The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I fear non-americans are going to cease to care soon. You lot voted the guy in. You allowed the Constitution to be twisted so that so many of your people are victims of gun crime. You continue to sit in front of Fox News and all that poisonous propaganda and shout down investigative journalism. Basically, you've fecked yourselves so many ways and keep on doing it. Why should we continue to care?
What about the people in America who are against guns or against Trump or against Fox or pro journalism. Your post is such a nonsensical generalisation.
What about the people in America who are against guns or against Trump or against Fox or pro journalism. Your post is such a nonsensical generalisation.

You're making the mistake of reading his words and assuming they mean what they say. Apparently that's not the way it works.

Feck my life! This just about sums the cnut up. More worried about the NFL and his image/argument than the poor people of Puerto Rico. He's disgusting.
What about the people in America who are against guns or against Trump or against Fox or pro journalism. Your post is such a nonsensical generalisation.
Who is to blame for all these things? Who has the power to change them? Americans. Not every American, of course. I'm saying it's getting harder to have sympathy for Americans in general for consequences of things that only Americans have the power to change.
Thanks for clearing that up. We were all so sure that @langster was actually communicating with a character from a book.

Just to clarify, you're not really Dennis Irwin either, right? The name is confusing me.
If you look at his post before mine... Ah, you know what... Just forget it.
If you look at his post before mine... Ah, you know what... Just forget it.
I looked at it. That's why I said "character from a book".

As for your generalisation post, yeah that's the bit I have an issue with (which funnily enough is your "justification ")...surely it gives even more reason to be sympathetic for the Americans who DO want and are trying to push through change?
I looked at it. That's why I said "character from a book".

As for your generalisation post, yeah that's the bit I have an issue with (which funnily enough is your "justification ")...surely it gives even more reason to be sympathetic for the Americans who DO want and are trying to push through change?
Well they're doing a fecking terrible job. Americans have fecked up these things and only Americans can fix them. They need to get on with it.
I fear non-americans are going to cease to care soon. You lot voted the guy in. You allowed the Constitution to be twisted so that so many of your people are victims of gun crime. You continue to sit in front of Fox News and all that poisonous propaganda and shout down investigative journalism. Basically, you've fecked yourselves so many ways and keep on doing it. Why should we continue to care?

The feck?
Well they're doing a fecking terrible job. Americans have fecked up these things and only Americans can fix them. They need to get on with it.

The trouble is the country is divided amongst partisan and cultural lines. You've got the conservative heartland, i.e the bible-bashing, gun toting, anti-science nutters, then you have the liberal and progressive heartland in the West Coast and North East, and everything else is somewhere in between.

Of course I'm grossly generalising and simplifying US demographics, but I imagine this fight to be infuriating for a large portion of the US population who keep being held back by the backward reactionary elements of their country, not helped by the orange waste of afterbirth currently sitting in the whitehouse, and of course the powerfuly lobbyists keeping congress on their knees.
The trouble is the country is divided amongst partisan and cultural lines. You've got the conservative heartland, i.e the bible-bashing, gun toting, anti-science nutters, then you have the liberal and progressive heartland in the West Coast and North East, and everything else is somewhere in between.

Of course I'm grossly generalising and simplifying US demographics, but I imagine this fight to be infuriating for a large portion of the US population who keep being held back by the backward reactionary elements of their country, not helped by the orange waste of afterbirth currently sitting in the whitehouse, and of course the powerfuly lobbyists keeping congress on their knees.
Yet the progressives just can't stop voting for conservatives to be their Democratic representatives. I do think people want progressive changes in America though. One problem is that media outlets which are perceived to be progressive really have an agenda to set a line precisely how far left society is allowed to go. When far right retards accuse them of being fake news liberal media it strengthens some people's beliefs that those media outlets are on the side of the people.
The journalists jobs are not to be scrutinizing the government. It's to make money for their owner and sell space to advertisers. They are currently doing quite well. The us governments are usually working for the same corporate interests that own the media. Why they are always pro war and always define peace process as what the US interests currently are.

pretty much.

The so called 'liberal media' also push corporate stooges as acceptable candidates.
Why we get crap like Hillary. And why we have Trump.
Yet the progressives just can't stop voting for conservatives to be their Democratic representatives. I do think people want progressive changes in America though. One problem is that media outlets which are perceived to be progressive really have an agenda to set a line precisely how far left society is allowed to go. When far right retards accuse them of being fake news liberal media it strengthens some people's beliefs that those media outlets are on the side of the people.
Yeah hard to disagree with any of that tbh.
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