The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What does "taking a knee" mean in regards to Trump?

A great way to divide the country by portraying himself as a patriot who's being undermined by malevolent forces at every turn, even to the point that they'll walk over the graves of American soldiers to prove their point to him.
A great way to divide the country by portraying himself as a patriot who's being undermined by malevolent forces at every turn, even to the point that they'll walk over the graves of American soldiers to prove their point to him.
That doesn't tell me much.
No, because you have said nothing about what taking a knee actually entails.

Because on the one hand it's simple, the other it's not. It's been covered in here relentlessly over the last week, also it's been covered relentlessly in the news for longer, but especially the last week since Trump's comments. Just go back a few pages in this thread to last Saturday/Sunday and you will be able to read as much about it as you like.

Basically a black NFL player called Colin Kaepernick started sitting out the national anthem to protest police brutality and the murder of black people by cops. He was told it would be more respectful to kneel instead, so he did. He lost his job and is unemployed but still protesting and a few other NFL players started kneeling in support of him and his protest. Trump called them out and said it was unpatriotic and disrespectful to the flag and the USA and basically made the argument all about him. Last week over 150 players, owners and managers kneeled or took part in a joint protest against police brutality but also now against Trump himself. This caused a massive split in the USA with some supporting and some against.
As if attacking women and the NFL wasn't enough for one weekend and after Kim and North Korea had been quiet for a while, obviously Trump fancied another fight, more attention and the chance to start war again.

Because on the one hand it's simple, the other it's not. It's been covered in here relentlessly over the last week, also it's been covered relentlessly in the news for longer, but especially the last week since Trump's comments. Just go back a few pages in this thread to last Saturday/Sunday and you will be able to read as much about it as you like.

Basically a black NFL player called Colin Kaepernick started sitting out the national anthem to protest police brutality and the murder of black people by cops. He was told it would be more respectful to kneel instead, so he did. He lost his job and is unemployed but still protesting and a few other NFL players started kneeling in support of him and his protest. Trump called them out and said it was unpatriotic and disrespectful to the flag and the USA and basically made the argument all about him. Last week over 150 players, owners and managers kneeled or took part in a joint protest against police brutality but also now against Trump himself. This caused a massive split in the USA with some supporting and some against.
Thank you. So basically it is kneeling during the national anthem as a form of protest.
As if attacking women and the NFL wasn't enough for one weekend and after Kim and North Korea had been quiet for a while, obviously Trump fancied another fight, more attention and the chance to start war again.

Trying his best to divert attention.
Trying his best to divert attention.

Yes of course, and he hopes Kim will retaliate so he can continue the war of words and the press starts to focus on that instead. But what kind of fecking moronic lunatic would risk nuclear war just to change the subject from his failure to deal with a hurricane disaster? His sanity must surely be called in to question by anyone and everyone now, surely? Yet over on Twitter there are people applauding him and telling him to go and bomb the feck out of NK. I despair, I really do.
As if attacking women and the NFL wasn't enough for one weekend and after Kim and North Korea had been quiet for a while, obviously Trump fancied another fight, more attention and the chance to start war again.

Right so no negotiating and America will do what has to be done...
Has he basically just declared war on Twitter?
That's how it would seem, not only that he's just completely undermined his own Secretary of State in front of the entire world too.
Yep. I am no fan of Tillerson but appreciated his effort on this occasion to save the planet from his demagogue boss.
Right so no negotiating and America will do what has to be done...
Has he basically just declared war on Twitter?

No. He's not actually going to do anything because he doesn't actually do anything. He just tweets so everyone has something to talk about and we don't notice that actually he does nothing. With regard to North Korea that's a good thing but something like Puerto Rico hugely devastating.
No. He's not actually going to do anything because he doesn't actually do anything. He just tweets so everyone has something to talk about and we don't notice that actually he does nothing

And this is exactly why he's winning. He's IS doing things, he is doing lots and lots of things he's just distracting people with his bullshit. Just this weekend 9 MILLION kids lost their health insurance but that has hardly been reported because of his distractions and it's the same every single time.

He's purposely doing everything he can to ensure Obamacare fails so he can then say he told everyone so and then implement Trumpcare. He has just publically announced his Tax Plan that ensures a 20 TRILLION cut for the richest people in the USA including removing estate tax that would personally cost his family up to $4BILLION. He's removing environmental and workers protection acts all over the place, he now has oil flowing through the Dakota Access pipeline and he has removed many federal protection laws that prevented public/federal land from being used for coal mining or drilling for oil.

I could go on and on listing the things he has done. As many here have said he's a classic conman, don't ever fall in to the trap of thinking he's doing nothing because you couldn't be more wrong.
And this is exactly why he's winning. He's IS doing things, he is doing lots and lots of things he's just distracting people with his bullshit. Just this weekend 9 MILLION kids lost their health insurance but that has hardly been reported because of his distractions and it's the same every single time.

Why that? Where can I read more on the background?

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