The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Its like they're stuck in the 50s. Grab assing.
If my CEO or CFO or someone equivalent did that to my daughter or wife I'd be down to my work within the hour. And they'd be fighting.
It's an old boys network that is outdated.

The '50s Man
Unbelievable :lol:

Puerto Rico mayor invited to take part in White House conference call on hurricane disaster effort - but told she could not speak

The Mayor of San Juan was invited, for the first time, to participate in a conference call with top White House officials marshalling the response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico only to be told she could listen in only but would not be allowed to say anything.

Hours before Donald Trump was to touch down in San Juan on Tuesday, Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, also said she had been given no information on what he planned to do upon his arrival or even if she was going to meet him to discuss the humanitarian catastrophe wrought by Maria.

“I read in tweet that someone said I got an invitation to see him,” she revealed as she gave The Independent a tour of a sports arena now converted into a distribution hub for pallets of food, water and other necessities that tens of thousands in her city still desperately need. “I haven’t.”

In the interview, Ms Yulin, said Mr Trump appeared to issue the tweets, “just to spite us”.

“I have mouths to feed and frankly, sir.. You can insult me all you want. I can take it. But when you call my people ingrates - it’s more than an utter insult, it is a sublime acknowledgement that you don’t know our hearts. I respect the office of the presidency of the United States, but I expect whoever holds it to respect the people I represent…Talking about ingrates, to me that is an insult, it is indignity and perhaps I will accomplish more out on the streets saving lives.”

“Our focus is to bring the mayor into the coordination efforts,” Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters. “This administration, as well as other members on the ground, have reached out to her. We hope that she will join with us in those efforts and be a part of things. She's been invited to participate in the events tomorrow, as well. And we hope that those conversations will happen and we can all work together to move forward.”

But Ms Yulin, who is now sleeping in cramped quarters with all her family and members of her staff at the sports arena, revealed that the conversation with Mr Bossert and other officials hadn’t quite been that. “I was invited to participate in a conference via a text,” she said. “I did. When I went into the call it said you are allowed in a listening capacity only…so I listened.”

“I know how the America people are good-hearted people, they are friendly people, they are courageous people who when they see someone who needs their help they run to them,” she said. “And and I think that the Trump administration really doesn’t reflect those values, by tweeting that we should have paid our debt, by tweeting that we want everything done by others, by tweeting that we are ingrates.”
Despicable thing to post, but firing her doesn't make CBS look better in my opinion.
That's not why companies fire people who say something deemed to be wrong. They do it to avoid appearing complicit in the comments. It's not a good situation for employees - having their tweets or facebook posts used to fire them, but it's the world we live in. Social media platforms are part of the public record now, for better or worse.
Like the 49% of the electorate that doesn't vote.
Well of course they are responsible for their inaction. I still think not caring about people being shot because they're politically apathetic or lazy is a bit weird. It also ignores the people who ARE active in their opposition to all this.
That's not why companies fire people who say something deemed to be wrong. They do it to avoid appearing complicit in the comments. It's not a good situation for employees - having their tweets or facebook posts used to fire them, but it's the world we live in. Social media platforms are part of the public record now, for better or worse.
Yep, that's why I keep my online footprint to the bare minimum. I don't understand why people need to put their brain fart's on to social media followed by a picture of their dinner. If you want to vent just sign up for a forum like this one and do it anonymously instead of telling everyone you have interacted with what a cnut you are on social media. The Twitter in chief is the biggest example of this need. To me he is no different to a spoiled teenage brat.
Yep, that's why I keep my online footprint to the bare minimum. I don't understand why people need to put their brain fart's on to social media followed by a picture of their dinner. If you want to vent just sign up for a forum like this one and do it anonymously instead of telling everyone you have interacted with what a cnut you are on social media.
:lol: Same, I even went back and methodically deleted everything I posted as a teenager.
Well of course they are responsible for their inaction. I still think not caring about people being shot because they're politically apathetic or lazy is a bit weird. It also ignores the people who ARE active in their opposition to all this.
I have lived in the US for a long time and can honestly say that nearly everyone I have come across are amazing people who have genuine empathy for the people that suffer at the hands of stupid policy. But when it comes down to voting for a better country they are the worst. Most are uninformed and just don't give a shit.
Sandy Hook should have been the catalyst for a major change in gun control legislation but it's all pushed to the side until someone opens up on thousands of people from a hotel window.
This will be pushed from the public's minds by the end of October and in two years we will have another tragedy with even more innocent lives lost. Also between these events thousands of Americans will lose lives and loved ones to needless gun deaths.
I can't stress enough how important it is to know you're exits everywhere you go in this country. I love living here, I'm entertained, I'm more educated and my personality has changed for the better living here. I have a beautiful family, brilliant work colleagues and have met the coolest and funniest people everywhere I go. But anyone of us could be wiped out and not given a chance because, something like what happened in Vegas is hanging over all of our heads every time we leave the house. I don't live in fear but I know that the government does not have our backs like other developed nations.
Well of course they are responsible for their inaction. I still think not caring about people being shot because they're politically apathetic or lazy is a bit weird. It also ignores the people who ARE active in their opposition to all this.
fecking oath it is. That is a 9/10 twist with pike from the point I was making though.
:lol: Same, I even went back and methodically deleted everything I posted as a teenager.
Smart man. We all have thoughts that aren't suitable for public consumption at some point in our lives. Back in the day you could spray it on a wall or scratch it on to a street light but you didn't sign your name on it with a picture of your holidays underneath it. People can be so dumb these days.

Exposing more of Trump's cuntyness.

He's so transparent.

I think it's interesting that white people are distinguished from Muslims in that tweet. Also the third column, why is 'or Muslim ' in brackets?

I have lived in the US for a long time and can honestly say that nearly everyone I have come across are amazing people who have genuine empathy for the people that suffer at the hands of stupid policy. But when it comes down to voting for a better country they are the worst. Most are uninformed and just don't give a shit.
Sandy Hook should have been the catalyst for a major change in gun control legislation but it's all pushed to the side until someone opens up on thousands of people from a hotel window.
This will be pushed from the public's minds by the end of October and in two years we will have another tragedy with even more innocent lives lost. Also between these events thousands of Americans will lose lives and loved ones to needless gun deaths.
I can't stress enough how important it is to know you're exits everywhere you go in this country. I love living here, I'm entertained, I'm more educated and my personality has changed for the better living here. I have a beautiful family, brilliant work colleagues and have met the coolest and funniest people everywhere I go. But anyone of us could be wiped out and not given a chance because, something like what happened in Vegas is hanging over all of our heads every time we leave the house. I don't live in fear but I know that the government does not have our backs like other developed nations.

I live here too. These acts leave me exhausted and frustrated but I'm not going to have less sympathy for my friends and family here fighting the good fight. I don't disagree with much of what you said but you are reaching very different conclusions to the guy I was replying to. The thing he said about no longer caring is what i have issue with.
Drumpf in Puerto Rico right now doing a presser along with the Governor of PR, claiming the Gov is great because he's never played politics about the hurricane from the beginning - obviously a jab at the mayor of San Juan.
@DenisIrwin - I just read back what you said and agree with Rado_N, there's no distortion, if you have any defence it could only be that your words are being taken perhaps too literally.
You'd think Melania would at least take off her sunglasses whilst spending time with the victims in San Juan.
You'd think Melania would at least take off her sunglasses whilst spending time with the victims in San Juan.

She's already made concessions by not wearing high heels and dressing like a commoner and you want more ? :)
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I fear non-americans are going to cease to care soon. You lot voted the guy in. You allowed the Constitution to be twisted so that so many of your people are victims of gun crime. You continue to sit in front of Fox News and all that poisonous propaganda and shout down investigative journalism. Basically, you've fecked yourselves so many ways and keep on doing it. Why should we continue to care?

I'll have another go...

We feel your pain. We wish it would stop. We are powerless to change things. Only Americans can do so. There is no sign of that happening. It's not fair. FFS make it stop.

“If you look at the — every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds of people that died and what happened here with a storm that was just totally overbearing. No one has ever seen anything like that. What is your death count?" he said.

"Sixteen," responded Gov. Ricardo Rosselló.

"Sixteen certified," Trump said, and then told the leaders assembled that they should all be "very proud."
The more I read it the more I think: when will we finally, finally have reached the point where he is removed from office simply for being grossly inept for presidenting?
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