The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump in being an a55hole shocker.

“So, the traditional way, if you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls, a lot of them didn’t make calls.

“How can you make that claim?” NBC News’s Peter Alexander asked

“I don’t know if he did. No no no. I was told that he didn’t often,” Trump replied.

If you remember someone has told him a lot of things, like his EC victory was the biggest of all time.
Trump in being an a55hole shocker.

“So, the traditional way, if you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls, a lot of them didn’t make calls.

“How can you make that claim?” NBC News’s Peter Alexander asked

“I don’t know if he did. No no no. I was told that he didn’t often,” Trump replied.

If you remember someone has told him a lot of things, like his EC victory was the biggest of all time.

Trumps way to get out of his lies when you press him on it is to say that's what I was told.... Probably from Twitter.
Trump in being an a55hole shocker.

“So, the traditional way, if you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls, a lot of them didn’t make calls.

“How can you make that claim?” NBC News’s Peter Alexander asked

“I don’t know if he did. No no no. I was told that he didn’t often,” Trump replied.

If you remember someone has told him a lot of things, like his EC victory was the biggest of all time.

I would love to fight him.
Full contact
Trumps way to get out of his lies when you press him on it is to say that's what I was told.... Probably from Twitter.

It’s his own inner thoughts whenever he says stuff like “many people have told me”.
It’s his own inner thoughts whenever he says stuff like “many people have told me”.

Exactly, and his way of trying to Jedi mind trick others that he's in the know or has superior intelligence when really he's just blagging and saying some half arsed thought he had or some flimsy rumour he read somewhere. People lap it up though. Sadly.
John Kelly the patriot

A DIRECTIVE TO immigration officials across the country to try to portray undocumented immigrants swept up in mass raids as criminals came directly from then-Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly, The Intercept has learned.

Earlier this month, The Intercept published a cache of internal emails exchanged between Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials in Texas in February, while the first mass raids of the Trump administration were underway.

Yup, me too, but also apply a proper right cross to his face as well. I've said it before, the thing is, with Trump and everything being all about him, then the best and most crushing defeat he could ever suffer would be public humiliation on a total scale. Being completely ostracised from the public eye and suffering a similar downfall as Jimmy Saville, just with Trump being found out and crucified before he dies. Even his trusted Fox & Friends, GOP, Evangelicals and fellow lunatics like Hannity turning on him and issuing an apology or retraction of their total support. Him being caught in something so indefensible that it destroys him, his legacy and family name.

The worst part of all that? We all know that is out there somewhere. I have just almost lost faith that it will ever be found, or if and when it is, it's too late.
Yup, me too, but also apply a proper right cross to his face as well. I've said it before, the thing is, with Trump and everything being all about him, then the best and most crushing defeat he could ever suffer would be public humiliation on a total scale. Being completely ostracised from the public eye and suffering a similar downfall as Jimmy Saville, just with Trump being found out and crucified before he dies. Even his trusted Fox & Friends, GOP, Evangelicals and fellow lunatics like Hannity turning on him and issuing an apology or retraction of their total support. Him being caught in something so indefensible that it destroys him, his legacy and family name.

The worst part of all that? We all know that is out there somewhere. I have just almost lost faith that it will ever be found, or if and when it is, it's too late.

Im feeling a redcafe trip.
So, kneeling to bring to attention the racial problems in the US is disrespectful but signing into state law a bill that further restricted a woman's right to her own body isn't.

It must be hell on earth to view the world from a theocratic asshat mindset.
BOLD Quote:

I am a foreigner, so I am interested to know more about this, or at least your interpretations and/or understanding of this matter, please?
BOLD Quote:

I am a foreigner, so I am interested to know more about this, or at least your interpretations and/or understanding of this matter, please?

It's mostly tied the abortion issue in the US. Many feel abortions should be illegal regardless, mostly religious persons and mostly siding with the GOP on the issue. Many feel abortions should be allowed as the woman should have control over her own body, mostly siding with the DNC on this issue. There's more to it than just abortions when it comes to women's rights but that's the major issue from my perspective.

--As Common Dreams reported when the law, HEA 1337, was passed in March 2016, it contained a multitude of provisions designed to prevent women from accessing abortions. It forced women to have an ultrasound at least 18 hours before an abortion; banned abortions when a fetal anomaly was detected; mandated the burial and cremation of miscarried or aborted remains; restricted fetal tissue donation; and required doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital or to have an agreement with a doctor who does.

"This is one of the most extreme anti-abortion measures in the country and only further penalizes Indiana women and their doctors for accessing constitutionally protected abortion care," charged Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, in response to the law's passage.--
a) I'm not American
b) I know he's a clown

Never said it's their fault. I respect what Kimmel does with his solo pieces to bring down repeal and replace and generally those are very good. Attempting to divert a conversation with guests towards Trump is overkill. Some of them clearly want to avoid it. Fawning over a bad candidate just because she was the lesser of the two.....Al Gore didn't get such a reaction.

I think Trump's a disgrace and the GOP will go down on the wrong side of history for this time period 100%. That doesn't mean the other side are good-doers.

I'm a Brit and I like the fact we don't treat political parties like sports teams. We scrutinize ourselves, not just demonize the others. But I guess a parliamentary system makes that far more easier than a presidential system.
I am not an American as well, but what I have observed so far, at least from the people on the street's views, that if you are not with me, you are a hater. It is very childish to think, especially when it comes from adults, whom you would be able to think more rationally.

I think it stems from misinformation, misguidance really, sometimes. For instance, if you take on face value, you would think Planned Parenthood sounds much, much better than Pro Life, that is women's right to her own body. I agree that women has rights, but what about the babies? Don't you think the babies deserve to live as well?
I am not an American as well, but what I have observed so far, at least from the people on the street's views, that if you are not with me, you are a hater. It is very childish to think, especially when it comes from adults, whom you would be able to think more rationally.

I think it stems from misinformation, misguidance really, sometimes. For instance, if you take on face value, you would think Planned Parenthood sounds much, much better than Pro Life, that is women's right to her own body. I agree that women has rights, but what about the babies? Don't you think the babies deserve to live as well?
It's not as black and white as saying 'do babies deserve to live as well'. There's many reasons why a woman would chose to terminate an early pregnancy such as rape, extremely young age or due to foreseen circumstances the mothers life being in danger if she were to carry to full term.

My own belief is that the option should be available to women to make their own decsion but also including the input of the biological father due to the baby possessing the man's X or Y chromosome.

My question to you is what is your view on contraceptives being available to women? Such as the Cap, the pill or more specifically the morning after pill? Because if the current GOP had their way they would most likely ban and demonise those forms of contraceptions.
@RedTiger it's also hypocrisy from the right side on demanding women have these babies then wanting no one to have access to healthcare, food stamps, etc.

Force a woman to have a baby that will require lifelong medical care due to deformity/disabilities but the same crowd is not willing to help that woman after the birth.

Force women to have babies they cannot care for/do not want to care for while increasing the population that is already nearing unsustainable with present resources.

Restrict access to forms of birth control and then want to deny said aftercare resources.


NOT a Trump supporter, but just want to gather what the Americans' and outsiders views of certain policies that he is for or against.

It's mostly tied the abortion issue in the US. Many feel abortions should be illegal regardless, mostly religious persons and mostly siding with the GOP on the issue. Many feel abortions should be allowed as the woman should have control over her own body, mostly siding with the DNC on this issue. There's more to it than just abortions when it comes to women's rights but that's the major issue from my perspective.

--As Common Dreams reported when the law, HEA 1337, was passed in March 2016, it contained a multitude of provisions designed to prevent women from accessing abortions. It forced women to have an ultrasound at least 18 hours before an abortion; banned abortions when a fetal anomaly was detected; mandated the burial and cremation of miscarried or aborted remains; restricted fetal tissue donation; and required doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital or to have an agreement with a doctor who does.

"This is one of the most extreme anti-abortion measures in the country and only further penalizes Indiana women and their doctors for accessing constitutionally protected abortion care," charged Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, in response to the law's passage.--


Cutting up dead babies…the stuff of your worst nightmares…is indeed what Planned Parenthood has sunk to even while claiming that abortions currently account for only 10% of their services (as per the newest figures), and that no federal monies…meaning our taxpayer dollars…go to subsidize abortions except in certain limited cases such as rape, incest or when the life of the mother is in jeopardy. So, for arguments sake, let’s say that is true, that means that 90% of what Planned Parenthood does is unnecessary as those other services they provide…contraceptives, prenatal services, adoption services, mammograms, cancer screenings, and sexually transmitted disease and infection testing…could easily be done at local community clinics with those monies that now go to the almost 700 Planned Parenthood ‘so-called’ health clinics…that they claim treat 2.7 million women a year…going instead to fund said local community clinics
Alt-right vs. the GOP right. It's gonna be fun.

Not really. It is a scary article and provides a great deal of insight around Pence. He has been seen by most common populace as Trump's lackey, but what people don't know is Pence's own base of extreme conservationist groups. President Pence is as scare (potentially even more scarier) than President Trump as he understand how politics work and can more effectively push his agenda if GOP still ends up controlling the congress.
Not really. It is a scary article and provides a great deal of insight around Pence. He has been seen by most common populace as Trump's lackey, but what people don't know is Pence's own base of extreme conservationist groups. President Pence is as scare (potentially even more scarier) than President Trump as he understand how politics work and can more effectively push his agenda if GOP still ends up controlling the congress.

Christofacists if you will.
It's not as black and white as saying 'do babies deserve to live as well'. There's many reasons why a woman would chose to terminate an early pregnancy such as rape, extremely young age or due to foreseen circumstances the mothers life being in danger if she were to carry to full term.

NPR's Scott Horsley reports that — with exceptions for cases of rape, incest or life-threatening situations — federal law already prohibits the use of federal tax money to pay for abortions.


I agree, it is not as black and white. Someone very dear to me in my life also had to do an abortion, because of health issues, that I agree. Based on the quote, it seems to me abortions are still possible, especially for the "cases of rape, incest or life-threatening situations".

My own belief is that the option should be available to women to make their own decsion but also including the input of the biological father due to the baby possessing the man's X or Y chromosome.

My question to you is what is your view on contraceptives being available to women? Such as the Cap, the pill or more specifically the morning after pill? Because if the current GOP had their way they would most likely ban and demonise those forms of contraceptions.

If the current GOP really does indeed ban such things (Cap, pill or the morning after pill), I think that is wrong as well.

Basically, I am for abortions for cases like above. Not to abortions to kill the babies and sell their organs for money/profit. I am for adoptions as they are many out there that would love to adopt the 'unwanted' babies. Just ask Angelina Jolie. (Joking aside, the babies should be given the option to live or not as well, right?)
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