The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Translation: "I failed, so I'm bored now."
Drumpf is mad at Corker this morning.....

He's sick in the head. Imagine going to his house and engaging him personally.
It must be awful to the point of nausea.
And that slut that lets him do her. I bet she has to go through a full range of compliments while he makes gorilla noises.

I just wish the vice president was a viable option to replace him.
Apart from Russians/racists/far right, there are ordinary folk who simply voted for him because they're tired of being isolated because they're not in the metropolitan bubble. These people include Obama-Obama-Trump voters who certainly can't be accused of being racist.

People voting for Obama-Trump does not preclude the possibility of them being racist. Racism isn't a binary thing, we all have varying degrees of racism, the question is how much and in which directions. You can have people who are absolutely fine around blacks, but can't stand Latinos, and every other possible variation. People who voted for Trump voted for a man who was openly racist towards Latinos and Muslims. That's not debatable.
What exactly is a shame? That he didn't come up with it or that he never heard someone else use the term?
That the media is, in his view, 'fake'.

What I got from it.

EDIT - Beyond the whole 'the nurses are stealing my Werther's Originals' bit.
Anything Democrats say is shrugged off as being bitterness from the opposition, so it's great when a Republican comes out and openly criticises him. There's no kiss and make up possibility with exchanges like that. Hopefully the Republicans keep openly turning against him if somebody opens the door for them.
Anything Democrats say is shrugged off as being bitterness from the opposition, so it's great when a Republican comes out and openly criticises him. There's no kiss and make up possibility with exchanges like that. Hopefully the Republicans keep openly turning against him if somebody opens the door for them.

The only Republicans turning against him are McCain who is on a death notice with a cancer diagnosis, Corker who decided to retire and Jeff flake who is the only person with something to lose.
The only Republicans turning against him are McCain who is on a death notice with a cancer diagnosis, Corker who decided to retire and Jeff flake who is the only person with something to lose.

Always is too good to be true. What does it matter anyway when Ryan is licking the peanut butter off Trump's balls on behalf of the Republican party to keep him satisfied.
Always is too good to be true. What does it matter anyway when Ryan is licking the peanut butter off Trump's balls on behalf of the Republican party to keep him satisfied.

There's rumors that even Flake might run as an independent for the Senate next term. So you'll hardly find anyone willing to openly rebel against Trump while being up for re-election. Moore winning the Alabama primary has already energised the fringe wing to compete against mainstream republicans so they'll be extra careful to tow the line at least until they find a way to secure their senate spots.
The only Republicans turning against him are McCain who is on a death notice with a cancer diagnosis, Corker who decided to retire and Jeff flake who is the only person with something to lose.

There are apparently about 10-12 who have turned on him but haven’t all gone public yet. I’d imagine Corker, Collins, Graham, McCain, Portman, Murkowski, Flake, et al are all on that list.
There are apparently about 10-12 who have turned on him but haven’t all gone public yet. I’d imagine Corker, Collins, Graham, McCain, Portman, Murkowski, Flake, et al are all on that list.

That would make sense and be helpful as long as they follow through with their votes as well. Apparently they are also trying to get Romney to run for Senate in Utah if Hatch retires. So you an add another adult who isn't entirely partisan.
From the Huckabee interview:

“They had these beautiful, soft towels. Very good towels,” Trump said in a conversation that aired on Christian television network Trinity Broadcasting. “And I came in and there was a crowd of a lot of people. And they were screaming and they were loving everything. I was having fun, they were having fun. They said, ‘Throw ‘em to me! Throw ‘em to me, Mr. President!’”

“So next day they said, ‘Oh it was so disrespectful to the people.’ It was just a made-up thing. And also when I walked in, the cheering was incredible,” he said.

There's rumors that even Flake might run as an independent for the Senate next term. So you'll hardly find anyone willing to openly rebel against Trump while being up for re-election. Moore winning the Alabama primary has already energised the fringe wing to compete against mainstream republicans so they'll be extra careful to tow the line at least until they find a way to secure their senate spots.

Any chance of Republicans becoming emboldened and breaking away if the Mueller investigation wears on and looks like it is getting closer and closer to the kingpin himself?
That would make sense and be helpful as long as they follow through with their votes as well. Apparently they are also trying to get Romney to run for Senate in Utah if Hatch retires. So you an add another adult who isn't entirely partisan.

That would be great if it happened. Mitt would be a massive thorn in Trump's side if he ever got back into Public office.
Any chance of Republicans becoming emboldened and breaking away if the Mueller investigation wears on and looks like it is getting closer and closer to the kingpin himself?

Ofcourse if Trump's approval falls to around 25% overall and below 50% for Republican voters, there is a chance but right now he is holding very steady amongst their base.
Corker's tweet which was sent less than two hours ago already has over 100k likes, for a guy whose tweets rarely get more than a thousand likes.

President Trump called Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker and asked the retiring Republican to reconsider his decision and offered to endorse him — and then lied about the call in a tweet Sunday morning, according to a source familiar with the call.

"All claims made in the president's tweets are false," the source said. "The president called the senator early last week and asked him to reconsider his decision not to seek reelection and reaffirmed that he would have endorsed him, as he has said many times."

In addition to not being allowed to be alone with women other than his wife, Pence apparently can't stay in a full stadium where a couple of dozen players kneel for the anthem.

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So, kneeling to bring to attention the racial problems in the US is disrespectful but signing into state law a bill that further restricted a woman's right to her own body isn't.

It must be hell on earth to view the world from a theocratic asshat mindset.
They are such a weird bunch. If the majority of people kneeling were white, they’d hardly notice or care.
They are such a weird bunch. If the majority of people kneeling were white, they’d hardly notice or care.
Exactly. I'm pretty sure that would come under 'free speech' but because it's black people doing it they're monsters who don't respect veterans and the flag. It's how these people think. So backwards and refuse to see things from another persons perspective.
From a foreigner POV I don't even understand the need to play the anthem. If you want to pay respect to soldiers, pay their medical bills and take care of them when they comeback.
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