The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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After all the shit he's done, he remains at 39%.

There's very little evidence to support the theory that a substantial number of his base will be deterred by that revelation. As for the population at large, nearly half of them don't vote. And Twitter's rants from Trump are just white noise now.

His presidency can only be ended at the ballot box.

I think it can be ended there or by impeachment.
democrats need to stop chasing the white whale and focus on a platform that brings people out to vote

I agree. But the two aren't mutually exclusive. If there was corruption involved in the election, it needs to be brought to light and prosecuted so the public have a foundation of confidence with which to approach future elections.
I think it can be ended there or by impeachment.
He holds sway over 80% of the Republican base. The Speaker of the House is at 30%.

That is his party now. The GOP members of Congress know how their bread is buttered, they will be hung drawn and quartered by their own constituents before they get to vote to impeach him. Impeachment can only happen if Democrats get 2/3 of the Senate and majority in the House, which looking at the 2018 map is damn near impossible.

We are stuck with him for 3 more years at the very least, like it or not.
He holds sway over 80% of the Republican base. The Speaker of the House is at 30%.

That is his party now. The GOP members of Congress know how their bread is buttered, they will be hung drawn and quartered by their own constituents before they get to vote to impeach him. Impeachment can only happen if Democrats get 2/3 of the Senate and majority in the House, which looking at the 2018 map is damn near impossible.

We are stuck with him for 3 more years at the very least, like it or not.

He does but that isn't guaranteed to remain that way if he's indicted. The ratings of other Republicans in the House and Senate are obviously irrelevant to this since they always poll low.
He does but that isn't guaranteed to remain that way if he's indicted. The ratings of other Republicans in the House and Senate are obviously irrelevant to this since they always poll low.
Want a bet?

We have lurched from one 'seismic revelation' to the next, while he and his cronies continue to make a mockery of your republican principles. The closest your country has ever come to removing a president by impeachment was in the aftermath of the Civil War when emotions ran ten times higher, party allegiance didn't mean as much and the opposition actually had sufficient number in both chambers of Congress to impeach. It failed.

Republicans will fight tooth and nails to keep him in there and ram through as many diabolical legislation and executive orders as they could. He is a cnut, but he is their cnut.
Want a bet?

We have lurched from one 'seismic revelation' to the next, while he and his cronies continue to make a mockery of your republican principles. The closest your country has ever come to removing a president by impeachment was in the aftermath of the Civil War when emotions ran ten times higher, party allegiance didn't mean as much and the opposition actually had sufficient number in both chambers of Congress to impeach. It failed.

Republicans will fight tooth and nails to keep him in there and ram through as many diabolical legislation and executive orders as they could. He is a cnut, but he is their cnut.

We haven't lurched to anything. There is an investigation ongoing of which bits are occasionally leaking out. Once the final findings are released that's when we will know what's up.
At worst, what do you expect from investigation? Collusion with Russia?

I think Trump is most vulnerable on obstruction of justice, which is impeachable. For instance, if its revealed he fired Comey to shut down the Russia investigation then that is an impeachable offense. Apparenlty Mueller is also looking into financial crimes since he has inquired about things that took place as much as a decade ago, which leads me to suspect he is looking at the Trump organization as a money laundering operation where Trump was financially entangled with certain Russian oligarchs (hence no tax releases as it would be pretty easy to figure out if they were released), and the third area is conspiracy which would be the collusion angle. Collusion itself isn't a legal offense but conspiracy is. Therefore, I suspect Mueller is looking at each of these and is using the usual concentric circles routine that prosecutors use to get the smaller fish first, flip them, then go after the bigger fish.

I also get the impression that Mueller may be working with Schneiderman to mirror the federal inquiry at the state level so that Trump can't use federal pardons as leverage on potential witnesses to get them to not testify. If that's the case, the Presidential pardon would be largely taken off the table.

All joking aside, the way he treated the people and the entire visit to Puerto Rico was absolutely fecking disgusting. It was like one giant piss take. Yet again he lowers the bar. Fecking disgraceful.

All joking aside, the way he treated the people and the entire visit to Puerto Rico was absolutely fecking disgusting. It was like one giant piss take. Yet again he lowers the bar. Fecking disgraceful.

The throwing of paper towels to random people as a photo op was horrendous.
The throwing of paper towels to random people as a photo op was horrendous.

I can't work out what was worse? Mocking the woman for using purifying tablets in water, telling people they don't need torches when the majority of the island is still without power, telling a family who lost their home to "have a good time" mocking about the budget, the weather, the death toll. All of it was an absolute embarrassment. Disgraceful behaviour and he lied constantly making out everything was hunky dory and a massive success on the relief front. Honestly, he has set the bar so low it's not really a surprise anymore but just look at it again and think you are watching the PRESIDENT OF THE USA acting like this to people dying, homeless, starving and in need. I can't wait to see how he is in Vegas today, the trip he was due to spend the entire day but has now reduced it to 3 hours. No doubt more self congratulatory smoke blowing of his own ass.
I can't work out what was worse? Mocking the woman for using purifying tablets in water, telling people they don't need torches when the majority of the island is still without power, telling a family who lost their home to "have a good time" mocking about the budget, the weather, the death toll
The dude tweeted to an island without power to ignore "fake news" on tv.

I mean...
We did what!?

As with the abortion laws they voted against back at the start of Trump's campaign, again the USA is fecking with world problems. Seriously, the damage this administration has done in such a short period of time is unfeckingbelievable. That's why I get mad when people say he's not doing anything or hasn't accomplished anything. He has, he really has, and it's all been evil or destructive and passed out of hate, self benefit and sheer greed with much being felt on a global scale. The relationship with the UK and Germany are just two examples. He really is a monster and completely out of control.
There is nothing understandable about that, particularly when you know that more than half of the Americans don't support that cause. Ignoring that is not understandable or acceptable, if you feel desensitized think about the fact that a large part of the population can't vote and a large part of the voting population sees things the way you do but the political system don't allow their voice to be heard. They are victims not accomplices.
When you see something with regularity you can become desensitised to it. It's s normal human reaction.
Take A&E workers or what America calls first responders who see death on a regular basis. They don't have the same reaction to it that someone who has never seen death would.
If you see or deal with death on a regular basis then you either learn to cope or end up with PTSD.

As I said I'm not there. I care. I could never be a first responder because I don't think I could learn to cope.

On a political side democracy is flawed. We vote people into power then they vote based on what suits them. It's the same here. Also here as in the US you don't need to win a majority of votes to get into power.
When you see something with regularity you can become desensitised to it. It's s normal human reaction.
Take A&E workers or what America calls first responders who see death on a regular basis. They don't have the same reaction to it that someone who has never seen death would.
If you see or deal with death on a regular basis then you either learn to cope or end up with PTSD.

As I said I'm not there. I care. I could never be a first responder because I don't think I could learn to cope.

On a political side democracy is flawed. We vote people into power then they vote based on what suits them. It's the same here. Also here as in the US you don't need to win a majority of votes to get into power.

Coping and not caring are two different things.
I can't work out what was worse? Mocking the woman for using purifying tablets in water, telling people they don't need torches when the majority of the island is still without power, telling a family who lost their home to "have a good time" mocking about the budget, the weather, the death toll. All of it was an absolute embarrassment. Disgraceful behaviour and he lied constantly making out everything was hunky dory and a massive success on the relief front. Honestly, he has set the bar so low it's not really a surprise anymore but just look at it again and think you are watching the PRESIDENT OF THE USA acting like this to people dying, homeless, starving and in need. I can't wait to see how he is in Vegas today, the trip he was due to spend the entire day but has now reduced it to 3 hours. No doubt more self congratulatory smoke blowing of his own ass.

Lax security. This would never have happened in my casino, believe me.
President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump moved their personal email accounts to computers run by the Trump Organization as public scrutiny intensified over their use of private emails to conduct White House business, internet registration records show.

The move, made just days after Kushner’s use of a personal email account first became public, came shortly after special counsel Robert Mueller asked the White House to turn over records related to his investigation of Russia's interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with Trump associates. It also more closely intertwines President Trump’s administration with his constellation of private businesses.

According to internet registration records reviewed by USA TODAY and cybersecurity researchers, Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump, who is also a senior adviser, switched the location of their email accounts to a server operated by the Trump Organization on either Sept. 26 or 27, as attention from the media and lawmakers intensified.

Now, I'm no legal eagle but does this mean if their Emails gets subpoenaed then could Kushner and Ivanka have inadvertently brought the whole of Trump Organisation into Muller's crosshairs too?
I agree. But the two aren't mutually exclusive. If there was corruption involved in the election, it needs to be brought to light and prosecuted so the public have a foundation of confidence with which to approach future elections.

Exactly this.

I see a lot of republican supporters telling others to stop focusing on stories they deem irrelevant and to stop nit-picking over issues like this, but the importance of colluding with the Russian government pre-election to target advertisements in swing states can not be understated. But yes, people should get out and vote at the next opportunity and I'm confident they will.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was on the verge of resigning this past summer amid mounting policy disputes and clashes with the White House, according to multiple senior administration officials who were aware of the situation at the time.

The tensions came to a head around the time President Donald Trump delivered a politicized speech in late July to the Boy Scouts of America, an organization Tillerson once led, the officials said.

Just days earlier, Tillerson had openly disparaged the president, referring to him as a “moron,” after a July 20 meeting at the Pentagon with members of Trump’s national security team and Cabinet officials, according to three officials familiar with the incident.

While it's unclear if he was aware of the incident, Vice President Mike Pence counseled Tillerson, who is fourth in line to the presidency, on ways to ease tensions with Trump, and other top administration officials urged him to remain in the job at least until the end of the year, officials said.

Pence has since spoken to Tillerson about being respectful of the president in meetings and in public, urging that any disagreements be sorted out privately, a White House official said. The official said progress has since been made.

Yet the disputes have not abated. This weekend, tensions spilled out into the open once again when the president seemed to publicly chide Tillerson on his handling of the crisis with North Korea.

NBC News spoke with a dozen current and former senior administration officials for this article, as well as others who are close to the president.

I'd just love it of some time soon one of Trump's cabinet fed up with the constant games, bullshit and manipulation just snaps and calls him a cnut to his face infront of onlookers. Surely someone is close to tipping point.
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Many American citizens have been feeding off a diet of bullshit and fake news for years. There's a vast demand for the product and a booming industry dedicated to satiating it. You have peddlers of it from all over but the real problem is the tens of millions just dying to lap it up. There's no substantive difference at all who the peddler is - the Kremlin, Rupert Murdoch, Alex fecking Jones, Trump - they all exist and succeed because of the demand. Waggling a finger at Russia is fair enough as a political ploy to screw over a singularly awful administration, but specifying this particular brand of imported nonsense as uniquely responsible for the current situation is an poor abdication of responsibility. The USA was already drowning in a sea of nonsense of its own making.
Many American citizens have been feeding off a diet of bullshit and fake news for years. There's a vast demand for the product and a booming industry dedicated to satiating it. You have peddlers of it from all over but the real problem is the tens of millions just dying to lap it up. There's no substantive difference at all who the peddler is - the Kremlin, Rupert Murdoch, Alex fecking Jones, Trump - they all exist and succeed because of the demand. Waggling a finger at Russia is fair enough as a political ploy to screw over a singularly awful administration, but specifying this particular brand of imported nonsense as uniquely responsible for the current situation is an poor abdication of responsibility. The USA was already drowning in a sea of nonsense of its own making.

It's a trend not privy in the us.

The Indonesian also fall victim to not only biased and dodgy news but blatantly copy pasted images from the internet and write your own story.

One time they took a hongkong citizen fb profile page and made some inciting remarks pretending on his behalf.

I thinking adsense should be regulated better in this instance. Make no mistake there are demand for what we call "brain masturbation" material on both sides.

Just like most of us here are addicted to reading trump slagging material. Although trump didn't need much fabrication for that.
It's a trend not privy in the us.

The Indonesian also fall victim to not only biased and dodgy news but blatantly copy pasted images from the internet and write your own story.

One time they took a hongkong citizen fb profile page and made some inciting remarks pretending on his behalf.

I thinking adsense should be regulated better in this instance. Make no mistake there are demand for what we call "brain masturbation" material on both sides.

Just like most of us here are addicted to reading trump slagging material. Although trump didn't need much fabrication for that.

Sure. I'd agree that most folk like confirmation of their views and are often open to nefarious methods of persuasion because of this, myself included. I guess the right to free expression in an age of easily imbibed mass media necessarily means nonsense peddling is going to exist. The US is just such a technologically advanced, large, discombobulated market of insular groups that the manufacturing of hogwash is bigger business there and can more easily find, evaluate and sell to its particular niche market. My main point though is that Russia remains just a minor actor among many in a giant stage-show that existed far before Trump. It just seems disingenuous to single it out when the market is already so saturated.
Sure. I'd agree that most folk like confirmation of their views and are often open to nefarious methods of persuasion because of this, myself included. I guess the right to free expression in an age of easily imbibed mass media necessarily means nonsense peddling is going to exist. The US is just such a technologically advanced, large, discombobulated market of insular groups that the manufacturing of hogwash is bigger business there and can more easily find, evaluate and sell to its particular niche market. My main point though is that Russia remains just a minor actor among many in a giant stage-show that existed far before Trump. It just seems disingenuous to single it out when the market is already so saturated.

The Russia are minor. But the idea that the russian government knowingly acting under putin instruction to tamper with us election isn't a trivial issue
The Russia are minor. But the idea that the russian government knowingly acting under putin instruction to tamper with us election isn't a trivial issue

Trivial with regards to what though? If they were hacking election servers and such then clearly I'd agree - that isn't a trivial thing. If they were colluding with the Trump campaign then that too is non trivial since it raises concerns regarding the independence of the Trump administration as decision makers. None of this do I dispute. What I am disputing is the notion that Russian manufactured propaganda was so brilliant in its planning and execution that its existence alone invalidates the election result. I think that any difference it made was likely minimal given the number of nonsense outlets already freely available to a willing American public. Sure - the Russian government is unscrupulous and deeply shady and there is a great deal of cultural and historical attractiveness to the idea that it can be blamed for American ills. It's an effective political and rhetorical argument that can be wheeled out at will. What major difference does it make to outcome, though, whether it was a Russian stooge or a Koch one that decided to write about Clinton running a paedophile ring from a pizza parlour?
Trivial with regards to what though? If they were hacking election servers and such then clearly I'd agree - that isn't a trivial thing. If they were colluding with the Trump campaign then that too is non trivial since it raises concerns regarding the independence of the Trump administration as decision makers. None of this do I dispute. What I am disputing is the notion that Russian manufactured propaganda was so brilliant in its planning and execution that its existence alone invalidates the election result. I think that any difference it made was likely minimal given the number of nonsense outlets already freely available to a willing American public. Sure - the Russian government is unscrupulous and deeply shady and there is a great deal of cultural and historical attractiveness to the idea that it can be blamed for American ills. It's an effective political and rhetorical argument that can be wheeled out at will. What major difference does it make to outcome, though, whether it was a Russian stooge or a Koch one that decided to write about Clinton running a paedophile ring from a pizza parlour?

The difference is minor in this election. So it does plays a part.

For me even if this russian shenagigans blows up it wont change the election outcome. But perhaps they'd be more inclined to impeach him, becuase honestlyif getting in bed with the russians won't cut it i dont think anything else will
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