as completely bat shit crazy..

Do you have a source saying aborted babies are used in the development of cosmetics, or am I missing something here?
It may be true, it may be false. Take it with grain of salt, so to speak.

On the left side, Democrat, they have Planned Parenthood (PP). On the right, Republican, they have Pro Life (PL). On face value, PP is for women's rights for abortions, and PL is against it, but there are more than just that basically. Having said that, the more I read, or gain info from hearsay (again take my resources with pinch of salt), PP's real agenda is for mass abortions, for all reasons and not only because of health-related issues, rape and whatnots.

Hence, PL is created to fight that, the mass abortions so that the organs would be sold for reasons I am not sure yet, but rumours of cosmetics (make ups, face cream) and even for food ingredients (disgusting!). PL fight so the 'unwanted' babies could be adopted.

Again, I am not against abortion, nor I advocate/support banning of contraceptions. I just find the idea of cutting up babies (that has formed into complete human already, not the alien looking fetus stage) is inhuman. That is all.

Again, up to you to do your own research and find your own truth. :)

The more you read and hear something from someone, the more you think Planned Parenthoods real agenda is to have mass abortions and make cosmetics and food out of the dead babies? Are you for real?

Where do you read this crap and hear these rumors?
Let's face it... No woman goes for abortion just for fun... And even if one would, that for sure is nobody that should carry a baby or be mother.

Being pro life for me would imply to take care of the living kids and mothers first, about their social conditions and life after the birth. But that simply is not the case. That for sure would get a lot women off the idea of abortion.

I think it is ok like it is in Germany. Abortions can be made without medical reasons the first 3 months after the consultation with agencies that tell you about support mothers can get. With medical reasons it can be made later, too.

Sorry, but I do not think the decision should be that of the man. If you want to have kids find yourself a woman that wants to have kids with you.

I was a single mother without the support of his father but with the help of my family. It was fine as it worked out but for sure not like I would have liked to bring up a kid. Every kid should have the right to grow up with a mom that wants it. My son was not planned but after it happened I had the choice and wanted him. I knew I would be on my own.
This comes across as completely bat shit crazy..

Do you have a source saying aborted babies are used in the development of cosmetics, or am I missing something here?

I know, right? It is batshit crazy! I did put a source, and again, real or fake, take it as how you want it in previous posts.

The more you read and hear something from someone, the more you think Planned Parenthoods real agenda is to have mass abortions and make cosmetics and food out of the dead babies? Are you for real?

Where do you read this crap and hear these rumors?

First, I heard from a friend of mine who is a NYer. After I heard from him, I tried to look around the internet (I know, everything on internet is real, right?)

AGAIN, fake or real, up to you to decide. That is all.
Let's face it... No woman goes for abortion just for fun... And even if one would, that for sure is nobody that should carry a baby or be mother.

Being pro life for me would imply to take care of the living kids and mothers first, about their social conditions and life after the birth. But that simply is not the case. That for sure would get a lot women off the idea of abortion.

I think it is ok like it is in Germany. Abortions can be made without medical reasons the first 3 months after the consultation with agencies that tell you about support mothers can get. With medical reasons it can be made later, too.

Sorry, but I do not think the decision should be that of the man. If you want to have kids find yourself a woman that wants to have kids with you.

I was a single mother without the support of his father but with the help of my family. It was fine as it worked out but for sure not like I would have liked to bring up a kid. Every kid should have the right to grow up with a mom that wants it. My son was not planned but after it happened I had the choice and wanted him. I knew I would be on my own.
BOLD Part: I agree wholeheartedly, because in fact, someone dearest to me had to undergo an abortion.
It may be true, it may be false. Take it with grain of salt, so to speak.

On the left side, Democrat, they have Planned Parenthood (PP). On the right, Republican, they have Pro Life (PL). On face value, PP is for women's rights for abortions, and PL is against it, but there are more than just that basically. Having said that, the more I read, or gain info from hearsay (again take my resources with pinch of salt), PP's real agenda is for mass abortions, for all reasons and not only because of health-related issues, rape and whatnots.

Hence, PL is created to fight that, the mass abortions so that the organs would be sold for reasons I am not sure yet, but rumours of cosmetics (make ups, face cream) and even for food ingredients (disgusting!). PL fight so the 'unwanted' babies could be adopted.

Again, I am not against abortion, nor I advocate/support banning of contraceptions. I just find the idea of cutting up babies (that has formed into complete human already, not the alien looking fetus stage) is inhuman. That is all.

Again, up to you to do your own research and find your own truth. :)

Wait a second, you believe Planned Parenthood as an organization promotes mass abortions for baby tissue for cosmetics and food ingredients? Even if we do consider that as a truth, won't just basic common sense predicate that Planned Parenthood then would work hard to abolish all early birth control mechanisms such as condoms, pills to let the foetus develop for baby tissue? Literally, that's the opposite of what it does as an organization.

Do you think people who support abortion enjoy cutting up babies? I'm genuinely curious as to how you have arrived at this "Truth". I live in US, my daughter was born in the US. I know a bunch of people who have worked with Planned Parenthood, so I'll be glad to help you discover the real truth if you are interested. Planned Parenthood does a lot of good stuff aside from providing safe abortions.
Just looked in to the existence of aliens.

Founds this image suggesting they not only exist but engage in religious practice ...


Real or fake, you decide.
We can't have Trumpian discussion techniques here, really. Any more of this & I'll start posting about the Kardashians again, and no-one wants that.
I know, right? It is batshit crazy! I did put a source, and again, real or fake, take it as how you want it in previous posts.

First, I heard from a friend of mine who is a NYer. After I heard from him, I tried to look around the internet (I know, everything on internet is real, right?)

AGAIN, fake or real, up to you to decide. That is all

I will never understand this, to be honest. First, not sure what your friend's experience is, but I have interacted with many lovely people from PP and they are not the monsters who cut up babies. But yes, no organization is perfect and let's say your friend did uncover a bad egg, there are tons and tons of articles in the press and internet about all the stuff done by PP and the only negative rumors are all from looney websites like Infowars and you decide that's what you want to believe?
@RedTiger it's also hypocrisy from the right side on demanding women have these babies then wanting no one to have access to healthcare, food stamps, etc.

Force a woman to have a baby that will require lifelong medical care due to deformity/disabilities but the same crowd is not willing to help that woman after the birth.

Force women to have babies they cannot care for/do not want to care for while increasing the population that is already nearing unsustainable with present resources.

Restrict access to forms of birth control and then want to deny said aftercare resources.


This is why we're fighting.
It may be true, it may be false. Take it with grain of salt, so to speak.

On the left side, Democrat, they have Planned Parenthood (PP). On the right, Republican, they have Pro Life (PL). On face value, PP is for women's rights for abortions, and PL is against it, but there are more than just that basically. Having said that, the more I read, or gain info from hearsay (again take my resources with pinch of salt), PP's real agenda is for mass abortions, for all reasons and not only because of health-related issues, rape and whatnots.

Hence, PL is created to fight that, the mass abortions so that the organs would be sold for reasons I am not sure yet, but rumours of cosmetics (make ups, face cream) and even for food ingredients (disgusting!). PL fight so the 'unwanted' babies could be adopted.

Again, I am not against abortion, nor I advocate/support banning of contraceptions. I just find the idea of cutting up babies (that has formed into complete human already, not the alien looking fetus stage) is inhuman. That is all.

Again, up to you to do your own research and find your own truth. :)

Where did you hear this stuff? People don't take abortions left and right because they think it's fun, and they are certainly not callous about it. For most people it's a really difficult and often heartbreaking decision, and when they do go ahead and have an abortion, they often have very good reasons.

You seriously don't believe they put "cut up babies" in food do you?

And yes, i realize this is a divisive subject, but when you say "find your own truth" it sounds like something an anti-vaxxer or flat-earther would say
It may be true, it may be false. Take it with grain of salt, so to speak.

On the left side, Democrat, they have Planned Parenthood (PP). On the right, Republican, they have Pro Life (PL). On face value, PP is for women's rights for abortions, and PL is against it, but there are more than just that basically. Having said that, the more I read, or gain info from hearsay (again take my resources with pinch of salt), PP's real agenda is for mass abortions, for all reasons and not only because of health-related issues, rape and whatnots.

Hence, PL is created to fight that, the mass abortions so that the organs would be sold for reasons I am not sure yet, but rumours of cosmetics (make ups, face cream) and even for food ingredients (disgusting!). PL fight so the 'unwanted' babies could be adopted.

Again, I am not against abortion, nor I advocate/support banning of contraceptions. I just find the idea of cutting up babies (that has formed into complete human already, not the alien looking fetus stage) is inhuman. That is all.

Again, up to you to do your own research and find your own truth. :)

He's a WUM imo... Similar to the one in the Brexit thread.

In fact they are DIMs (disinformation merchants). DIMs do my head in.
the mass abortions so that the organs would be sold for reasons I am not sure yet, but rumours of cosmetics (make ups, face cream) and even for food ingredients (disgusting!).

Sir this is quite a simplistic understanding of stem cell research that may create cures for all manner of diseases. I assure you however that they won't be adding stem cells or baby organs to your Man Moisturiser or Mcdonalds. It's simply not economical, those baby parts are premium products.
Sooooooo.... over the past two days, we've had a tangent discussing coke vs pepsi, then a tangent discussing using aborted baby parts in soft drinks.

Coincidence? I think not.

In all seriousness - @NotQuiteManc get a hold of yourself and stop ignoring that this theory you're peddling is not just utterly debunked nonsense, it's extremely offensive.
Sooooooo.... over the past two days, we've had a tangent discussing coke vs pepsi, then a tangent discussing using aborted baby parts in soft drinks.

Coincidence? I think not.

In all seriousness - @NotQuiteManc get a hold of yourself and stop ignoring that this theory you're peddling is not just utterly debunked nonsense, it's extremely offensive.
Do you think the Russians are in this thread?
It may be true, it may be false. Take it with grain of salt, so to speak.

On the left side, Democrat, they have Planned Parenthood (PP). On the right, Republican, they have Pro Life (PL). On face value, PP is for women's rights for abortions, and PL is against it, but there are more than just that basically. Having said that, the more I read, or gain info from hearsay (again take my resources with pinch of salt), PP's real agenda is for mass abortions, for all reasons and not only because of health-related issues, rape and whatnots.

Hence, PL is created to fight that, the mass abortions so that the organs would be sold for reasons I am not sure yet, but rumours of cosmetics (make ups, face cream) and even for food ingredients (disgusting!). PL fight so the 'unwanted' babies could be adopted.

Again, I am not against abortion, nor I advocate/support banning of contraceptions. I just find the idea of cutting up babies (that has formed into complete human already, not the alien looking fetus stage) is inhuman. That is all.

Again, up to you to do your own research and find your own truth. :)
Just the fact that you quoted the Patriot when you yourself say you are ignorant about the current sociopolitical discourse in America, then go out and believe a website that says Obama should be arrested for treason and funded and abetted terrorism both domestic and international. :wenger:
"Again, up to you to do your own research and find your own truth."

"I don't really know/agree about this stuff, I'm just asking questions I think need to be asked"

I love this shit, like it's not hard to see these people for what they are but once I see these lines being trotted out I just go:

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