The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I suppose things are on going but let's be honest it's almost a year since he got in and nothing yet...

It's best to not expect anything anytime soon. The general consensus appears to be that there is damning evidence but that Mueller is being thorough in his pursuit of all people who have committed illegal acts. Trump certainly hasn't made much progress in terms of stopping it.
I just had the pleasure of my wife's cousin who's a full on trump suporter. I was informed that Puerto Ricans aren't American citizens. They're spicks.

I gave up at that point. My son responded with "don't trust what they say dad. They drink Pepsi"

His kids listen to this. It's amazingly racist and ignorant. I know he doesn't watch the news. I love him but Jesus how fecking ignorant.
Savage :lol:
I suppose things are on going but let's be honest it's almost a year since he got in and nothing yet...

Are you serious ? The investigation won't reveal its final results until it is fully completed. As opposed to spoondfeeding you a daily drip drip to help you make your posts appear more substantial.
No developments. The investigation will go well into next year imo.

Where’s this from?

I think “no developments” is going to be the public line until enough of a case has been built to file charges. You can’t say “well this is obviously incriminating but we can’t talk about that”. It’s all or nothing.
Where’s this from?

I think “no developments” is going to be the public line until enough of a case has been built to file charges. You can’t say “well this is obviously incriminating but we can’t talk about that”. It’s all or nothing.

No developments, as in no one truly knows what Mueller is cooking up since there are zero leaks coming out of his office.
No developments, as in no one truly knows what Mueller is cooking up since there are zero leaks coming out of his office.

That’s good as far as I’m concerned although I do think leaks are a useful tool.
That’s good as far as I’m concerned although I do think leaks are a useful tool.

The leaks aren't coming from Mueller though so they need to be taken with a pinch of salt. What we do know is that Mueller interviewed Priebus yesterday, which we can safely assume means Mueller is (among other things) crafting an obsctruction of justice case against Trump himself, in addition to all the other things he's cooking up against the likes of Stone and Manafort (likely in an attempt to flip them).
The leaks aren't coming from Mueller though so they need to be taken with a pinch of salt. What we do know is that Mueller interviewed Priebus yesterday, which we can safely assume means Mueller is (among other things) crafting an obsctruction of justice case against Trump himself, in addition to all the other things he's cooking up against the likes of Stone and Manafort (likely in an attempt to flip them).

I think the obstruction of justice charge is going to be secondary to his main concerns though. He’s not been hired to bring Trump down at all costs, that’s a dangerous precedent to to set.

He’s targeting an obstruction of justice charge because he’s concerned enough about the other Trump allegations, the obstruction of justice is collateral to that and more likely to stick.

I think he’s seen enough evidence to form a common sense opinion that Trump is guilty and dangerous and on that precedent is going to do what he can to take him down.
I think the obstruction of justice charge is going to be secondary to his main concerns though. He’s not been hired to bring Trump down at all costs, that’s a dangerous precedent to to set.

He’s targeting an obstruction of justice charge because he’s concerned enough about the other Trump allegations, the obstruction of justice is collateral to that and more likely to stick.

I think he’s seen enough evidence to form a common sense opinion that Trump is guilty and dangerous and on that precedent is going to do what he can to take him down.

What he investigates isn't the same thing as what he was hired to investigate. Case in point, Ken Starr was hired to investigate a land deal in Arkansas related to Bill Clinton then wound up nailing Clinton for having sex with a WH intern many years after Whitewater took place. These investigations evolve over time and anyone who breaks the law in the process is legally exposed for prosecution. This is why Trump obstructing justice on Comey is a central piece of the broader investigation - as are the likes of financial crimes and conspiracy.
What he investigates isn't the same thing as what he was hired to investigate. Case in point, Ken Starr was hired to investigate a land deal in Arkansas related to Bill Clinton then wound up nailing Clinton for having sex with a WH intern many years after Whitewater took place. These investigations evolve over time and anyone who breaks the law in the process is legally exposed for prosecution. This is why Trump obstructing justice on Comey is a central piece of the broader investigation - as are the likes of financial crimes and conspiracy.

I realise that but I’m not sure I’m completely comfortable with it even though I reject everything he stands for.

It’s like saying “this guy is dirty, investigate him” and eventually nailing him on parking charges. If you have enough resources and incentive and you follow and investigate anyone for long enough you could put them in prison.

I think it’s important that if he is nailed on obstruction of justice, they also make it absolutely clear that the obstruction of justice occurred because he was obsfucating from his other crimes.
I just had the pleasure of my wife's cousin who's a full on trump suporter. I was informed that Puerto Ricans aren't American citizens. They're spicks.

I gave up at that point. My son responded with "don't trust what they say dad. They drink Pepsi"

His kids listen to this. It's amazingly racist and ignorant. I know he doesn't watch the news. I love him but Jesus how fecking ignorant.

Easy now. Pepsi tastes better than Coke though Dr Pepper, A&W, and Barq's is better than all.
Are you serious ? The investigation won't reveal its final results until it is fully completed. As opposed to spoondfeeding you a daily drip drip to help you make your posts appear more substantial.
It will be approaching mid terms by the time it happens... will be an incredibly partisan atmosphere and it will be kicked down the road ... trumps gonna be fine (unfortunatley)
So white nationalist member/sympathizer Bannon was invited to speak at the Values Voter Summit, which features dozens of evangelical and religious leaders in attendance. Amazing how so many "christians" across the nation still believe these leaders hold supposed christian values and the people's best interests at heart.
It's football - but somehow refers here, too...
Not just in the USA

There's a 2mg sugar difference, not enough for a sugar rush. It's a taste preference. No right or wrong for one's opinion. Why so serious?

I find Coke to have too much an acidic burn but I do prefer Vanilla Coke over any Coke/Pepsi version. And I drink very little cola anyhow.

I wasn't being serious and I would definitely take Dr. Pepper over both.
This kind of thinking is frightening especially when it can form law and policy.
Michele Bachmann Offers Her Thoughts On Donald Trump Being A ‘Man Of Faith’
And one supporter at the Values Voters Summit says Jesus would have tweeted like Trump.

At the annual Values Voter Summit (VVS) in Washington this weekend, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who serves on Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory board, said in an interview with me on SiriusXM Progress that Donald Trump is now a “committed believer” of Jesus Christ and a “man of faith” who has “asked God for help and wisdom.”

Bachmann’s assessment mostly comes from a discussion she and other social conservatives had with Vice President Mike Pence.

″[We know] because of the what the vice president told us,” she said.

"We were in a meeting with the vice president and the president, about 25 of us. I know the vice president. I served with him in Congress, and he is a vocal, committed believer of Jesus Christ himself. And he said, ‘I want all of you to know that the president is a committed believer. He is a man of faith.'"

“I think that should give us a lot of hope,” Bachmann went on to say, explaining that it means Trump is acting without his own authority.

“There’s nothing better than a man under authority,” she explained.

"We don’t want anyone, especially a president, to think they are a man under their own authority. They need to be under authority. Whether it’s the authority of the Constitution and the laws of the land but even more importantly under the authority of faith. And I think that helps to regulate our behavior, when we know that we’re accountable to something."

Bachmann also said that Trump “understands who put him into the White House, and that is people of faith,” and that “he’s asked God for help and for wisdom” and wants prayer.

“He knows that he needs prayer,” she said. “We’ve been in the Oval Office with him. We asked him if he wants prayer and he said, ‘Sure.’ We put our hands around him respectfully and we prayed for him.”

Bachmann’s sentiments were echoed by many attendees who gathered at VVS, hosted annually by the Family Research Council, which has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Attendee Joel Brind of New Hamburg, New York, a college biology professor, explained that Jesus would have tweeted like Trump.

“If there were twitter then, [Jesus] would have used it in a similar way, I think,” Brind said.

"I wouldn’t restrict it to just [Trump’s] tweets. His communications in general are tactically [emulating Christ]. I don’t want to be misinterpreted to say that everything he says is equivalent to gospel. I mean, he’s on the right side, and his tactics are more reminiscent of Christ, of the tactics that Christ used when he walked the earth and which he admonished his followers to use also."

Trump was the first sitting president to speak at the anti-LGBTQ Values Voter Summit, where a pamphlet titled, “The Hazards of Homosexuality,” was included in promotional materials given to all attendees. Trump, in his speech on Friday, lectured Americans on values and morality little over a year after his “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he bragged about sexual assault, had gone public.
I realise that but I’m not sure I’m completely comfortable with it even though I reject everything he stands for.

It’s like saying “this guy is dirty, investigate him” and eventually nailing him on parking charges. If you have enough resources and incentive and you follow and investigate anyone for long enough you could put them in prison.

I think it’s important that if he is nailed on obstruction of justice, they also make it absolutely clear that the obstruction of justice occurred because he was obsfucating from his other crimes.
Obstruction of justice is a crime. He didn't have to commit a crime in the first place if he obstructed an investigation of possible crimes by those working for him, which is one of the likeliest scenarios.

As far as your first point, the Special Counsel is appointed to investigate specific crimes and the process is beholden to the AG's office's direction. It is not a blanket investigation.
And another asshat thinks he can rhyme a response to Eminem. This guy... I'd really enjoy punching him.

Whiny evangelist Joshua Feuerstein rapped a response to Eminem‘s anti-Trump freestyle cypher, and it’s as cringeworthy as you’d expect.

He accused Eminem of hypocrisy over claiming Trump is a racist and then making fun of his orange skin. They revel in their willful ignorance since they know they'll always have an audience no matter how absurd their claim is.

He even got a line in about Hillary's emails. Like a pig rolling in shit.
This kind of thinking is frightening especially when it can form law and policy.
Michele Bachmann Offers Her Thoughts On Donald Trump Being A ‘Man Of Faith’
And one supporter at the Values Voters Summit says Jesus would have tweeted like Trump.

At the annual Values Voter Summit (VVS) in Washington this weekend, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who serves on Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory board, said in an interview with me on SiriusXM Progress that Donald Trump is now a “committed believer” of Jesus Christ and a “man of faith” who has “asked God for help and wisdom.”

Bachmann’s assessment mostly comes from a discussion she and other social conservatives had with Vice President Mike Pence.

″[We know] because of the what the vice president told us,” she said.

"We were in a meeting with the vice president and the president, about 25 of us. I know the vice president. I served with him in Congress, and he is a vocal, committed believer of Jesus Christ himself. And he said, ‘I want all of you to know that the president is a committed believer. He is a man of faith.'"

“I think that should give us a lot of hope,” Bachmann went on to say, explaining that it means Trump is acting without his own authority.

“There’s nothing better than a man under authority,” she explained.

"We don’t want anyone, especially a president, to think they are a man under their own authority. They need to be under authority. Whether it’s the authority of the Constitution and the laws of the land but even more importantly under the authority of faith. And I think that helps to regulate our behavior, when we know that we’re accountable to something."

Bachmann also said that Trump “understands who put him into the White House, and that is people of faith,” and that “he’s asked God for help and for wisdom” and wants prayer.

“He knows that he needs prayer,” she said. “We’ve been in the Oval Office with him. We asked him if he wants prayer and he said, ‘Sure.’ We put our hands around him respectfully and we prayed for him.”

Bachmann’s sentiments were echoed by many attendees who gathered at VVS, hosted annually by the Family Research Council, which has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Attendee Joel Brind of New Hamburg, New York, a college biology professor, explained that Jesus would have tweeted like Trump.

“If there were twitter then, [Jesus] would have used it in a similar way, I think,” Brind said.

"I wouldn’t restrict it to just [Trump’s] tweets. His communications in general are tactically [emulating Christ]. I don’t want to be misinterpreted to say that everything he says is equivalent to gospel. I mean, he’s on the right side, and his tactics are more reminiscent of Christ, of the tactics that Christ used when he walked the earth and which he admonished his followers to use also."

Trump was the first sitting president to speak at the anti-LGBTQ Values Voter Summit, where a pamphlet titled, “The Hazards of Homosexuality,” was included in promotional materials given to all attendees. Trump, in his speech on Friday, lectured Americans on values and morality little over a year after his “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he bragged about sexual assault, had gone public.
Jesus would have tweeted in a similar fashion to Trump (tactically emulating) :confused:

I'm sure Trump would have been sincere with Mary Magdalene, told the leper that he'd look after him and horse whip the money lenders.
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