The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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hummm I run a company specializing in building emergency bridges... so talk me through it - how does the extra men help

What I'm saying is that they're still roads to clear and communities cut off. My cousin lives there (he's married to a Puerto Rican) and says all they need is these roads cleared and a few make shift bridges made where roads used to be. You can't tell me the extra man power won't help there. I'm no engineer but the help they're getting is not enough for the amount of damage done. The logistics aren't that great cause it's not the mainland and I understand that but the idea that Trump's doing his best for them isn't true.
Deleted very quickly:


Link was here:

So what were the results like before it was deleted?
What I'm saying is that they're still roads to clear and communities cut off. My cousin lives there (he's married to a Puerto Rican) and says all they need is these roads cleared and a few make shift bridges made where roads used to be. You can't tell me the extra man power won't help there. I'm no engineer but the help they're getting is not enough for the amount of damage done. The logistics aren't that great cause it's not the mainland and I understand that but the idea that Trump's doing his best for them isn't true.

Trump could rebuild it into Monte Carlo and you'd still hate him. That's because you, Pete, are morally amazing.
What I'm saying is that they're still roads to clear and communities cut off. My cousin lives there (he's married to a Puerto Rican) and says all they need is these roads cleared and a few make shift bridges made where roads used to be. You can't tell me the extra man power won't help there. I'm no engineer but the help they're getting is not enough for the amount of damage done. The logistics aren't that great cause it's not the mainland and I understand that but the idea that Trump's doing his best for them isn't true.
we build with a 4 man crew and a crane... any more men actually get in the way and slow it down... unless your moving all materials by hand which they simply wouldnt be
the army bridges are designed for tank loadings - or to military class stresses - put simply you cant put them in covilian use directly as no local authority takes liability for them... so you have to go bacj to first principals and re-engineer and re prove and add in safety factors - you need engineers producing 6 or 700 pages of material - made more cpmplex in the USA as they have to be checked by somebody approved at state level...
your real problem though is you cant build the superstructure (till you have ensured the sub sutucture is sufficient) - so ground testings and if its not piling works etc
In the Uk we had some big floods and several hundred royal engineers built a bridge - the council wouldnt actually let the public use it and it took a month for them to commission a private copmany to make one in line with current standards and laws... so extra people aint gonna help with the bridges - you need teems establishing requiements then getting stuff shipped (probably manufactured which will be Id guess 3 to 4 months ) - then shipped - I guess Accrow will have some stock they canthrow into the situation quickly - but probably not even 10% of whats needed
Trump could rebuild it into Monte Carlo and you'd still hate him. That's because you, Pete, are morally amazing.
What a pointless post. Why aren't you more worried about what your president does? As opposed to worrying what a random poster off redcafe thinks? Gotta try score dem points in that internet argument right?
Trump could rebuild it into Monte Carlo and you'd still hate him. That's because you, Pete, are morally amazing.

I don't hate Trump, I hate his character. America doesn't really have much credibility pointing at other world leaders with a guy like Trump in the White House. And he'd rebuild it into Monte Carlo while screwing his contractors know...that's his character!
Aimed at me?
A non USA citizen... who actually has been fairly scathing of trump and in no way thinks he is doing a good job - also dem - republicans - meh your all a bunch of yanks of me... Im simply pointing out that actually sending more people isnt going to fix the bridges because - well i work for one of a handful of companies in the world that actually know about that shit so yeah send more people to clear roads - that will help (personally id focus on increasing harbor capabilities as it takes longer and will be needed as it will be big bottleneck as it was with haiti) but you send 1000 people there to do the bridges and they do nothing for the next month but watch sub structure investigations
I was talking to the guy I quoted. Should I still read this post or is it telling me to go feck myself?

You obviously aren't a fan of Obama. What's your own opinion on Trump?
This is what I want to know as I don't believe I've ever seen that poster give an actually opinion on Trump. Just whataboutisms...
oops - carry on - nothing to see here - feel free to stop fecking yourself
Just read it. It's as if you were already writing that waiting anxiously for someone to challenge you that you didn't see who was quoted and just went for it... :lol: it's all good.
No decent human being hates Obama and loves Trump. It has nothing to do with politics, left, right..etc. Just look at the two men and no decent person tries to make an equivalence.

A few even on here have done so. When presented with basic facts that clearly defeat their argument they tend to either not respond or attempt to change the subject entirely.
Just read it. It's as if you were already writing that waiting anxiously for someone to challenge you that you didn't see who was quoted and just went for it... :lol: it's all good.
ill be honest at first I didnt see you had quoted anybody... nothing was showing so I just thought... hummm im the last poster - cheeky cnut implying im a feking yank
hummm I run a company specializing in building emergency bridges... so talk me through it - how does the extra men help

Well right now it appears there are not people there building emergency bridges for these people in all the places they need them, so surely its not controversial to suggest some more might be useful?
Well right now it appears there are not people there building emergency bridges for these people in all the places they need them, so surely its not controversial to suggest some more might be useful?
as I say - you cant build a superstructure till you assess the substructure (or said superstructure i.e. the bridge has a habit of falling down and killing people)
as I say - you cant build a superstructure till you assess the substructure (or said superstructure i.e. the bridge has a habit of falling down and killing people)

Sure I get that, but from accounts on the grounds there aren't any US government people even in these places doing any work.
well I doubt the US government has local geotech people on staff... I sure as hell know the states dont have enough bridge engineers as we do a lot of that for them from the UK anyway.
To put this to bed...

In your opinion what should they be doing? And are they doing it?
To put this to bed...

In your opinion what should they be doing? And are they doing it?
Increasing the harbour capabilities - its going to be the big thing that slows things down... id be getting in dredgers and the big heavy pontoons that are supplied into the pertochems and minimg industries when we go out into the middle of nowhere and help them build the cities and inftrastructure they need for housing people on their big projects...

I dont see it happening now - but I do know there are enquiries floating about so somebody is pulling it together - donnt know if its federal, local or ngo

the other thing they should be doing is working out what they need - steel etc and getting that on order -

Personally Id contract it out through somebody like Fluor to pull it all together - they are based in the USA and as good as anybody in the world imo at this shit
well I doubt the US government has local geotech people on staff... I sure as hell know the states dont have enough bridge engineers as we do a lot of that for them from the UK anyway.

Noob question: isn't the US Army Engineer Corp supposed to do that kind of stuff?
we build with a 4 man crew and a crane... any more men actually get in the way and slow it down... unless your moving all materials by hand which they simply wouldnt be
the army bridges are designed for tank loadings - or to military class stresses - put simply you cant put them in covilian use directly as no local authority takes liability for them... so you have to go bacj to first principals and re-engineer and re prove and add in safety factors - you need engineers producing 6 or 700 pages of material - made more cpmplex in the USA as they have to be checked by somebody approved at state level...
your real problem though is you cant build the superstructure (till you have ensured the sub sutucture is sufficient) - so ground testings and if its not piling works etc
In the Uk we had some big floods and several hundred royal engineers built a bridge - the council wouldnt actually let the public use it and it took a month for them to commission a private copmany to make one in line with current standards and laws... so extra people aint gonna help with the bridges - you need teems establishing requiements then getting stuff shipped (probably manufactured which will be Id guess 3 to 4 months ) - then shipped - I guess Accrow will have some stock they canthrow into the situation quickly - but probably not even 10% of whats needed

Fair enough but I really didn't mean 1000, I was just trying to make the point that there needs to be more people on the ground, especially clearing the roadways. You can't help people if you can't get to them I know the FIRST thing you do after a natural disaster is clear the roads...there are still many impassible roadways in Puerto Rico by downed trees and poles and that's unacceptable.
Noob question: isn't the US Army Engineer Corp supposed to do that kind of stuff?
in a way yes- but everything they have is designed to MLC (military load classes) you rin at far higer stresses than the ASTHO or Eurocode (civilian guidelines) allow... hence you cant use a lot of the stuff in civilian situations - and the local authorities wont let them because they are frightened of being sued to feck
in a way yes- but everything they have is designed to MLC (military load classes) you rin at far higer stresses than the ASTHO or Eurocode (civilian guidelines) allow... hence you cant use a lot of the stuff in civilian situations - and the local authorities wont let them because they are frightened of being sued to feck

Ah right, thanks for the info!
For abit of perspective, Fearless is from the Netanyahu school of Zionist extremism, so it's little surprise he loves Trump while a little bitter towards Obama, who became the first US president in a long time to withold the UNSC veto for an Israeli condemnation.

Obama showed him up to be the war mongering liar he is. I applauded Obama for not kissing Netanyahu's ass by looking at the facts.
The army has these engineers that work with FEMA after these disasters.
yes - I help train them and supply them equipment (infact with all nato countries)
It does not change the fact that the equipment they have is military and the insurances tend not to cover it being used in civilian circumstances
Also most of their engineers are not design engineers who can go back to first concept and re-engineer a solution from design up - they are field engineers working to paramaters and guidelines companies like mine develop for them - these are developed along military lies as thats what we are sourced to do.
When it comes to the sub structure engineering it realy isnt a skill set they have as army bridges are not by their nature typically going to be there for that long.
This cant be true. Why wouldn't Obama have called a senior military leader when his son died in Afghanistan?

He may not have called him because he probably would have offered his condolences in person. But Trump being Trump would have been like "but he didn't call him!".
He may not have called him because he probably would have offered his condolences in person. But Trump being Trump would have been like "but he didn't call him!".
Trump being Trump would say George Washington didn't call any one, never mind they had no telephones
I've a novel idea:
How about the president concentrate on running the country for all Americans, instead of slinging shit?
I dont know - I mean if you let him do that hes probably going to relax gun legistlation, build a wall, make kneeling at the national anthem illegal, ban anything he calls fake news and fek knows what else - he can do a lot less harm with a bit of shit slinging
He may not have called him because he probably would have offered his condolences in person. But Trump being Trump would have been like "but he didn't call him!".

Yep, i just dont believe Obama would not have offered his condolences to Kelly.

The question here is why is Kelly telling people in the WH that Obama never called him if Obama offered his condolences via another way.
I dont know - I mean if you let him do that hes probably going to relax gun legistlation, build a wall, make kneeling at the national anthem illegal, ban anything he calls fake news and fek knows what else - he can do a lot less harm with a bit of shit slinging
This is the issue. We are defaulting to all the bad stuff he could do as opposed to all the good stuff he should be doing. Shark well and truly jumped...
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