The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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the guy is emotionally underdeveloped.

He responds like a kid.

unlike Dwbya though, when this guy leaves office, both sides will have their knives out

"so tired of winning" :)

Winning:lol: the concept of winning is great.
What did we win? Nothing you are a failure. YES WINNING! We won failing brilliantly. More than any other president. So good. So good.
When people say 'winning' it reminds me of that character from GTA4, or Charlie Sheen :lol:
Absolutely dreading this piece of shit’s reaction to the Vegas shooting.

If it’s a white supremist we’ll be struggling to get a reaction.

Any other race and he’ll be quick to condemn and feed off it.

All that is guaranteed is that he will talk about himself.
the guy is emotionally underdeveloped.

He responds like a kid.

unlike Dwbya though, when this guy leaves office, both sides will have their knives out

"so tired of winning" :)

I think the guy who worked as a ghost writer for his book (Schwartz?) used a very similar phrase when he descried him before the election. I take comfort in the thought though that since he loves getting his arse kissed so much, all the shit hes getting must really make him miserable
'No, "egg", sir'. As in, "sunny side up".
'Oh. "Egg". Easy.'
'Yessss!! Great... next bit. "Gree..." like "greed" only with the "D" chopped off'.
'"Gree". Whatever. Yeah, hurry up, I have golf to play'.
'Right. You are doin' jus' great, sir. Brings me to "Juss". Sounds like "justice", with the end chopped off'.
'"Juss." Hmph. Don't sound very Presidential to me. Wait. I need to tweet'.
'Ah, yes. Brilliant. Now put all three together...'
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Absolutely dreading this piece of shit’s reaction to the Vegas shooting.

If it’s a white supremist we’ll be struggling to get a reaction.

Any other race and he’ll be quick to condemn and feed off it.

All that is guaranteed is that he will talk about himself.
Are you surprised? He can't have a word against his voters.
The issue of gun deaths in the US makes Islamic terrorism pale into almost insignificance by comparison. For one he wants to close the borders and kick out hundreds of thousands of people but for the bigger one nobody wants to do anything.
I fear non-americans are going to cease to care soon. You lot voted the guy in. You allowed the Constitution to be twisted so that so many of your people are victims of gun crime. You continue to sit in front of Fox News and all that poisonous propaganda and shout down investigative journalism. Basically, you've fecked yourselves so many ways and keep on doing it. Why should we continue to care?
I fear non-americans are going to cease to care soon. You lot voted the guy in. You allowed the Constitution to be twisted so that so many of your people are victims of gun crime. You continue to sit in front of Fox News and all that poisonous propaganda and shout down investigative journalism. Basically, you've fecked yourselves so many ways and keep on doing it. Why should we continue to care?
I fear non-americans are going to cease to care soon. You lot voted the guy in. You allowed the Constitution to be twisted so that so many of your people are victims of gun crime. You continue to sit in front of Fox News and all that poisonous propaganda and shout down investigative journalism. Basically, you've fecked yourselves so many ways and keep on doing it. Why should we continue to care?

You are aware that a lot of the American posters in this thread did not vote for Trump?
Less than half of the half the population who voted, voted for Trump, therefore all Americans deserve no sympathy for being shot. Brilliant.
What investigative journalism? I don't blame americans being confused. The TV media there is full of needless drama that some are addicted to it because it provokes them and they believe those bunch of talentless actors reading from their scripts and tele-promoters. Hillary is still walking free. He said 9/11 was inside job? No ones been arrested and no mention since. Where's the wall? Antartica? When liars tell you the truth, it's to get you to vote them in so that you believe that give two bleeps. I feel for Americans. They believe in Aliens lol. It's hollyweird over there and trump is systematic of the problem. There are so many invested interests Too many invested interest and next to no interest from a population conditioned by junk food/adverts and more adverts. They have so many adverts.....I feel for the people. I have an idea what it's like but they are subjected to such retardation that maybe hulk hogan will be the next president after trump or maybe some film star but only if they are all related. Got to keep it in the family. Americans at least have an excuse to be confused.
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What investigative journalism? I don't blame americans being confused. The TV media there is full of needless drama that some are addicted to it because it provokes them and they believe those bunch of talentless actors reading from their scripts and tele-promoters. Hillary is still walking free. He said 9/11 was inside job? No ones been arrested and no mention since. Where's the wall? Antartica? When liars tell you the truth, it's to get you to vote them in so that you believe that give two bleeps. I feel for Americans. They believe in Aliens lol. It's hollyweird over there and trump is systematic of the problem. But is Trump in charge? Who is to say. There are so many invested interests Too many invested interest and next to no interest from a population conditioned by junk food/adverts and more adverts. They have so many adverts.....I feel for the people.

The kind being done by reporters at organisations like NYT & Washpo.
Trump will hopefully stick to the teleprompter for this speech. Will be one of the most important speeches he gives as president on what is a sad day for the country.
Trump will hopefully stick to the teleprompter for this speech. Will be one of the most important speeches he gives as president on what is a sad day for the country.

He's still probably waiting to see if this guy is a liberal or conservative before he opens his sewer mouth.
Is it fook

I fear non-americans are going to cease to care soon. You lot voted the guy in. You allowed the Constitution to be twisted so that so many of your people are victims of gun crime. You continue to sit in front of Fox News and all that poisonous propaganda and shout down investigative journalism. Basically, you've fecked yourselves so many ways and keep on doing it. Why should we continue to care?

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