The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Nah that's crap. Trump doesn't have to become the new norm.

If the American population has any collective sense (I know, I know) there will be a move back to the standard political process after this pretender is gone. Which is still a million miles from good but it doesn't need to continue to get worse.

Getting behind the idea of another celebrity with zero political experience running for the biggest political office in the country (if not the world) is sheer lunacy.

This isn't entertainment, it's people's lives that are being destroyed. Even if you don't acknowledge that because you don't personally know anyone affected.

The two issues aren't related to one another. Trump is obviously a demagogue. That doesn't however mean that politicians are obliged to speak like dull, politically correct androids.
I think Trump is a once in a lifetime phenomenon so I'm not worried about more Trump's emerging. His rise was a perfect storm of events and the likelihood it will be replicated is astronomically small imo.

Don't quite understand what you're getting at. One the one hand you say the line between politics and entertainment has been obliterated and on the other you're saying Trump is once in a lifetime. There will be more Trumps if you think that line has been blurred. Cuban would be another Trump in that he would be a celebrity with zero political experience winning due to America's grotesque celebrity culture.
Don't quite understand what you're getting at. One the one hand you say the line between politics and entertainment has been obliterated and on the other you're saying Trump is once in a lifetime. There will be more Trumps if you think that line has been blurred. Cuban would be another Trump in that he would be a celebrity with zero political experience winning due to America's grotesque celebrity culture.

The specific circumstances that led to Trump's rise are entirely unique. And although he blew the lid off of traditional norms, even though there isn't likely to be another demagogic charlatan like Trump, there is no going back to the old pre-social media etiquete of how pre-Trump politicians talked. This is why imo, someone like Cuban will do well. He speaks with a degree of authenticity and isn't beholden to a particular political party.
has he started calling it a FAKE Russian investigation yet... very very biased... they should apologize for wasting tax payer money... etc etc

Its not Trump speaking at the moment. He's busy flying to Vegas. The presser is being done by the Senate committee chairmen.
Ooosh, couple of juicy questions there.
I'm actually warming to the idea of politicians saying what's on their minds rather than always speaking off of written scripts. Obviously its annoying when Trump does it, but if someone like Cuban or Schwarzenegger (if he could run) talks, its done out of far more authenticity than the standard dull, scripted rhetoric we see from establishment politicians.

I was thinking if there was a 'left' version of Trump going mental blaming the gun companies and the selfishness of it'd resonanate with the masses more so than someone logically arguing to minor gun controls, which in reality do little and don't inspire.
I was thinking if there was a 'left' version of Trump going mental blaming the gun companies and the selfishness of it'd resonanate with the masses more so than someone logically arguing to minor gun controls, which in reality do little and don't inspire.

Obviously anything related to Trump wouldn't be desirable. On the other hand, Cuban seems to have a pretty strong mastery of an oddly large amount of political topics and would be a good counterbalance to Trump if he ever faced him. Trump's polemics wouldn't work on Cuban like they worked on conventional establishment politicians ranging from Jeb Bush to Hillary Clinton.
Obviously anything related to Trump wouldn't be desirable. On the other hand, Cuban seems to have a pretty strong mastery of an oddly large amount of political topics and would be a good counterbalance to Trump if he ever faced him. Trump's polemics wouldn't work on Cuban like they worked on conventional establishment politicians ranging from Jeb Bush to Hillary Clinton.

At this rate you could literally pick anyone in hollywood and they stood a good chance against trump. Even 50 cents would get some vote if he wanted to go for president.

But your country and the world will never be the same after trump. Trump has shown the world, to his credit that yes you can just grab a nation by their pussy and feck with literally everyone else by simply being a bigger cnut. And it works. If he doesn't get impeached and successfully finish his terms there's bound to be the next trump in line.

I guess it's true that ideology is scarier than nuclear
He holds sway over 80% of the Republican base. The Speaker of the House is at 30%.

That is his party now. The GOP members of Congress know how their bread is buttered, they will be hung drawn and quartered by their own constituents before they get to vote to impeach him. Impeachment can only happen if Democrats get 2/3 of the Senate and majority in the House, which looking at the 2018 map is damn near impossible.

We are stuck with him for 3 more years at the very least, like it or not.

I'm not so sure if he's in control. He backed the establishment figure in the Alabama primary but the anti establishment candidate won. It seems like they chose trump as a way of venting anger and don't give a fck about the consequences but I think they see him as a means to an end and will get bored of him if they think he isn't screwing things up as much as they'd like.

The life expectancy in the us is around 78 only while japan is on 84.

Thank godness trump is 71

Plus, he doesn't believe in exercise. :angel:
Obviously anything related to Trump wouldn't be desirable. On the other hand, Cuban seems to have a pretty strong mastery of an oddly large amount of political topics and would be a good counterbalance to Trump if he ever faced him. Trump's polemics wouldn't work on Cuban like they worked on conventional establishment politicians ranging from Jeb Bush to Hillary Clinton.

Trump is a bully boy and that shows strength to many. He talks, shouts and humiliates his opponents. And politics is essentially a conflict, throughout history more intelligent politicians have lost to bully boys. In boxing when you fight a big puncher a tactic is to push them on the back foot to take away their leverage and when your opponent goes low you go low in retaliation. All the while hyping up a populisist agenda. The left were guilty of not being aggressive enough to Trump and not hyping their own agenda effectively.
Trump is a bully boy and that shows strength to many. He talks, shouts and humiliates his opponents. And politics is essentially a conflict, throughout history more intelligent politicians have lost to bully boys. In boxing when you fight a big puncher a tactic is to push them on the back foot to take away their leverage and when your opponent goes low you go low in retaliation. All the while hyping up a populisist agenda. The left were guilty of not being aggressive enough to Trump and not hyping their own agenda effectively.
What left are you referring to?
His way of life for a long time has been luxurious once he became established in Hollywood.

GOP would love for the likes of him to run as a Democrat. They would keep honing down our throats that he's part of "Hollywood's liberal elite", which was an effective campaign slogan used by Trump towards Holywood's support for Clinton.

The irony in that Trump was the epitome of a wealthy, silver-spoon, liberal elite his entire life.

GOP hardcore supporters remind me of this cartoon.
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