The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Can that be the end of this coke and pepsi crap. Bit irritating coming seeing pointless replies that are nothing to do with the thread.


They're getting bolder and bolder with their rhetoric and helping that divide grow bigger. Of course, as long as he's in power, he'll always be their useful idiot, and they'll become even more of a menace to the state.

Disgusting words. They are fascists.

Trump and his cohorts as enemies of the state, and although it will prove to be little more than a publicity stunt, I like it because it plays them at their own game. The far-right are here for a dog fight and "couldn't you use that money to actually help people" (typical response I've seen) isn't going to cut it.
"An offer of up to 10m"... So basically a 5 dollar book token and a handshake from a famous person (category C and below).
Nah those two things would do the complete opposite and strengthen his base. Failing health, Mueller or an assassin only way he doesnt complete two terms tbh.

His base won’t win him elections. You need to target independents.

I‘m also convinced the democrats will be winning the next election in a landslide if they can find someone who can string two coherent sentences together. We overestimate Trump and his following because the democrats had their worst candidate in decades.
His base won’t win him elections. You need to target independents.

I‘m also convinced the democrats will be winning the next election in a landslide if they can find someone who can string two coherent sentences together. We overestimate Trump and his following because the democrats had their worst candidate in decades.

thats why I said strengthen his base. This man has single handed given closet racists and misogynists the courage to act like the cnuts they always were openly.
Pence would be the equivalent to a Modern Day Gerald Ford but that might be doing some disservice to Ford.

Very much a disservice.

Ford was drafted into the Vice Presidency following the resignation of Spiro Agnew who had his own scandal with tax fraud. With that and Nixon's impending downfall Ford was just a safe, clean pair of hands who was respected on both sides of the aisle. More of a caretaker than a leader but a decent fellow. People ponder whether him pardoning Nixon was a deal but I don't think so. The country was already in a downward state as the social welfare programs post WW2 had begun to cause a fiscal dent, national debt was rocketing and so was the unemployment rate. The Vietnam war was immensely unpopular and watergate was the tip of the iceberg of the lack of trust in government. He had a lot of shit on his desk and rightly or wrongly wanted watergate to come to a close. He must have felt Nixon had already been punished enough by being disgraced but it meant we never got the full story and at the time felt a precedent was set where the President was above the law.

Anyway Ford was the last republican President before Reagan tapped into the religious right. That's Mike Pence's base and he is not only complicit in Trump's agenda, his own agenda would infringe on people's way of lives.
I know we shouldn't wish violence on other people but Gorka is so unbearable with his demeanour, accent, faux intellectual vocabulary and just general smarminess that I'd love to see him get absolutely twatted.
His base won’t win him elections. You need to target independents.

I‘m also convinced the democrats will be winning the next election in a landslide if they can find someone who can string two coherent sentences together. We overestimate Trump and his following because the democrats had their worst candidate in decades.

That's true, but he can pull it off if the economy is in good shape in 2020 and people are better off and have more money in their pockets. If that happens then you cant rule out the increasing likelihood Trump wins a 2nd term as he'll get large numbers of independents to support his re-election.
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I just saw this on Twitter - not sure if it has been posted:

Such a disgusting human being.
Fecking hell, bragging about hiring a "17-18-year-old" purely because she was a "world class beauty". He's such a massive creep.
I know - then equating her being on his plane as the same as putting a drink in front of an alcoholic.

It would be so much more efficient if he just said he would assault her if he had the chance.
And as usual people in the audience laugh heartily, enabling him...
I just saw this on Twitter - not sure if it has been posted:

Such a disgusting human being.

Just wanted to highlight that, true story or not, he condoned hiring someone on looks who was a teenager he thinks. What if she was underage?

Oh yeah, and the totally implied message that he'd try it on with her. Howya Harvey Weinstein like.
Fecking hell, bragging about hiring a "17-18-year-old" purely because she was a "world class beauty". He's such a massive creep.

Reminded me of this

Like what the feck is wrong with him? Remember when Fox News went berserk over Obama wearing a tan suit? Just imagine for a second if this was him. Bill O'Reilly would probably get so upset he started fusing hydrogen and would blow up in a massive nuclear explosion
Not to mention, the way he spoke about alcoholism and admitted he had a non-controllable urge for anything female related and in a very creepy perverted way. He's gonna definitely get himself done on this front post Weinstein era.
That's certainly not Jesus like
Was about to post this.

I can hear the apologists now...
"Oh but God works in mysterious ways. He uses anybody to get his message across"

I'm thinking of bringing up Weinstein at lunch to my religio-conservative colleagues just to bait them into talking about how much he deserves to be punished just to flip it on its head and give a "too bad for Harvey he didn't run for president, cause you'd have voted for him"
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