The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Excellent interview with Eric Reid regarding his and Kap's motivation for taking a knee, and trying to reclaim their narrative.

Loved his reply to her question at 4:30 -

Her: "you said that Mike Pence leaving the game was an act of 'systemic oppression', so if I left your game, would you think that I would be behaving in the same way?"
ER: "You're not the Vice-President of the United States".
Her: "Fair enough, but what would you say to 'systemic oppression', the act of leaving, because to me it's also a form of peaceful protest"
ER: "Systemic Oppression is defined as using your power to unjustly control people"

She perfectly demonstrates how people are completely unable to listen and understand what people are saying. She seemed to think he was calling walking out of a game as an act of systemic oppression, but he was only calling it that because it was a stunt planned by the President and Vice-President and he feels as though that was unjust.
Holy sh1t. I'm not going to be daft and call it 'brave' but having the bals to say no fan of trump could be a fan of his was pretty damn bold. Possibly idiotic on many levels, but bold.

The Fantastic 4 bars were solid.

Why? Eminem's got that "feck you" money, he's not known to be a delicate soul, and his fans probably aren't the most highly politicized bunch anyway. To me, he's doing a great thing because he's actually raising awareness - for the people who live under rocks - about just how much Trump is scraping the barrel in trying to divide them. It's about time more and more people put it out there like that and gave fewer half-hearted denunciations.
i've always been interested to know, why is Virginia classed as the "South" as when you look on the map, it's not exactly anywhere near there, i'm moving to Fredericksburg next year so the history behind it is pretty appealing.
Some great history in VA. It's very southern in places, just not Deep South. Northern Virginia is very different to the rest of the state while Fredericksburg is the point where VA turns south.
North of there is a big Wash D.C. suburb.

Iirc, 4 of the 1st 5 US presidents were Virginians.
It also has a boatload of former plantations, civil war battlefields sites , and of course Yorktown.
''Tis a great place overall. Enjoy!

Given Gorka's impeccable logic with the Muslim ban, I am guessing this means a ban on men from being within earshot or visible distance of a woman?
Rex is a man who picked cotton in the summers and mopped floors in the winters in his teen years before putting himself through school for engineering and climbing the ladder from a production engineer to head of Exxon. He'd destroy Trump in every single way.

Based on Trump's tweets and speeches, i'd say there is a 90% chance his IQ is in the double digits
No idea, beyond their accents and their boat decorated in the Confederate flag, i wasn't paying too much attention to them, all they were trying to do were trying to ask me about my accent/tattoos whilst their "buddy" chat's up my Mrs :lol:
Probably KA's then. I can't stand those guys.
i've always been interested to know, why is Virginia classed as the "South" as when you look on the map, it's not exactly anywhere near there, i'm moving to Fredericksburg next year so the history behind it is pretty appealing.
For the whole first day of a Southern Politics class I took, all we did was determine what states made up "the South".

Virginia made the cut because of climate, former slave based economy, geographic location below the Mason-Dixon Line, and because of its role as the Capitol of the Confederacy.
Rex is a man who picked cotton in the summers and mopped floors in the winters in his teen years before putting himself through school for engineering and climbing the ladder from a production engineer to head of Exxon. He'd destroy Trump in every single way.
Rex gets a fair amount of stick on here for the obvious reasons, but there's also good reason he's widely considered one of the few 'adults' left in the room along Mattis and Kelly.
Why? Eminem's got that "feck you" money, he's not known to be a delicate soul, and his fans probably aren't the most highly politicized bunch anyway. To me, he's doing a great thing because he's actually raising awareness - for the people who live under rocks - about just how much Trump is scraping the barrel in trying to divide them. It's about time more and more people put it out there like that and gave fewer half-hearted denunciations.

Listen to MOSH
Eh, good on Eminem but that didn't really resonate with me. First half of the rap rant was meh, second half was much better.
For a freestyle it's good, you gotta give credit. Not shocked at how hard he went at him, more surprised that he did go at him as lots of people seem to be quiet when it comes to Trump et all.... Props.
Yeah, nothing at all fascistic about trump.

So far this week, he has threatened tax increases on a group because he dislikes them (which I'm sure is actually illegal, and if not goes against the 1st and 8th amendments), and now threatens to remove media that he doesn't like (violating the 1st again, in a 2 for one special)

This is not 756 degree chess. This is who he is, a rich guy who has got his own way for 70 years, mainly because he is a rich guy. A fragile ego that cannot stand to be criticized, and his first reaction to that is to try and shut down the criticism.
I'm starting to favor nuclear war so this can all end. We don't deserve to exist.

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Yeah, nothing at all fascistic about trump.

So far this week, he has threatened tax increases on a group because he dislikes them (which I'm sure is actually illegal, and if not goes against the 1st and 8th amendments), and now threatens to remove media that he doesn't like (violating the 1st again, in a 2 for one special)

This is not 756 degree chess. This is who he is, a rich guy who has got his own way for 70 years, mainly because he is a rich guy. A fragile ego that cannot stand to be criticized, and his first reaction to that is to try and shut down the criticism.
Wait until he actually does something, he'll pivot soon enough....
Let's watch all the "can't change the Constitution" 2A crew line up behind this suggestion to curtail the freedom of the press.

If everyone had its own constitution this would never happen.
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