The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's quite possible that he did in private but once with his dad he joined in on whatever awful treatment his dad doled out. I'm sure I read that they used to team up and berate him for not doing the family business or not wanting a part of it.

From what I read, Donald used to try and persuade his brother to come into the fold of the family business and he'd brush him off as an annoying pain in the ass brother.

The dad was definitely mentally abusive. Which shows in Donald's relentless pursuit of needing affirmation from everyone and his brothers alcoholism.
I guess having the best words, the best education, the highest IQ and a very good brain doesn't help when you are trying to pronounce things correctly.
Or maybe I just missed the part in geography class when we learned about Jhaina, Nambia and Tan-zayn-ee-ah..
I posted this in the NFL thread but also deserves a place in here.

Saw this on Outside the Lines the other day (finally found a link via Google search). Bob Ley used this chart to show that most Americans didn't really give much thought to the NFL/protests until Trump hijacked it.

You know if Trump turned around and shit on the flag those brain dead morons would be out praising the action.
Pretty diabolical...

Sputnik get their orders directly from the Kremlin.

Sputnik had to pre-approve the questions their journalists would ask at White House Press briefings to ensure the White House were prepared for them.

fecking hell.
I'm posting the entire Vox piece I linked above because I find it's the most accurate and brilliant hit piece to date. I am leaving out the Trump speech ("son of a bitch") that is within the article.
Vox journalist Dylan Scott, you will get no argument here: that chart, showing the reported opinions of Trump voters on the NFL, is indeed pretty nuts! The data, compiled by an online survey company called Morning Consult and laid out at the New York Times’s Upshot blog, tells the story of how the opinions of Trump voters turned sharply against the NFL after Donald Trump criticized NFL player protests during the national anthem at a late-September rally in support of the Alabama senate candidate who lost to psychotic Charles Portis character Judge Roy Moore. Where Trump voters had once viewed the NFL roughly as Clinton voters did—around 60 percent favorably, and around 20 percent unfavorably—those percentages swiftly flipped almost upside down.

All this merely because the President, in addressing the protests, famously said:
(I've intentionally left out but it's in the link above)

The statement led to a weekend of increased and increasingly co-opted protest in the NFL, which doubtless served to steepen the polarization of opinion among America’s most road rage-prone septuagenarians. The poll also found that Trump voters reported more strongly negative opinions of athletes who criticized Trump’s statements, with the number of Trump supporters reporting strongly negative opinions of LeBron James, for instance, spiking from 11 to 23 percent.

This does not really tell us anything that we don’t already know, including whether or not the people telling Morning Consult that they are Very Upset About The NFL are actually turning the games off; NFL ratings are once again down year over year, but those sorts of ratings make for a noisy and notably imprecise metric; it’s worth noting, for instance, that all television ratings are declining.

More to the point, the poll doesn’t really tell us anything new about Trump voters or the seething hair-trigger disagreeability of this broader national moment. There is a sizable percentage of the population—dwindling in terms of its percentage of the electorate, but still gobsmackingly huge in terms of absolute numbers—that follows Trump with the avidity and blank loyalty and desperate thirsty self-definition that people also bring to fandom. This is not unique to Trump or Trump supporters, to be fair, or even to partisan politics. In one sense, the story of human history is just people inventing progressively more advanced ways in which to be awful idiots, in groups.

But in another sense this is very much about Trump, and the terrible stupid moment over which he so soggily presides. Among the unenumerated powers of the Presidency is the opportunity to shape the national conversation, and because the current President is a toweringly cretinous television addict, our national conversation is as a result now largely a meta-conversation about whatever it was that he last got upset about on television. In a real sense, the entire nation is presently trapped in President Trump’s Twitter feed, and therefore stuck talking about the things he thinks about. Which is himself, mostly, and also his various defective long-running grudges and gripes.

The rhetorical and practical tendencies of partisan politics tends to amplify the distorting effect of this; the Morning Consult study also found that Trump voters saw many more negative stories about the NFL than did Clinton voters. For all the ways in which the free market fails us, it has decidedly not failed when it comes to providing the opportunity to have a media experience not just shaped by but shaped like Donald Trump and his particular gilded suite of wet-brained passions.

In the end, on this poll and in this moment, the difference is Trump, and the particular and peculiar effects of being devoted to a man like him. People will always align themselves with famous and powerful figures, just out of pure aspirational laziness, but voters that peg their beliefs to Trump’s, and choose to care about what he cares about in the same way that he cares about those things, will naturally find themselves in a shrunken world that narrows by the day. Everything they might once have enjoyed, be it movies or music or professional sports or other people or whatever else, will eventually fall away or be crowded out by the hungry, needy, wheedling bulk of Trump’s whopping self. Nothing can be bigger or better loved than him; nothing is worth understanding or caring about except as it relates to or reflects upon him. There’s no room for the NFL in this worldview, or really much room for anything else.

For all the many things that suck about this, the most obvious is how amazingly boring it all is. But, again, we knew this. He could not have been clearer about the terms. To enter this man’s lonely, gaudy church, you must leave every other thing outside.


I just had the pleasure of my wife's cousin who's a full on trump suporter. I was informed that Puerto Ricans aren't American citizens. They're spicks.

I gave up at that point. My son responded with "don't trust what they say dad. They drink Pepsi"

His kids listen to this. It's amazingly racist and ignorant. I know he doesn't watch the news. I love him but Jesus how fecking ignorant.
I just had the pleasure of my wife's cousin who's a full on trump suporter. I was informed that Puerto Ricans aren't American citizens. They're spicks.

I gave up at that point. My son responded with "don't trust what they say dad. They drink Pepsi"

His kids listen to this. It's amazingly racist and ignorant. I know he doesn't watch the news. I love him but Jesus how fecking ignorant.

I got into it with the Police Captain of our district, after he told me that not all white supremacists were Nazis. Next time I saw him, I was wearing my "Impeach" shirt. Pretty sure I'm gonna find my car towed in the morning.
I just had the pleasure of my wife's cousin who's a full on trump suporter. I was informed that Puerto Ricans aren't American citizens. They're spicks.

I gave up at that point. My son responded with "don't trust what they say dad. They drink Pepsi"

His kids listen to this. It's amazingly racist and ignorant. I know he doesn't watch the news. I love him but Jesus how fecking ignorant.
Your son just completely burned your wife's cousin's family. Legend.
Hey it could be worse, my mum voted for Trump ... my Mrs who is a staunch anti Trumper literally interested to know why she would vote for such a Anti Woman President, my Mum responded "Well you can't trust the NY Times and the Washington Post, Fake News" blah blah bleeeegh, i slapped my head and asked her when in the hell has she ever read the NY Times?! My Mrs laid down the facts and my Mum stormed off in a huff, pretty much like every other Trumpiet
Hey it could be worse, my mum voted for Trump ... my Mrs who is a staunch anti Trumper literally interested to know why she would vote for such a Anti Woman President, my Mum responded "Well you can't trust the NY Times and the Washington Post, Fake News" blah blah bleeeegh, i slapped my head and asked her when in the hell has she ever read the NY Times?! My Mrs laid down the facts and my Mum stormed off in a huff, pretty much like every other Trumpiet

Its what they do and he quoted the bible about gay sex. I responded with he who is without sin cast the first stone.
He didn't like that either.

He's nice to me and he loves his family. And he's not a racist (that's tongue in cheek) he refers to his friend as black Bobby.
I just had the pleasure of my wife's cousin who's a full on trump suporter. I was informed that Puerto Ricans aren't American citizens. They're spicks.

I gave up at that point. My son responded with "don't trust what they say dad. They drink Pepsi"

His kids listen to this. It's amazingly racist and ignorant. I know he doesn't watch the news. I love him but Jesus how fecking ignorant.
Fûcking hell ;)
So is this Iran nuclear deal business mostly just grandstanding in order to impress his followers (shocking)? He's actually kicking the can down to Congress who will likely recertify it, so that he will likely just claim a moral victory on a grand stage once it (most likely) just goes back to how it was without any fundamental changes.

Am I reading the details right?
So is this Iran nuclear deal business mostly just grandstanding in order to impress his followers (shocking)? He's actually kicking the can down to Congress who will likely recertify it, so that he will likely just claim a moral victory on a grand stage once it (most likely) just goes back to how it was without any fundamental changes.

Am I reading the details right?

Pretty much. He's shameless

An ex order on healthcare
Declaring Iran in breach
Having the Korean peninsular on the verge of war
Wall prototypes built
Tax cuts (for the rich)
Travel restrictions on Muslim countries
Russian investigations stalled
Unqualified family members firmly entrenched in the administration.
America seemingly more divided than in years.
A state of perma war (via twitter) with "fake news"

You know what... I bet he thinks he is doing great
An ex order on healthcare
Declaring Iran in breach
Having the Korean peninsular on the verge of war
Wall prototypes built
Tax cuts (for the rich)
Travel restrictions on Muslim countries
Russian investigations stalled
Unqualified family members firmly entrenched in the administration.
America seemingly more divided than in years.
A state of perma war (via twitter) with "fake news"

You know what... I bet he thinks he is doing great

Do you mean the Mueller investigation? Isn't that ongoing, or has there been some sort of development?
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