The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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And herein seemingly lies his narcissistic personality disorder that separates him from others. A tried politician or an empathetic humanist that happened to become a politician or a sadistic person would use all these disasters, events, and incidents to further his/her own popularity by appeasing everyone not just a core base of nutjob fanatics, whether for the betterment of the nation or the hidden agenda of his/her party.

Trump could have been a massively popular figure but he's so conceited that he can't help himself.

There's a meme in this.
Feckin hell, I've just finished teaching there and actually listened to the audio. How weird was that press conference?? :lol:
Calling out Mulvaney at the start, castigating PR for having to spend money on them, "very proud" of 16 people dying etc etc...

“If you look at the — every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds of people that died and what happened here with a storm that was just totally overbearing. No one has ever seen anything like that. What is your death count?" he said.

"Sixteen," responded Gov. Ricardo Rosselló.

"Sixteen certified," Trump said, and then told the leaders assembled that they should all be "very proud."

I... I just... I mean...

Nope, I got nothing.
In the last few days he's blamed Puerto Rico for the hurricane, said they are needy and want everything done for them, questioned the mayor because she said a government hasn't been efficient by doing next to nothing for 2 weeks after a natural disaster. Then said they are fecking up his budget plans and that it's not a real disaster. No mention of the BK he filed on a his golf course there that stiffed them with $30m+ in debt that he and his family bailed on them.

He just doesn't know how to even be a basic decent human being let alone a leader.

Oh, but he did compliment them with saying "Your weather is second to none". Yes, he said that.
I'll have another go...

We feel your pain. We wish it would stop. We are powerless to change things. Only Americans can do so. There is no sign of that happening. It's not fair. FFS make it stop.

That disgusting, you are distorting what you said.
Yeah, it's really nothing like what he said to begin with, is it?

I always tell people that you need to give as little details as possible, that way you can totally shift by adding them later. Here he gave too many details, for example he put all Americans as Fox News viewers, not just Republicans but Americans(Are they same that watch MSNBC and CNN or read the Wapo?). He also started and ended his post by stating that he didn't care about your well-being.

Admitting the mistake would have been simpler.
I always tell people that you need to give as little details as possible, that way you can totally shift by adding them later. Here he gave too many details, for example he put all Americans as Fox News viewers, not just Republicans but Americans(Are they same that watch MSNBC and CNN or read the Wapo?). He also started and ended his post by stating that he didn't care about your well-being.

Admitting the mistake would have been simpler.

Yeah but trebling down is the new doubling down. It's Trumpism 101.
I always tell people that you need to give as little details as possible, that way you can totally shift by adding them later. Here he gave too many details, for example he put all Americans as Fox News viewers, not just Republicans but Americans(Are they same that watch MSNBC and CNN or read the Wapo?). He also started and ended his post by stating that he didn't care about your well-being.

Admitting the mistake would have been simpler.
When did I say I didn't care about their well-being?
When did I say I didn't care about their well-being?

I literally told you. First and last sentence of your post, the false assumption and the rhetorical question.
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Trump's kitchen towel fiasco: Reminds me of the time the Kardashians visited children orphaned by a tsunami...and gave them inflatable paddling pools as gifts. This is not a joke.
Reminds me of the time the Kardashians visited children orphaned by a tsunami...and gave them inflatable paddling pools as gifts. This is not a joke.

What....the.....feck? Seriously?

Trump needs to give people kitchen towels though so they can follow him around and clean up the monumental amounts of bullshit he speaks and spreads everywhere he goes.
Yeah but trebling down is the new doubling down. It's Trumpism 101.
Do you guys still not see what I'm getting at here? I listed a few of the many ways in which Americans have fecked things up for themselves; ways in which they will inevitably cause themselves (and, in some regards, the rest of us also) misery. We can do nothing about any of this. Only Americans can sort their own shit out. Don't blame me for only mentioning Fox, for example, rather than cite every source - you get the idea because pretty much everyone on here accepts that Trump is a bad president and Fox is a bad news source. I'm not interested in making those points just now. I don't believe you are cretinous enough to honestly think I am blaming each and every American citizen for these ills. Do you? It seems that way. If you don't get what I'm trying to say, that's one thing. To suggest that I am saying it's Democrats' own fault for the victims of the recent tragedy is fecking disgusting.
Trump's towel gesture is scornful, like he's saying "Your problems are trivial".
What the actual feck is he doing? Is this supposed to be him being shown to be aiding the effort down there? It's impossible to be as out of touch as he is.

In his defense they are all lapping it up and laughing and taking vids like they are at the circus and hes the first act. If they werent impressed with it they shouldnt have egged him on.
I fecking know what I meant by what I wrote better than those that have spun it to mean something I never would.

That's the entire problem, you can't make the difference between what you wrote and what you allegedly meant to write.
That's the entire problem, you can't make the difference between what you wrote and what you allegedly meant to write.
I know what I wrote and how it was meant. There's not a lot of difference there. There is a hell of a lot of difference between that and the way it was spun.
I know what I wrote and how it was meant. There's not a lot of difference there. There is a hell of a lot of difference between that and the way it was spun.

Okay, so what is your answer to that question: Why should we continue to care?
You are aware that a lot of the American posters in this thread did not vote for Trump?
Of course I fecking am!!! "You" in this context relates to "Americans". It's a generalisation. It doesn't apply to every American. Who voted Trump to be President? Americans.
Of course I fecking am!!! "You" in this context relates to "Americans". It's a generalisation. It doesn't apply to every American. Who voted Trump to be President? Americans.
Technically, the electoral college elected Trump without the majority of American voters.
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