The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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“He knows that he needs prayer,” she said. “We’ve been in the Oval Office with him. We asked him if he wants prayer and he said, ‘Sure.’
Heartfelt stuff from Donald there.
To be fair Pussy grabbing was one of Jesus's favorite tactics.
“He knows that he needs prayer,” she said. “We’ve been in the Oval Office with him. We asked him if he wants prayer and he said, ‘Yeah Yeah whatever.’
The real Tweets are entertaining and scary enough. Can the obviously fake Tweets feck off from the thread?
I feckin hate these American conservative 'Christians'. They're to Christianity what ISIS are to Islam.

They shove the pride in their faith down your throats yet when it comes to tolerance of others and helping those in know the staples of Christian values, they violently retract the other way. Hypocritcal cnuts.
This kind of thinking is frightening especially when it can form law and policy.
Michele Bachmann Offers Her Thoughts On Donald Trump Being A ‘Man Of Faith’
And one supporter at the Values Voters Summit says Jesus would have tweeted like Trump.

At the annual Values Voter Summit (VVS) in Washington this weekend, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who serves on Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory board, said in an interview with me on SiriusXM Progress that Donald Trump is now a “committed believer” of Jesus Christ and a “man of faith” who has “asked God for help and wisdom.”

Bachmann’s assessment mostly comes from a discussion she and other social conservatives had with Vice President Mike Pence.

″[We know] because of the what the vice president told us,” she said.

"We were in a meeting with the vice president and the president, about 25 of us. I know the vice president. I served with him in Congress, and he is a vocal, committed believer of Jesus Christ himself. And he said, ‘I want all of you to know that the president is a committed believer. He is a man of faith.'"

“I think that should give us a lot of hope,” Bachmann went on to say, explaining that it means Trump is acting without his own authority.

“There’s nothing better than a man under authority,” she explained.

"We don’t want anyone, especially a president, to think they are a man under their own authority. They need to be under authority. Whether it’s the authority of the Constitution and the laws of the land but even more importantly under the authority of faith. And I think that helps to regulate our behavior, when we know that we’re accountable to something."

Bachmann also said that Trump “understands who put him into the White House, and that is people of faith,” and that “he’s asked God for help and for wisdom” and wants prayer.

“He knows that he needs prayer,” she said. “We’ve been in the Oval Office with him. We asked him if he wants prayer and he said, ‘Sure.’ We put our hands around him respectfully and we prayed for him.”

Bachmann’s sentiments were echoed by many attendees who gathered at VVS, hosted annually by the Family Research Council, which has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Attendee Joel Brind of New Hamburg, New York, a college biology professor, explained that Jesus would have tweeted like Trump.

“If there were twitter then, [Jesus] would have used it in a similar way, I think,” Brind said.

"I wouldn’t restrict it to just [Trump’s] tweets. His communications in general are tactically [emulating Christ]. I don’t want to be misinterpreted to say that everything he says is equivalent to gospel. I mean, he’s on the right side, and his tactics are more reminiscent of Christ, of the tactics that Christ used when he walked the earth and which he admonished his followers to use also."

Trump was the first sitting president to speak at the anti-LGBTQ Values Voter Summit, where a pamphlet titled, “The Hazards of Homosexuality,” was included in promotional materials given to all attendees. Trump, in his speech on Friday, lectured Americans on values and morality little over a year after his “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he bragged about sexual assault, had gone public.
This kind of thinking is frightening especially when it can form law and policy.
Michele Bachmann Offers Her Thoughts On Donald Trump Being A ‘Man Of Faith’
And one supporter at the Values Voters Summit says Jesus would have tweeted like Trump.

At the annual Values Voter Summit (VVS) in Washington this weekend, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who serves on Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory board, said in an interview with me on SiriusXM Progress that Donald Trump is now a “committed believer” of Jesus Christ and a “man of faith” who has “asked God for help and wisdom.”

Bachmann’s assessment mostly comes from a discussion she and other social conservatives had with Vice President Mike Pence.

″[We know] because of the what the vice president told us,” she said.

"We were in a meeting with the vice president and the president, about 25 of us. I know the vice president. I served with him in Congress, and he is a vocal, committed believer of Jesus Christ himself. And he said, ‘I want all of you to know that the president is a committed believer. He is a man of faith.'"

“I think that should give us a lot of hope,” Bachmann went on to say, explaining that it means Trump is acting without his own authority.

“There’s nothing better than a man under authority,” she explained.

"We don’t want anyone, especially a president, to think they are a man under their own authority. They need to be under authority. Whether it’s the authority of the Constitution and the laws of the land but even more importantly under the authority of faith. And I think that helps to regulate our behavior, when we know that we’re accountable to something."

Bachmann also said that Trump “understands who put him into the White House, and that is people of faith,” and that “he’s asked God for help and for wisdom” and wants prayer.

“He knows that he needs prayer,” she said. “We’ve been in the Oval Office with him. We asked him if he wants prayer and he said, ‘Sure.’ We put our hands around him respectfully and we prayed for him.”

Bachmann’s sentiments were echoed by many attendees who gathered at VVS, hosted annually by the Family Research Council, which has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Attendee Joel Brind of New Hamburg, New York, a college biology professor, explained that Jesus would have tweeted like Trump.

“If there were twitter then, [Jesus] would have used it in a similar way, I think,” Brind said.

"I wouldn’t restrict it to just [Trump’s] tweets. His communications in general are tactically [emulating Christ]. I don’t want to be misinterpreted to say that everything he says is equivalent to gospel. I mean, he’s on the right side, and his tactics are more reminiscent of Christ, of the tactics that Christ used when he walked the earth and which he admonished his followers to use also."

Trump was the first sitting president to speak at the anti-LGBTQ Values Voter Summit, where a pamphlet titled, “The Hazards of Homosexuality,” was included in promotional materials given to all attendees. Trump, in his speech on Friday, lectured Americans on values and morality little over a year after his “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he bragged about sexual assault, had gone public.
It's hard to decide what is fake, this or the Trump tweets. You have to be pretty gullible to believe what she said.
"I wouldn’t restrict it to just [Trump’s] tweets. His communications in general are tactically [emulating Christ]. I don’t want to be misinterpreted to say that everything he says is equivalent to gospel. I mean, he’s on the right side, and his tactics are more reminiscent of Christ, of the tactics that Christ used when he walked the earth and which he admonished his followers to use also."

It's hard to compare Pepsi vs coke on a world wide basis as they taste different depending on where it was made. Pepsi generally tatse better than coke where I'm from but coke in Europe for me is way different and much nicer. In the USA Dr Pepper does it for me :devil:
Jesus1 jesus@jerusalem

Failing scribes still producing fake news! Pharisees plotting! #letmypeoplego
It's hard to compare Pepsi vs coke on a world wide basis as they taste different depending on where it was made. Pepsi generally tatse better than coke where I'm from but coke in Europe for me is way different and much nicer. In the USA Dr Pepper does it for me :devil:
Mexican coke is amazing. The coca-cola they make there with sugar instead of corn syrup is really good as well.
"I wouldn’t restrict it to just [Trump’s] tweets. His communications in general are tactically [emulating Christ]. I don’t want to be misinterpreted to say that everything he says is equivalent to gospel. I mean, he’s on the right side, and his tactics are more reminiscent of Christ, of the tactics that Christ used when he walked the earth and which he admonished his followers to use also."

Ridiculous and scary in equal measure....
Mexican coke is amazing. The coca-cola they make there with sugar instead of corn syrup is really good as well.

Was just about to say this. The fabled Mexican Coke.

Back on topic, surely the worst people in the world are those "religious" types who behave with every fibre of their being in the utterly opposite way to what their religion actually says. Evil is what they are, with added fervour to make it even worse for everyone around them who doesn't look or act like them.
Can that be the end of this coke and pepsi crap. Bit irritating coming seeing pointless replies that are nothing to do with the thread.


They're getting bolder and bolder with their rhetoric and helping that divide grow bigger. Of course, as long as he's in power, he'll always be their useful idiot, and they'll become even more of a menace to the state.
I feckin hate these American conservative 'Christians'. They're to Christianity what ISIS are to Islam.

They shove the pride in their faith down your throats yet when it comes to tolerance of others and helping those in know the staples of Christian values, they violently retract the other way. Hypocritcal cnuts.
Exactly. They are not real christians at all.
Back on topic, surely the worst people in the world are those "religious" types who behave with every fibre of their being in the utterly opposite way to what their religion actually says. Evil is what they are, with added fervour to make it even worse for everyone around them who doesn't look or act like them.
You put it better than I could. That anyone 'of faith' who has read the Bible and the stories of Jesus could think "you know who this reminds me of? Donald Trump!" is incredible.

I'm not a believer myself, but a comparison like that could not be further from what we've seen from Trump at any point during his public life. This attitude seems particular to US Fundamentalist Christian groups too, that you don't seem to get - particularly with any political clout - in other parts of the western world. It's scary these deluded fringe groups have such influence on the world.

If anything, Trump's story resembles the plot of the Omen 3 far closer than the new testament.
You put it better than I could. That anyone 'of faith' who has read the Bible and the stories of Jesus could think "you know who this reminds me of? Donald Trump!" is incredible.

I'm not a believer myself, but a comparison like that could not be further from what we've seen from Trump at any point during his public life. This attitude seems particular to US Fundamentalist Christian groups too, that you don't seem to get - particularly with any political clout - in other parts of the western world. It's scary these deluded fringe groups have such influence on the world.

If anything, Trump's story resembles the plot of the Omen 3 far closer than the new testament.

If you want to give yourself a real fright, take a look at this article.
You put it better than I could. That anyone 'of faith' who has read the Bible and the stories of Jesus could think "you know who this reminds me of? Donald Trump!" is incredible.

Honestly, that goes far further than Donald Trump. The entire Christian Conservative movement, particularly in the USA, appears to be based on ideas that would seemingly go directly against what Jesus actually taught. I'm not religious either, but how can anyone read the bible and think that Jesus would be anything but an honest to God socialist? And Christian Socialism/Liberation theology is a thing, so it's not like no one has ever seriously considered the idea.

It's possible I'm exaggerating a little but, bit in any case I rather doubt Jesus would be a trickle-down Reaganite. And certainly no Alt-Right scum.
Honestly, that goes far further than Donald Trump. The entire Christian Conservative movement, particularly in the USA, appears to be based on ideas that would seemingly go directly against what Jesus actually taught. I'm not religious either, but how can anyone read the bible and think that Jesus would be anything but an honest to God socialist? And Christian Socialism/Liberation theology is a thing, so it's not like no one has ever seriously considered the idea.

It's possible I'm exaggerating a little but, bit in any case I rather doubt Jesus would be a trickle-down Reaganite. And certainly no Alt-Right scum.

Yeah, his entire philosophy was about how having material goods/money etc doesn't really mean much, and shouldn't be your priority in life. Libertarian, right-wing economics run contrary to that.
I feckin hate these American conservative 'Christians'. They're to Christianity what ISIS are to Islam.

They shove the pride in their faith down your throats yet when it comes to tolerance of others and helping those in know the staples of Christian values, they violently retract the other way. Hypocritcal cnuts.
cnuts, the lot of them are absolute cnuts. They hate a smart, caring, Christian family man in Obama and an intelligent strong woman who has stuck to her vows in Hillary. Yet they worship a self confessed sexual abuser and criminal who has cheated on every woman he has committed too with kids from three different women in Trump, and beg for forgiveness for a serial child molester in that Dugger guy, ffs even his mother said it wasn't that bad since his sisters were asleep.

Give these far right "Christian" evangelical dominionist lunatics (ISIS to another religion) enough power and they will justify throwing LGBT people off buildings while they ride around in their church branded mini buses (old model Toyota Tacoma to another religion) preaching under the illusion that their holy book was written by God and not be a fecking asshole exactly like them.
This kind of thinking is frightening especially when it can form law and policy.
Michele Bachmann Offers Her Thoughts On Donald Trump Being A ‘Man Of Faith’
And one supporter at the Values Voters Summit says Jesus would have tweeted like Trump.

At the annual Values Voter Summit (VVS) in Washington this weekend, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who serves on Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory board, said in an interview with me on SiriusXM Progress that Donald Trump is now a “committed believer” of Jesus Christ and a “man of faith” who has “asked God for help and wisdom.”

Bachmann’s assessment mostly comes from a discussion she and other social conservatives had with Vice President Mike Pence.

″[We know] because of the what the vice president told us,” she said.

"We were in a meeting with the vice president and the president, about 25 of us. I know the vice president. I served with him in Congress, and he is a vocal, committed believer of Jesus Christ himself. And he said, ‘I want all of you to know that the president is a committed believer. He is a man of faith.'"

“I think that should give us a lot of hope,” Bachmann went on to say, explaining that it means Trump is acting without his own authority.

“There’s nothing better than a man under authority,” she explained.

"We don’t want anyone, especially a president, to think they are a man under their own authority. They need to be under authority. Whether it’s the authority of the Constitution and the laws of the land but even more importantly under the authority of faith. And I think that helps to regulate our behavior, when we know that we’re accountable to something."

Bachmann also said that Trump “understands who put him into the White House, and that is people of faith,” and that “he’s asked God for help and for wisdom” and wants prayer.

“He knows that he needs prayer,” she said. “We’ve been in the Oval Office with him. We asked him if he wants prayer and he said, ‘Sure.’ We put our hands around him respectfully and we prayed for him.”

Bachmann’s sentiments were echoed by many attendees who gathered at VVS, hosted annually by the Family Research Council, which has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Attendee Joel Brind of New Hamburg, New York, a college biology professor, explained that Jesus would have tweeted like Trump.

“If there were twitter then, [Jesus] would have used it in a similar way, I think,” Brind said.

"I wouldn’t restrict it to just [Trump’s] tweets. His communications in general are tactically [emulating Christ]. I don’t want to be misinterpreted to say that everything he says is equivalent to gospel. I mean, he’s on the right side, and his tactics are more reminiscent of Christ, of the tactics that Christ used when he walked the earth and which he admonished his followers to use also."

Trump was the first sitting president to speak at the anti-LGBTQ Values Voter Summit, where a pamphlet titled, “The Hazards of Homosexuality,” was included in promotional materials given to all attendees. Trump, in his speech on Friday, lectured Americans on values and morality little over a year after his “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he bragged about sexual assault, had gone public.
I can't wait until the day her husband finally turns to her and says that he prefers the plate of meat and two veg to a bowl of peach and cantaloupes. She always was a sorry gullible person along with the most artificial member of congress I've ever seen.
Quite true. If you go to the Coca Cola HQ in Atlanta, you can sample the Coke flavors from all over the world.

I found Coke in Germany to taste a bit better than here in the States. And that Coke Light wasn't bad, much better than Diet Coke.

Mexican coke is amazing. The coca-cola they make there with sugar instead of corn syrup is really good as well.

Have you tried Colombian coke? (snickers)
Was just about to say this. The fabled Mexican Coke.

Back on topic, surely the worst people in the world are those "religious" types who behave with every fibre of their being in the utterly opposite way to what their religion actually says. Evil is what they are, with added fervour to make it even worse for everyone around them who doesn't look or act like them.
It's like reading every word of the Harry Potter books and coming away thinking the only good part of Harry was the small part of Voldemort's soul inside of him and that is how everyone should live their lives.

They're getting bolder and bolder with their rhetoric and helping that divide grow bigger. Of course, as long as he's in power, he'll always be their useful idiot, and they'll become even more of a menace to the state.

This is a war cry, clear as day. Gorka's rhetoric here would sit well in 1930s Germany.

Amazing how this clown is taken serious by anyone but such is how Bannon and extreme right-wing has played the nation. Yet Gorka was working with SOCOM as far back as 2004. How the feck does that happen?
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Hilarious interview with Tillerson on Jake Tapper just now - he's basically still refusing to "dignify the question" about whether or not he called Trump a moron.
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