The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Its interesting how this left wing conspiracy/fake news site and its editor's twitter accounts are reaching the top of Trump's replies in the past few weeks.

We know Russia likes to muddy the waters by using its resources to assist left wing sites alongside right wing sites, so i suspect the bots are being used to boost the posts likes & retweets on replies to Trump's tweets.
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I seriously hope Corker goes scorched earth.

In time. Trump is banking on Bannon to primary all these Republicans senators and congressmen so he can get his people in Congress to pass his agenda. The more he inflames and attacks the incumbents the easier it is for Bannon to do his dirty work in secret. What Trump and Bannon realizes is that Americans are gullible and really don't care about facts when it comes to politics anymore. All you need to do is appeal to your base which ever way you can and get the internet to do your work for you. Come 2018, you'd see a lot of nasty ads running against incumbent GOP senators...all paid for by Russia and Steve Bannon.
I don't think he will because there are other pieces of legislation he will want to be a part of - but you never know since he has nothing to lose given he's not staying in office.

Trump is dancing on a thin wire here messing up Corker with a 52 vote majority in the senate. He needs Corker's vote for tax reform, Iran deal, North Korea etc which are the main pieces of legislative agenda infront of him.
In time. Trump is banking on Bannon to primary all these Republicans senators and congressmen so he can get his people in Congress to pass his agenda. The more he inflames and attacks the incumbents the easier it is for Bannon to do his dirty work in secret. What Trump and Bannon realizes is that Americans are gullible and really don't care about facts when it comes to politics anymore. All you need to do is appeal to your base which ever way you can and get the internet to do your work for you. Come 2018, you'd see a lot of nasty ads running against incumbent GOP senators...all paid for by Russia and Steve Bannon.

Even if Bannon succeeds and everyone gets replaced, they still have to beat the Dems and if they do they can enter the senate in 2019. What's Trump going to do until then if he compromises the GOP's thin majority in senate?

How long are even the mouth breathers going to bear the idiocy without a single legislative accomplishment? Not a single donor will back a GOP candidate if that happens.
Trump is dancing on a thin wire here messing up Corker with a 52 vote majority in the senate. He needs Corker's vote for tax reform, Iran deal, North Korea etc which are the main pieces of legislative agenda infront of him.

True - the biggest problem with Corker is that other Republicans may follow his lead in criticizing Trump at which point half the government will be a war with itself.
True - the biggest problem with Corker is that other Republicans may follow his lead in criticizing Trump at which point half the government will be a war with itself.

With all their prayer meetings at the White House daily they obviously missed the passage about a house divided.
Even if Bannon succeeds and everyone gets replaced, they still have to beat the Dems and if they do they can enter the senate in 2019. What's Trump going to do until then if he compromises the GOP's thin majority in senate?

How long are even the mouth breathers going to bear the idiocy without a single legislative accomplishment? Not a single donor will back a GOP candidate if that happens.

I never said it was a good plan....:lol::lol::lol:

You're 100% right though, if no legislation passes and Republicans have the house, senate and the executive branch I think their donors would turn on them eventually. Too bad the Dems can't find a single cohesive message to rally around.

I'd feckin pay good money to see them take a live IQ test.
Someone needs to start a movement to get one of the big broadcasters to do a pay per view event of Trump and Rex doing IQ tests.

Rex is a man who picked cotton in the summers and mopped floors in the winters in his teen years before putting himself through school for engineering and climbing the ladder from a production engineer to head of Exxon. He'd destroy Trump in every single way.
Rex is a man who picked cotton in the summers and mopped floors in the winters in his teen years before putting himself through school for engineering and climbing the ladder from a production engineer to head of Exxon. He'd destroy Trump in every single way.
All the better if he completely... mops the floor with him.
Trump has commented on ESPN ratings and the Jemele Hill suspension yet he hasn't commented on the fires in California that have killed at least 11 people and many more are missing. Four US soldiers also died in Niger and he would rather talk about how he's smarter than Rex Tillerson. He's getting more and more pathetic.
Just posted this to FB - might draw both cheers and ire.

--In the last few days, the US has lost four special operators in Niger and eleven citizens due to fires in California with dozens missing. But our CIC is more concerned with IQ tests, NFL ratings, and Bob Corker slaying him on Twitter.

Let that resonate in your head.--
Trump has commented on ESPN ratings and the Jemele Hill suspension yet he hasn't commented on the fires in California that have killed at least 11 people and many more are missing. Four US soldiers also died in Niger and he would rather talk about how he's smarter than Rex Tillerson. He's getting more and more pathetic.

He hasn't mentioned that the russia sanctions that congress voted on and were supposed to pass into law on Oct 1st still haven't been implemented either. He hasn't signed them yet.
Just posted this to FB - might draw both cheers and ire.

--In the last few days, the US has lost four special operators in Niger and eleven citizens due to fires in California with dozens missing. But our CIC is more concerned with IQ tests, NFL ratings, and Bob Corker slaying him on Twitter.

Let that resonate in your head.--

Do you have FB friends that voted for him/are his base type supporters or all people that hate him? Would be interested to see the comments that gets.

BTW, Trump had to delete his tweet, as he spelled 'IQ' incorrectly.
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