The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump and Hannity disrespecting the troops and the flag

Reveille, Retreat, and Taps
Defense Distribution Susquehanna continues the long standing military tradition playing
reveille, retreat, and taps over the broadcast system.
Each ceremony is firmly rooted in military history and provides an opportunity to show respect
to the U.S. flag, country and fellow Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines from the past and
present who have served their country.
Below is the expected protocol on paying proper respect during these ceremonial calls.
Reveille: 7 A.M.‐ The morning bugle call, known as Reveille, was originally conducted as
"Troop" in 1812 and was designed to muster the unit or for roll call, but as time passed it came
to mark when the flag was raised in the morning and honors paid to it.
Retreat: 5 P.M. ‐ At the end of the work day, Retreat will sound. Retreat is traditionally a time
to secure the flag and pay respect to what it stands for.
During Reveille and Retreat, those out‐doors should stop activities, and turn in the direction of
the installation Flag (located at the corner of J Ave. & Mifflin Ave.) and/or direction of the
music. Drivers operating a vehicle render respect by safely stopping their vehicle until the
music is complete. Exiting your vehicle is not required. Access‐control points shall also stop
vehicular traffic. Those in Uniform shall salute the flag and/or in the direction of the music.
Taps: 9 P.M. ‐ Taps is a signal of the end of the day, and is played alone to honor service
members who paid the ultimate price. For these purposes, there are no formal protocol
procedures required. During all ceremonies involving the National Anthem and/or hoisting,
lowering or passing of the flag, members of the military and veterans who are present but not
in uniform may now render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform,
according to Section 301(b)(1) of title 36, United States Code as approved in the Defense
Authorization Acts of 2008 and 2009.
While the sound of the bugle may stop us momentarily from what we are doing, the tradition
and honor that accompanies the music deserve a moment of our time. When you hear the
music, try to remember our veterans and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

I wonder if Fox and co will go after them?

How could trump know about this though, it's not like he went to military school...
I know he's said and done a lot of pretty crap stuff over his presidency so far but for some reason this NFL thing has particularly bothered me to be honest.

It may not be explicit but the underlying tone is so racial. It seems the NFL is moving towards mandating standing during the anthem and the meaning (for me anyway) is clear. A perfectly reasonable, valid and peaceful protest has been quashed by rich white men, who have changed the meaning of the protests. And the black man has been put back in his place.

If that tweet is legitimate, the Republican party are knowingly risking nuclear war because they want a tax bill to pass so they have something to present to their voters for the next election.

People who are partly responsible for putting Trump in office, believe so much that they deserve to have a say in who replaces him, that they're willing to risk nuclear war for it.

That is arrogance, negligence and stupidity bordering on evil.
It's obvious there are voices withing the administration screaming about his mental state.
It won't surprise me if he has early onset of dementia.
He forgot he went golfing with Lindsey Graham on a Monday, when asked about it on Tuesday.
If that tweet is legitimate, the Republican party are knowingly risking nuclear war because they want a tax bill to pass so they have something to present to their voters for the next election.

People who are partly responsible for putting Trump in office, believe so much that they deserve to have a say in who replaces him, that they're willing to risk nuclear war for it.

That is arrogance, negligence and stupidity bordering on evil.
They're the least patriotic people on Earth, yet the first to wave the flag in people's faces.
If that tweet is legitimate, the Republican party are knowingly risking nuclear war because they want a tax bill to pass so they have something to present to their voters for the next election.

People who are partly responsible for putting Trump in office, believe so much that they deserve to have a say in who replaces him, that they're willing to risk nuclear war for it.

That is arrogance, negligence and stupidity bordering on evil.
Their tax bill won't be worth shit if there's nuclear war.
How can we be sure this isn't made up? I really hope it's true.

Bob Reich is a pretty good source and I’m likely to believe all of this is true since there is more and more chatter about the 25th amendment being invoked elsewhere.

Gabe Sherman also had a piece is Vanity Fair where Bannon warned Trump about all of this.....

Several months ago, according to two sources with knowledge of the conversation, former chief strategist Steve Bannon told Trump that the risk to his presidency wasn’t impeachment, but the 25th Amendment—the provision by which a majority of the Cabinet can vote to remove the president. When Bannon mentioned the 25th Amendment, Trump said, “What’s that?” According to a source, Bannon has told people he thinks Trump has only a 30 percent chance of making it the full term.
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Can say the same for the majority of stuff out there. There's a danger right now of people taking leaks and unnamed sources as gospel because it fits with what they want to hear.

This cartoon best illustrates today's world. I've been guilty of it at times.

The most concerning part of this whole NFL charade is not that Trump is putting pressure on the club owners on how their players act when the national anthem is paid, but the fact they get a tax exempt status. Why?

That's no longer true. However, owners get numerous tax breaks and subsidies to build their giant ego playgrounds and often hold cities/townships hostage in negotiating.
What's true - The NFL League Office used to be a tax-exempt entity.
What's false - The NFL's tax exemption applied only to the league office and not to the teams themselves, and the office has since given up its non-profit status.
He probably just watched a bit of Morning Joe where they are lambasting him as an authoritarian for his comments about pulling NBC's license.
Here's the law on retreat (well technically for hoisting and lowering of the flag during the duty day and to pay respects).

Trump utterly disrespected the flag and service members past, present, and deceased by talking and making jokes.

4 USC 9
During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag or when the flag is passing in a parade or in review, all person present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Citizens of other countries present should stand at attention. All such conduct toward the flag in a moving column should be rendered at the moment the flag passes.
Here's the law on retreat (well technically for hoisting and lowering of the flag during the duty day and to pay respects).

Trump utterly disrespected the flag and service members past, present, and deceased by talking and making jokes.

4 USC 9
During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag or when the flag is passing in a parade or in review, all person present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Citizens of other countries present should stand at attention. All such conduct toward the flag in a moving column should be rendered at the moment the flag passes.

It was only a matter of time. Like his tweets from the past that contradict himself now, he was bound to blatantly denigrate it himself.
I kinda get the feeling some bombshell news is coming soon, because he's working so so hard to prep his base for it at the moment.

Not setting up the russian sanctions.

McCain mentioned it last night I believe, asking what is going on. Remember, it was an almost unanimous decision made by both parties across both houses, the deadline was oct 1st. Trump has done nothing and refuses to discuss it.
Not setting up the russian sanctions.

McCain mentioned it last night I believe, asking what is going on. Remember, it was an almost unanimous decision made by both parties across both houses, the deadline was oct 1st. Trump has done nothing and refuses to discuss it.

Anti-Big Government :wenger:
I know he's said and done a lot of pretty crap stuff over his presidency so far but for some reason this NFL thing has particularly bothered me to be honest.

It may not be explicit but the underlying tone is so racial. It seems the NFL is moving towards mandating standing during the anthem and the meaning (for me anyway) is clear. A perfectly reasonable, valid and peaceful protest has been quashed by rich white men, who have changed the meaning of the protests. And the black man has been put back in his place.

Has been my thoughts from the beginning. Watching the US taking steps in the wrong direction (imo, not so for others clearly) and the population either going along with it wilfully, standing still watching it happen but pretending everything is ok, or being dragged along but not actually being able to do much about it.

It's fcuked up to say the least...
I know he's said and done a lot of pretty crap stuff over his presidency so far but for some reason this NFL thing has particularly bothered me to be honest.

It may not be explicit but the underlying tone is so racial. It seems the NFL is moving towards mandating standing during the anthem and the meaning (for me anyway) is clear. A perfectly reasonable, valid and peaceful protest has been quashed by rich white men, who have changed the meaning of the protests. And the black man has been put back in his place.

The NFL issue is just the latest and most obvious. Look at who he picks out for the most vitriol - minorities always get it the worst. I mean, his very existence as a political identity is built on question the legitimacy and qualifications of America's first non-white male president. He didn't rise up on the back of his tax reform ideas. He launched his campaign attacking Mexicans and Muslims, constantly dog whistling at white supremacists along the way. And that was completely acceptable to many - as long as he himself wasn't donning a white hood or recorded saying "n*gger" then he can't possibly be a "real" racist. Because overt racism is bad, we all know that, but *wink wink* racism, what's the big deal?

I was constantly asking this question around the election and could never get a good response - what was it about Trump himself vs, say, George W. Bush, that the white supremacists found so endearing? They fully support him, they celebrated his victory as their own victory - why?
Yeah, and he want's to pull out FEMA because it's "too expensive". Hes such a fecking scumbag it's almost unbelievable

Puerto Rico is of no political value to him. He really doesn't care who lives, dies or whether they get back power or water for the next 10 years. In addition, what they also want is for the island to really get themselves in a mess while him and his rich buddies buy up property and other real estate for dirt cheap prices because of it's debt and crumbling infrastructure. It's all a well thought out plan for HIM with regards to Puerto Rico.
I know he's said and done a lot of pretty crap stuff over his presidency so far but for some reason this NFL thing has particularly bothered me to be honest.

It may not be explicit but the underlying tone is so racial. It seems the NFL is moving towards mandating standing during the anthem and the meaning (for me anyway) is clear. A perfectly reasonable, valid and peaceful protest has been quashed by rich white men, who have changed the meaning of the protests. And the black man has been put back in his place.

That meaning isn't just clear to you, it's as crystal clear as can be.

Remember, KKK protesting Charlottesville in was just fine as "everyone has a right to protest". Taking the piss of of McCain and claiming Trump likes his War Heroes to not get caught was fine, but kneeling during an national anthem, now that is disrespect to the flag and our troops.

Racist wanker he is, but that's been clear from day one. If the NFL try to make this mandatory, all of the players should ignore it.
Back to his segment with Hannity and not showing respect to Retreat. This cnut was just before that ripping Kaepernick and talking about not disrespecting the flag and country. What a shitstain fecktard he is.
I'd guess so. Israel itself is withdrawing as well:

Trump: "I want to make a point. Get us out of the UN".

Advisor 1: "Sir we're not sure that's such a g.."

Trump: "Shut up and obey me. Get us out NOW!"

Advisor 2: [whispers] "just pull us out of Unesco quickly - he won't notice. We can pass it off as unity with the Israelis."

Advisor 1: "Ok sir, we have pulled out of the UN cultural organisation."

Trump: "Excellent. I am super important. Nobody is more important than me."


Advisor 3: "How come we pulled out of Unesco lads?"

Advisor 1: "We are showing unity with Israel"

Advisor 3: "Er... lads, Israel are still in Unesco"

Advisor 2: "Shit."
After all that's gone on, i am not surprised Bannon thinks its likely Trump wont last the term. If Trump does last the full term and nothing bad comes out of the Russia investigation which implicates Trump himself, then i think he'll be tempted to call it quits on his own free will and get Pence to run in 2020.

He'll be 74 at the next election and would be 78 if he were to complete a 2nd term. Doubt he wants to be having to deal with the stressful life as he gets close to 80. He'll be rather wanting to chill out at Trump Tower and his other residences playing golf full time.
Isn't that what he does now.
Trump: "I want to make a point. Get us out of the UN".

Advisor 1: "Sir we're not sure that's such a g.."

Trump: "Shut up and obey me. Get us out NOW!"

Advisor 2: [whispers] "just pull us out of Unesco quickly - he won't notice. We can pass it off as unity with the Israelis."

Advisor 1: "Ok sir, we have pulled out of the UN cultural organisation."

Trump: "Excellent. I am super important. Nobody is more important than me."


Advisor 3: "How come we pulled out of Unesco lads?"

Advisor 1: "We are showing unity with Israel"

Advisor 3: "Er... lads, Israel are still in Unesco"

Advisor 2: "Shit."

:lol:. Plausible.
Here's the law on retreat (well technically for hoisting and lowering of the flag during the duty day and to pay respects).

Trump utterly disrespected the flag and service members past, present, and deceased by talking and making jokes.

4 USC 9
During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag or when the flag is passing in a parade or in review, all person present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Citizens of other countries present should stand at attention. All such conduct toward the flag in a moving column should be rendered at the moment the flag passes.

Do we have such a law in the UK anyone? I mean, it seems like something we probably did have in days gone back but we just ignore it nowadays.

Such a goddamn cult about a bit of cloth.
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