The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That seems a common trend with you.
I was wrong. If that is your honest interpretation I guess you do deserve sympathy. I happen to think you were being disingenuous though. Anyway this is off topic. It's become a bit of a feud between you and me. Let's just put each other on ignore.
I was wrong. If that is your honest interpretation I guess you do deserve sympathy. I happen to think you were being disingenuous though. Anyway this is off topic. It's become a bit of a feud between you and me. Let's just put each other on ignore.
Interpretation? You flat out said that Americans voted in Trump and twist the Constitution so why should non Americans continue to care. This isn't about interpretation.

If you don't like having your ignorance highlighted to you then perhaps don't display it so openly.
What the actual feck is going on today? Everyone is going batshit.
What's going on is that America is broken. Who's fault is it? Americans.

You really need to sort yourselves out. It's fecking painful to watch you lot fecking yourselves and the rest of the planet up.
In all honesty it does get a little bit samey. Another mass shooting in America and nothing will change with regards to gun laws and proponents of the 2nd amendment will continue to battle so hard to keep their guns that nothing will ever get done.

I kinda get the 'non-Americans will stop caring' point because it happens so often you become desensitized to it with no change in dialogue or regulations to hope for.

Doesn't make what happened any less horrific though and doesn't dismiss the poor victims of it.

Thankfully the President can't go more than a few hours without being a giant twat and doing something moronic.

Here's a trophy dedicated to erm.... yeah... It's gold and big and beautiful... like my toilet, I have the best toilets and you now have the best trophy.
Just this last week or so we've had:

The NFL fight

Ridiculous and dangerous comments on North-Korea by Trump

Health care repeal plans dying

Jared Kushner using his personal email for government business (can't even remember if there were more people close to Trump involved in this)

Tom Price fired

Puerto Rico shambles

Deadliest mass shooting in modern US history

And God knows how much I've forgotten to mention. Worst part is that today's tragedy probably is 'beneficial' for Trump because the chaos and heartbreaking news distracts from what an incredibely bad week he's had. Times we live in...
They need to fecking boo him.

Mate, they need to do something for sure. He's unbearable.

Well it's not Trump's job to conclude if it's terrorism or not.

No, but it could be to sort gun control out if he were so inclined.

Such a stupid question. I'm sure Trump is being briefed by the minute but they'd be better asking that to someone who is in the midst of the investigation.

It's a tactical question on two fronts. 1. Because he is so quick to denounce incidents on foreign soil as terrorism, quite often getting it wrong too. 2. Because the gun control issue is obviously going to come up after something like this.
Mate, they need to do something for sure. He's unbearable.

Honestly, they're the ones that get to go in and actually speak to him.

Can't they all just pool together and do something stark and blunt to his face in the room?
Honestly, they're the ones that get to go in and actually speak to him.

Can't they all just pool together and do something stark and blunt to his face in the room?

We were all discussing it in here and in the Election thread before. Someone came up with the idea that the Press should all come together and when one question was shut down, that the next person just ask the exact same question again, rinse, repeat until it got answered. Everyone should get together and call him out on his lies and don't give him any room to wiggle out of anything and most importantly, make him take responsibility for his lies and attacks. The same for anyone who works for him, but alas they just had Sean Spicer on the Golden Globes (or was it Grammy's?) making light of the fact he lied to the country and the entire world when he said about the inauguration attendance figures. If people are quick to forgive and forget and then make light of something like that then I don't hold much hope.

You would have thought they would all come together especially seeing as they are constantly under assault from Trump with his "Fake News" attacks all the time. However, the Washington Post and New York Times do seem to be working together a lot and have been printing some amazing investigative journalism stories that they appear to be collaborating together on.
The journalists jobs are not to be scrutinizing the government. It's to make money for their owner and sell space to advertisers. They are currently doing quite well. The us governments are usually working for the same corporate interests that own the media. Why they are always pro war and always define peace process as what the US interests currently are.
Yeah, indeed it does, but it's still more information and more leverage to flip him maybe?

Yep....the more dirt they have on him the more likely he is to flip....assuming of course that Trump doesn't try to pardon him. This is why its critical that Mueller and Schneiderman get together to mirror their charges at both the federal and state levels so that it renders Trump's pardon power impotent.
Yep....the more dirt they have on him the more likely he is to flip....assuming of course that Trump doesn't try to pardon him. This is why its critical that Mueller and Schneiderman get together to mirror their charges at both the federal and state levels so that it renders Trump's pardon power impotent.

Yeah, 100% I sincerely hope that happens. I wasn't aware (until you said it) about State charges not being covered by a Presidential pardon, that at least leaves some hope that prosecutions can actually be carried out.

What's happening here that I'm missing?

Click the link in the tweet to read the story, mate. :) (also the video only works on Twitter I think, it's a cool baby cannon shooting dominoes)
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