The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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David Attenborough has asked the BBC to cancel the upcoming Blue Planet II series because Trump just explained all the info from the entire show in one statement.


Sad for the people of Puerto Rico but feck me...what a president.:lol:
The man is a cnut. I'm not into politics but I've gone from been saddened to what has happened to Puerto Rico to fuming angry although I'm not surprised because that insane bigot doesn't give a toss about them. To him they are just an inconvenience and he genuinely has zero empathy. I hate to say it but if it was a "White Island" I think he'd have been and made sure they have the bare essentials already.

10 days and counting of total neglect and insensitive comments (that fecker added to their woes by filing a BK on one of his courses there) is disgusting.

Nevermind the fact that they are human beings, but they are also U.S tax paying citizens and have had a lot of problems in recent years. It would be nice to know that they have some help where it counts but it's almost like they have been made to fend for themselves. They aren't next to the moon. They are 1000 miles from the mainland and easy to find in that great big ocean. Puerto Rico is a beautiful place full of amazing people who actually have a history of helping other nearby island when disaster has struck.
The man is a cnut. I'm not into politics but I've gone from been saddened to what has happened to Puerto Rico to fuming angry although I'm not surprised because that insane bigot doesn't give a toss about them. To him they are just an inconvenience and he genuinely has zero empathy. I hate to say it but if it was a "White Island" I think he'd have been and made sure they have the bare essentials already.

10 days and counting of total neglect and insensitive comments (that fecker added to their woes by filing a BK on one of his courses there) is disgusting.

Nevermind the fact that they are human beings, but they are also U.S tax paying citizens and have had a lot of problems in recent years. It would be nice to know that they have some help where it counts but it's almost like they have been made to fend for themselves. They aren't next to the moon. They are 1000 miles from the mainland and easy to find in that great big ocean. Puerto Rico is a beautiful place full of amazing people who actually have a history of helping other nearby island when disaster has struck.

Great post. But he doesn't care.
To him they're just a happenstance. They aren't Americans
There as been more white people killed by cops then blacks but kneeling does nothing u think it's going to stop bad cops from shooting or beating up people just like black people ain't going to stop killing black people over what color u wear or what block u live on or whites killing whites all they r doing is tryn to get attention if they won't to make a difference. protest in there community and help r younger kids that look up to them be better teens turning into men instead of teaching them to act like pussys if it keeps up how we r going with people like u put u dumb shit like the media we will b protesting what kind of milk to sell at the stores u c when the hurricane was here we didn't hear shit besides everyone helping each other out didn't matter what color u was everyone was praying for each other there was no politic on no channels now it's over let's get back to the race war we have going on do to the media I want to watch football not politics grown men acting like pussys. I would watch golf u feel me
That's exactly what he meant to say.

He literally cannot say something that isn't turned into a positive about himself and this is the perfect example of it.

There is no way you can twist death of other people into a positive about yourself and yet he went through serious mental gymnastics because the narcissism is so severe. It didn't work.
Narcissistic cnut.
We're fecked eitherway. Even if the Dems claw back control in 2020, we can never restore the pre-Trump order. We'll never be able to re-establish the same standards of diplomacy and unilateral respect in the wake of a President who could lie cheat and steal without instant reprocusion. We can't go back to an age of respecting the press after an Administration that has consistently proved it can undermine it. We can't pretend a President isn't above the law once we've had one that can be. We can't go back to an age of rational political discourse, in the wake of the most powerful man alive being a genuinely retarded corrupt idiot. Every dick pick senator or crack head mayor will be a minor triviality from here on in. There are no standards anymore. Even if another Obama came among, we'd just be pretending his diplomacy was cool. We've lost all pretence of innocence.

The only options we have are mass collective denial or some kind of revolution. Eitherway I'm gonna get ridiculously drunk.
Feck me :(
We're fecked eitherway. Even if the Dems claw back control in 2020, we can never restore the pre-Trump order. We'll never be able to re-establish the same standards of diplomacy and unilateral respect in the wake of a President who could lie cheat and steal without instant reprocusion. We can't go back to an age of respecting the press after an Administration that has consistently proved it can undermine it. We can't pretend a President isn't above the law once we've had one that can be. We can't go back to an age of rational political discourse, in the wake of the most powerful man alive being a genuinely retarded corrupt idiot. Every dick pick senator or crack head mayor will be a minor triviality from here on in. There are no standards anymore. Even if another Obama came among, we'd just be pretending his diplomacy was cool. We've lost all pretence of innocence.

The only options we have are mass collective denial or some kind of revolution. Eitherway I'm gonna get ridiculously drunk.
I agree. Brian Stelter was on about a president making up a story about a senator being in hospital would have been enough to get heads rolling in previous administration.
No one even bats an eyelid now. The whole country is saturated with bullshit.
The standard you'd demand from a president has fallen through the floor, so much that you can't really demand such from the next guy.
How on earth can anyone really insist that a new president realease his tax returns?
How can anyone insist a new president doesn't violate the enulments clause?
How can anyone insist a new president doesn't include his family members as staff?
I agree. Brian Stelter was on about a president making up a story about a senator being in hospital would have been enough to get heads rolling in previous administration.
No one even bats an eyelid now. The whole country is saturated with bullshit.
The standard you'd demand from a president has fallen through the floor, so much that you can't really demand such from the next guy.
How on earth can anyone really insist that a new president realease his tax returns?
How can anyone insist a new president doesn't violate the enulments clause?
How can anyone insist a new president doesn't include his family members as staff?

They need to learn from this cluster feck of a mistake and bring in watertight regulations.

It’s not a case of using him as a reference point and saying “well he did it sooo...”

It’s got to be a case of using him as a reference point and saying “You can’t do that, that’s Trump like behaviour. Completely unacceptable(illegal?)”

Hopefully they can bring a tonne of charges on his ass and disgrace him in an official capacity once and for all and then the latter will come organically.
We're fecked eitherway. Even if the Dems claw back control in 2020, we can never restore the pre-Trump order. We'll never be able to re-establish the same standards of diplomacy and unilateral respect in the wake of a President who could lie cheat and steal without instant reprocusion. We can't go back to an age of respecting the press after an Administration that has consistently proved it can undermine it. We can't pretend a President isn't above the law once we've had one that can be. We can't go back to an age of rational political discourse, in the wake of the most powerful man alive being a genuinely retarded corrupt idiot. Every dick pick senator or crack head mayor will be a minor triviality from here on in. There are no standards anymore. Even if another Obama came among, we'd just be pretending his diplomacy was cool. We've lost all pretence of innocence.
I think a reformist president could easily set the tone for a more accountable kind of politics in the US. It'll require public opinion to be onside, but that's very possible after people are sick of Trump. It might be 2024, but it will happen.
We're fecked eitherway. Even if the Dems claw back control in 2020, we can never restore the pre-Trump order. We'll never be able to re-establish the same standards of diplomacy and unilateral respect in the wake of a President who could lie cheat and steal without instant reprocusion. We can't go back to an age of respecting the press after an Administration that has consistently proved it can undermine it. We can't pretend a President isn't above the law once we've had one that can be. We can't go back to an age of rational political discourse, in the wake of the most powerful man alive being a genuinely retarded corrupt idiot. Every dick pick senator or crack head mayor will be a minor triviality from here on in. There are no standards anymore. Even if another Obama came among, we'd just be pretending his diplomacy was cool. We've lost all pretence of innocence.

The only options we have are mass collective denial or some kind of revolution. Eitherway I'm gonna get ridiculously drunk.

It's 545 AM and I've been working all night, so this is going to be incoherent:
the terrible things Trump has done and is doing are in line with or much less severe than his predecessors. Every single aspect of Iran-Contra and Reagan's response is horrendous. The program itself, the choice of partner, the lack of oversight, the lying, the coverup, and the freely distributed pardons.
Bush legalised torture. He started a war whose effects are going to be felt for decades, over a very obvious lie.
Obama made it ok for US citizens to be killed without trial.
Cointelpro, run under 4-5 different presidents, was a program the involved assassinations of dissidents, false flag attacks, deliberate provocation of violence, and subversion of civil rights and feminist movements (let alone leftists.)
You go back to the days of the early FBI and mass deportations.

They're all bad. Trumps evil, especially the stuff you're referring to, is on the surface and much smaller scale than all of these examples. If the office loses sheen because of it, that's a step forward.

Edit: all foreign policy by almost all countries starts with the premise that other lives matter less.
The standard you'd demand from a president has fallen through the floor, so much that you can't really demand such from the next guy.
How on earth can anyone really insist that a new president realease his tax returns?
How can anyone insist a new president doesn't violate the enulments clause?
How can anyone insist a new president doesn't include his family members as staff?
You have to. Otherwise it's an even bigger capitulation than we've seen thus far...

They need to learn from this cluster feck of a mistake and bring in watertight regulations.

It’s not a case of using him as a reference point and saying “well he did it sooo...”

It’s got to be a case of using him as a reference point and saying “You can’t do that, that’s Trump like behaviour. Completely unacceptable(illegal?)”

Hopefully they can bring a tonne of charges on his ass and disgrace him in an official capacity once and for all and then the latter will come organically.

I think a reformist president could easily set the tone for a more accountable kind of politics in the US. It'll require public opinion to be onside, but that's very possible after people are sick of Trump. It might be 2024, but it will happen.
This is what I hope too. Sadly I'm not that convinced it will happen...
They need to learn from this cluster feck of a mistake and bring in watertight regulations.

It’s not a case of using him as a reference point and saying “well he did it sooo...”

It’s got to be a case of using him as a reference point and saying “You can’t do that, that’s Trump like behaviour. Completely unacceptable(illegal?)”

Hopefully they can bring a tonne of charges on his ass and disgrace him in an official capacity once and for all and then the latter will come organically.
Without doing the second sentence, the first one would be impossible. You can't just let a guy continue like that for the rest of his term, saying things will go back to normal once he goes.
I would think it unavoidable for someone to run as a reformist without making their entire campaign about Trump and the horrible things he does/says and gets away with.

Thereby alienating a swathe of people because they're fed up of hearing about Trump. Plus obviously his feckwit supporters.
I've seen the phrase no empathy used frequently the last few pages. I think I said it in this thread earlier but I'll remind people that the definition of a psychopath is someone void of empathy. Here are some signs from a few websites. Remind you of anyone?

The PCL describes psychopaths as being callous and showing a lack of empathy, traits the PPI describes as “coldheartedness.” The criteria for dissocial personality disorder include a “callous unconcern for the feelings of others.”

Psychopaths and, to a degree, sociopaths, show a lack of emotion, especially social emotions such as shame, guilt, and embarrassment.

According to Cleckley, psychopaths show unreliability, while the PCL mentions “irresponsibility,” and the PPI describes psychopaths as showing “blame externalization,” i.e. they blame others for things that are actually their fault.

Ranging from what the PCL describes as “glibness” and “superficial charm,” to Cleckley’s “untruthfulness” and “insincerity,” to outright “pathological lying,” there is a trend toward devaluing speech itself among psychopaths by inflating and distorting it toward selfish ends. The criteria for APD include “conning others for personal profit or pleasure.”

The PCL describes sociopaths as possessing a “grandiose sense of self worth.” Cleckley speaks frequently of the boastfulness of his patients. Hare (1993) describes an imprisoned sociopath who believed he was a world-class swimmer.

According to Newman and his colleagues, the core deficit in psychopathy is a failure of what they call response modulation (Hiatt and Newman, 2006). When most of us engage in a task, we are able to alter our activity or modulate our responses, depending on relevant peripheral information that appears after the task has begun. Psychopaths are specifically deficient in this ability, and according to Newman, this explains their impulsivity

Cleckley spoke of his psychopaths showing a “pathologic egocentricity [and incapacity for love],” which is affirmed in the PPI's inclusion of egocentricity among its criteria. The PCL also mentions a “parasitic lifestyle.”

Narcissists 'can never really love anyone'
According to Perpetua Neo, a psychologist and therapist who specializes in people with DTP traits, the answer is no.

"Narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths do not have a sense of empathy," she told Business Insider. "They do not and will not develop a sense of empathy, so they can never really love anyone."

This doesn't change when they have children. There's no primal instinct to protect and encourage their child because the child is not seen as a separate entity, but merely a tool at their disposal.

schoolyard psychopaths will gather around a fight to encourage the combatants’
He's now targeting the San Juan mayor who has been vocal in speaking out that they're not getting the help they need.
Never thought America would outdo Bush, but they have and by a huge fecking margin. Bush wasn't evil or narcissistic, just dumb.

Imagine sitting in the Oval Office, being the most powerful man in the world and then attack a mayor of a hurricane affected city via Twitter. Just as I thought a couple of weeks ago that he'd toned it down a bit, he posts the nastiest thing yet.

The US has a big task restoring it's credibility to the rest of the world when Trump is gone.
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