The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Maybe, but narcissistic sociopaths are incapable of empathy and sincere sympathy, that's why he always sounds so odd and why it usually always goes back around to him again.

Maybe I did a bad job at being sarcastic :lol:

Completely unsurprising story and very reminiscent of the "why have we got nukes if we can't use them?" conversation Morning Joe reported back whenever that was? Feck, Trump is just like a human time warp, he distorts everything from the truth and facts to the spacetime continuum and is just so transparent. There really is a gangster/conman/grifter in the White House running the USA. Unbelievable.

:lol::lol: good luck in Virginia Trump, they all bloody well hate you up there, My Mrs lives in that state and everywhere i've visited from Washington DC to Fairfax and the outer regions, nobody has ever said a good word when asked about Trump, so yeah good luck with that fight Dotard.

He's been caught out destroying lives yet again. Feck me, he's just pure evil.

Pure evil is right. He's the epitome of the rich thinking the poor are totally beneath them.
Meanwhile he's been hiding behind his money his entire life.
I'd love to see him dropped into a hard up neighborhood school at 15. He'd be beaten to a pulp.
So, just to recap because in this era of mass insanity it is easy to get distracted, following one of the worst natural disasters to hit the US Trump has:
  • First and foremost, reminded them that they are in debt and need to pay back Wall Street
  • Accused them of being lazy and wanting others to rebuild their lives (thinly veiled racism)
  • Accused the mayor of the capital begging for help of being nasty (thinly veiled sexism)
  • Given the quality of his leadership's response to the hurricane disasters an A+, even as the actual qualified people in the military (a significant portion of disaster relief in these situations and the redeeming factor in our massive military spending) say it's not adequate.
  • Visits the scene, tosses paper towels into a crowd, and starts talking about himself again in no specific order (because why do you even need one at this point?).
  • Congratulated them on not being a real disaster like Katrina, to a people that will not have consistent electricity or safe drinking water this calendar year and are so broken we haven't the foggiest idea of an actual death toll.
And I'm fairly certain I've missed some things, because I cannot even keep up at this point... ...
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Donald Trump Jr says college campuses teach Americans to hate their country and religion

Why is it that they can criticise others for 'not respecting' pillars of American Society, yet consistently attack Universities (that they attended) as unpatriotic?

It will be so fecking annoying if they destroy the Iran deal and will be very worrying in terms of implications for the region.
So 1 year ago today there was a hurricane pounding Florida, the same hurricane that had killed 900 in Haiti. That afternoon news broke that Russia was interfering in the election. Then an hour or so later the grab them by the pussy video was released by the WaPo then an hour or so later the Democrats' hacked emails were leaked out. All in an afternoon. On wiki I see lots of other news worthy events that I'm sure we're completely overlooked.
So 1 year ago today there was a hurricane pounding Florida, the same hurricane that had killed 900 in Haiti. That afternoon news broke that Russia was interfering in the election. Then an hour or so later the grab them by the pussy video was released by the WaPo then an hour or so later the Democrats' hacked emails were leaked out. All in an afternoon. On wiki I see lots of other news worthy events that I'm sure we're completely overlooked.
Grab them by the pussy was a year ago... seems like that should be something celebrated on twitter like ed balls day

What the feck? Chaos. I think FEMA need to visit the White House it's a disaster zone. Kelly was the voice of reason and for a short time appeared to had calmed things down. Trump even stopped Tweeting for a while. I reckon he's realised Trump is unstable and uncontrollable and doesn't listen to anyone.
What is this Trump's religious freedom thing and how it affects women?
Wow, too many to post, he's gone right off on one again today. Tweetstorm!

His tweet storms are almost always in the heels of a flurry of bad news he receives - in this case, Mueller interviewing Chris Steele, bad jobs numbers, Puerto Rico, and the Tillerson fiasco. Just another hilariously pathetic attempt to change the topic.
Company I work for are lining up a great contract in Iran, Trump better not feck that up by going gung-ho.
His tweet storms are almost always in the heels of a flurry of bad news he receives - in this case, Mueller interviewing Chris Steele, bad jobs numbers, Puerto Rico, and the Tillerson fiasco. Just another hilariously pathetic attempt to change the topic.

Oh yeah, of course, the trouble is that many people do buy in to it, believe him or help change the topic. The topic changes with him all the time because, as many of us have said, he is a master con artist and daze and confuse is his main objective. This won't work though because the stories around at the moment are just far too big. He knows that too though, and unfortunately I fear he's going to use the war card sooner or later. He's using Iran at the moment and it's clear why he's doing it, I just wish someone would call him out on it. A world leader with balls big enough to stand up and say he's flat out lying all the time and that he's intentionally try to start trouble just to divert attention from all the scandals and all his failings at home. Unfortunately I can't see it happening though.

Desperation. You can almost smell the fear and the constant need to divert attention away from this is just so obvious. I just wish it wasn't taking so long as the damage being caused in the meantime could take years to reverse, but I understand the importance of making sure every single angle is covered and all the i's dotted and t's crossed. There can be no ambiguity or wiggle room on this one, it has to be absolutely irrefutable and undeniable.

"The other irony is no one — no breathing human on the planet Earth — produces more fake news than Donald Trump, Kimmel said, pointing to the fact-checking website Politifact's report that only five percent of Trump's public statements are verifiably true.

Fecking hell. That is absolutely insane. Only 5%. Wow, and people still believe him? Fight for him and side with him? It just shows how sad it all is really. The hate for the left is so strong people are prepared to put up with this bullshit. 5%. Feck.

What the feck? The news just keeps coming tonight, this is crazy.

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