The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I actually think Cuban could win. He would be hard to attack since he doesn't really have a record to attack, but could do well by attacking the records of others.
It's a sad state of affairs when politics is more about how you can attack someone than what you can do yourself.
Damn. Her bags under her eyes now have bags under them.

She's also under the gun because she apparently flew on private jets with (the now sacked) Tom Price, and is probably going on TV to satisfy her audience of one with her usual Baghdad Bob propaganda in order to keep her job.

Cant cnn sue him for defamation?

Most of the news aren't fake and it's not hard to prove in the court
I'd love that. It's frankly one of the worst effects the orangeutan has had so far, undermining the public trust of traditional media outlets, pushing people towards believing the actual fake news, especially of the far right variety. Thundercnut.
I do wonder how the next President is going to gain the public's trust in the media again.

Do you run and just absolutely destroy Trump on everything because it's all easily provable and hope that people believe in the truth or what?
What are the pros of doing this. What is there to actually achieve. Does he really think the deal is bad or is it basically just to undo anything and everything Obama did
There have been reports that he's asked his advisors what Obamas position was done the opposite. He's been the anti-Obama candidate since Obamas first term. Let's not forget he was the chief birther in the explicit racism against Obama.
What are the pros of doing this. What is there to actually achieve. Does he really think the deal is bad or is it basically just to undo anything and everything Obama did

Its just Trump's desperate and cynical way of seeking "a win" to placate his Iran hating base - mainly right wing Christians and the right wing pro-Israel crowd. In reality, all this does is send it over to Congress who will eventually vote on whether they want to strengthen the deal. I think there are enough Republicans in Congress who may want to support not getting rid of it.
So despite Mattis (expert) and Tillerson's (non-expert) beliefs, Trump will do what scores him points from the ignorant base.

AFAIK, apart from Rand Paul, every Republican politician has heavily attacked the deal.
Its just Trump's desperate and cynical way of seeking "a win" to placate his Iran hating base - mainly right wing Christians and the right wing pro-Israel crowd. In reality, all this does is send it over to Congress who will eventually vote on whether they want to strengthen the deal. I think there are enough Republicans in Congress who may want to support not getting rid of it.

There have been reports that he's asked his advisors what Obamas position was done the opposite. He's been the anti-Obama candidate since Obamas first term. Let's not forget he was the chief birther in the explicit racism against Obama.

I see. So there is no real legitimate reason for wanting to get rid of this deal
Strengthening or re-imposing sanctions is equivalent to killing the deal though, and from the article it is not clear which is the minimal position that party takes.

The deal is not just with the US, its with four other countries so the U.S. will be incentivized to make any adjustments from within the framework of the current deal instead of cancelling it and then being on the outside looking in.
The Iran deal was working well, most agreed with it and many world leaders feel it's important to keep it. Trump removing it will only delight his war hungry right wing base who want to keep their guns and want the USA to dominate the world. These people are the ones who love Trump pushing world leaders out the way to get to the front of a photo op, they just think the USA is bigger and better than everywhere else. If Trump succeeded to get this deal revoked then it would just incite Iran and make tensions worse between many countries, it will also delight Israel too. It's dangerous, idiotic, moronic and just pure arrogance and lack of understanding from Trump yet again. Putting peoples lives in danger and the safety of countries and the world in real danger just because he has a grudge against Obama and also wants to score points with his lunatic base.
Pretty cool that all the former presidents are attending a fundraising concert for the hurricane reliefs in a couple of weeks.

I'd love to see these guys use their power to undermine Trump.
The Iran deal was working well, most agreed with it and many world leaders feel it's important to keep it. Trump removing it will only delight his war hungry right wing base who want to keep their guns and want the USA to dominate the world. These people are the ones who love Trump pushing world leaders out the way to get to the front of a photo op, they just think the USA is bigger and better than everywhere else. If Trump succeeded to get this deal revoked then it would just incite Iran and make tensions worse between many countries, it will also delight Israel too. It's dangerous, idiotic, moronic and just pure arrogance and lack of understanding from Trump yet again. Putting peoples lives in danger and the safety of countries and the world in real danger just because he has a grudge against Obama and also wants to score points with his lunatic base.
Empires and pointless wars in southwest Asia go together like peas and carrots. Iraq and Afghanistan are like so 2004.

Need to get with the times. MAGA!
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