The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Republicans are a fecking joke.
At a news conference this week, Sen. Richard Burr, chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, expressed frustration that Steele has rebuffed efforts to meet with his committee.
"The committee cannot really decide the credibility of the dossier without understanding things like, who paid for it? Who are your sources and sub-sources?" the North Carolina Republican said. "We're investigating a very expansive Russian network of interference in US elections. And though we have been incredibly enlightened at our ability to rebuild backwards, the Steele dossier, up to a certain date, getting past that point has been somewhat impossible."

How likely is it that Steele is going to hand fecking GOP politicians (parts of which party he believes are colluding with Russia let's not forget) a list of his sources for those pricks to leak?
Republicans are a fecking joke.

How likely is it that Steele is going to hand fecking GOP politicians (parts of which party he believes are colluding with Russia let's not forget) a list of his sources for those pricks to leak?

Yeah I thought the same when I read that Mueller has interviewed him. The fact he’s talked to Mueller but refuses to talk to them is incredibly telling.
Yeah I thought the same when I read that Mueller has interviewed him. The fact he’s talked to Mueller but refuses to talk to them is incredibly telling.

I dont blame Steele at all for refusing to cooperate with any congress committees. He'll have heard the dodgy business Nunes was up to a couple of months ago.

Yeah what a dick. He's either planning something militarily when there doesn't seem to be a need for it and/or he's trying to eat up the news cycle with something he said to obfuscate from the Russia investigation news and bad Puerto Rico coverage. In either case, a dick move.
The calm before the stormtrooper.
Yeah what a dick. He's either planning something militarily when there doesn't seem to be a need for it and/or he's trying to eat up the news cycle with something he said to obfuscate from the Russia investigation news and bad Puerto Rico coverage. In either case, a dick move.

thats the one
Remember the time where all the Trumptards voting him over Hillary said "Killary will lead us to War!!! Vote Trump!" well....

Cant cnn sue him for defamation?

Most of the news aren't fake and it's not hard to prove in the court
Depends on the jurisdiction that they file in, he could say its an opinion and/or that he is using rhetorical language. Most states (idk about federal) also hold that political forums are free game, because the audience understands that rhetorical hyperbole is going to be used to try and win people over to his cause. The President can also argue that anything in regards to him is the definition of political as he is the President (redundant I know).

Source: Current Law Student.
This is all falling into the plans of Steve Bannon . Capitalism, nationalism, and “Judeo-Christian values.”While the media and the people are distracted by shiny objects.
Step Two of becoming a dictator: Attack the education establishments. The dumber your population the better.

He wants the educated to become the enemy because education and critical thinking is his enemy.

In an age where it is essential to have a college education to have some sort of job/future in the US. Statements like that could have a crippling effect on the economy.
This is all falling into the plans of Steve Bannon . Capitalism, nationalism, and “Judeo-Christian values.”While the media and the people are distracted by shiny objects.
Starting to look that way isn't it...
OK so he has mastered twitter

Do you think they can teach him how to use Wikipedia next?

United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (sometimes referred to as the Intelligence Committee or SSCI) is dedicated to overseeing the United States Intelligence Community—the agencies and bureaus of the federal government of the United States who provide information and analysis for leaders of the executive and legislative branches.
Step Two of becoming a dictator: Attack the education establishments. The dumber your population the better.

He wants the educated to become the enemy because education and critical thinking is his enemy.

At least they taught them something more than Trump university
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