The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That meaning isn't just clear to you, it's as crystal clear as can be.

Remember, KKK protesting Charlottesville in was just fine as "everyone has a right to protest". Taking the piss of of McCain and claiming Trump likes his War Heroes to not get caught was fine, but kneeling during an national anthem, now that is disrespect to the flag and our troops.

Racist wanker he is, but that's been clear from day one. If the NFL try to make this mandatory, all of the players should ignore it.

That is very true. Trump has disrespected the military and some of its figures consistently from the beginning. I'd like to see the same if they do implement it. Whether the players will have the strength to do it though I don't know (and I wouldn't blame them if they didn't tbh).

Has been my thoughts from the beginning. Watching the US taking steps in the wrong direction (imo, not so for others clearly) and the population either going along with it wilfully, standing still watching it happen but pretending everything is ok, or being dragged along but not actually being able to do much about it.

It's fcuked up to say the least...

Yep. Like I said, he's done some objectvely much worse stuff but this particularly irked me for some reason.

The NFL issue is just the latest and most obvious. Look at who he picks out for the most vitriol - minorities always get it the worst. I mean, his very existence as a political identity is built on question the legitimacy and qualifications of America's first non-white male president. He didn't rise up on the back of his tax reform ideas. He launched his campaign attacking Mexicans and Muslims, constantly dog whistling at white supremacists along the way. And that was completely acceptable to many - as long as he himself wasn't donning a white hood or recorded saying "n*gger" then he can't possibly be a "real" racist. Because overt racism is bad, we all know that, but *wink wink* racism, what's the big deal?

I was constantly asking this question around the election and could never get a good response - what was it about Trump himself vs, say, George W. Bush, that the white supremacists found so endearing? They fully support him, they celebrated his victory as their own victory - why?

The 1st paragraph is actually spot on. Fair enough people voted for him for a whole myriad of different reasons but ultimately, he first joined this political theatre by questioning the birth certificate of a black man. That is what it ultimately boiled down to, behind all the bluster and show.
'I will always be with them!'
*fecks off to golf course*
Its not even worth pointing out Trump hypocrisy at this point. It happens so frequently that there is little value in it.
US Marines killed in Niger and the biggest fires California has ever seen literally destroying and killing everything in their wake and Trump is only interested in Tweeting about the Fake News. Many reports around today saying his base is leaving him and his numbers are way down. Also many saying he should stop Tweeting. It appears patience is finally running out for many who are actually realising he only cares about himself.

Statement of May, Macron and Merkel
My old local’s landlord said he never trusts a man who doesn’t drink. I think he’s got a point here.

It's because of his brother dying from alcoholism related illness I believe.

That alcoholism brought on by his treatment from Donald and his dad.
It's because of his brother dying from alcoholism related illness I believe.

That alcoholism brought on by his treatment from Donald and his dad.

I think it was all his dad. Donald used to admire him for his rebelliousness and ability to live outside his dad's sphere of influence.
A lot. The USA is already divided and racism is spreading through the whole nation.

I'm not sure if spreading is the right word. I feel more like it's emboldened people who were already racist. They feel like they can finally stop being PC and tell it like it is, while shagging their sister wives.
I think it was all his dad. Donald used to admire him for his rebelliousness and ability to live outside his dad's sphere of influence.

It's quite possible that he did in private but once with his dad he joined in on whatever awful treatment his dad doled out. I'm sure I read that they used to team up and berate him for not doing the family business or not wanting a part of it.
I'm not sure if spreading is the right word. I feel more like it's emboldened people who were already racist. They feel like they can finally stop being PC and tell it like it is, while shagging their sister wives.
Yeah, they finally feel free with Trump.
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