The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Has this been posted yet? It’s unedited footage. Incredible. He’s dementing in front of our eyes. Live on television

He can't speak (or perhaps even think) without trying to turn it into a boast about himself and you can see just how hard he found this one.

The narcissism has taken over him like Venom over Spiderman.
I know it's technically the wrong thread but after completely ignoring and not mentioning Puerto Rico for over a week after it was devastated by two hurricanes, Trump has now been mentioning it almost at every given opportunity. He's been banging on about how great the relief efforts are going, and how great his administration is handling it all. This comes only a day after the massive feck up where Elaine Duke said that the island and the efforts were "a good news story"

Well it appears now that the Mayor of Puerto Rico has had enough and has broken, she's publically calling Trump out and slamming him and his administration for their piss poor efforts and she's crying out for help. If Trump isn't careful this will become his Katrina, and has the potential to be even worse.

I know it's technically the wrong thread but after completely ignoring and not mentioning Puerto Rico for over a week after it was devastated by two hurricanes, Trump has now been mentioning it almost at every given opportunity. He's been banging on about how great the relief efforts are going, and how great his administration is handling it all. This comes only a day after the massive feck up where Elaine Duke said that the island and the efforts were "a good news story"

Well it appears now that the Mayor of Puerto Rico has had enough and has broken, she's publically calling Trump out and slamming him and his administration for their piss poor efforts and she's crying out for help. If Trump isn't careful this will become his Katrina, and has the potential to be even worse.

Wow. She's pissed
It's occurred to me that the Trump/May 'special relationship' is a laughingly poor imitation of Reagan/Thatcher. Both Trump and May are on the record of looking up to those two, have similar nasty policies and have been making a show of their alliance, but they are so bumbling and incompetent they can't get anything done and they're derided by people in their own party, let alone the wider public.

Tbf, every right wing UK/US politico since has been in some way an imitation of them. They were the last truly powerful and iconic exemplars of that ideology after all. If anything I'd say Trump is the least Reaganite of his GOP rivals. Charismatic (sic) populism aside. He's taken the party much further right than even they expected, and the party itself was already becoming dangerously more extreme than it was under Ronald, pre-Trump. Just look at Reagans views on gun control, for example, compared to the now accepted hard line of the GOP base.
Wow. She's pissed

Yup, and rightly so. Trump didn't even acknowledge the disaster for a week (despite mentioning Houston and Florida constantly) and then suddenly proclaims everything is going well. People really are dying and the whole island is fecked, they need help. Trumps cuts to FEMA and other government departments are obviously not helping and they must be stretched to the limit with the areas hit by the hurricanes and also the fires in California. It's only just starting to gain traction but there's huge problems with relief aid to these areas and people are really suffering. Any deaths will soon be blamed on Trump and his administration and their department cuts, if he continues to try to spin that everything is fine when it's not, well I think this has the potential to be more politically damaging to him than anything else that has gone beforehand. Add all this to the huge stories of his cabinet ripping off taxpayers left right and centre AND the emails scandal AND the fact he seemed more preoccupied with a pointless argument with the NFL and their players and all this is shaping up to be really disastrous for him.
What? This is just nonsense. What did he mean to say?

That's exactly what he meant to say.

He literally cannot say something that isn't turned into a positive about himself and this is the perfect example of it.

There is no way you can twist death of other people into a positive about yourself and yet he went through serious mental gymnastics because the narcissism is so severe. It didn't work.
Tbf, every right wing UK/US politico since has been in some way an imitation of them. They were the last truly powerful and iconic exemplars of that ideology after all. If anything I'd say Trump is the least Reaganite of his GOP rivals. Charismatic (sic) populism aside. He's taken the party much further right than even they expected, and the party itself was already becoming dangerously more extreme than it was under Ronald, pre-Trump. Just look at Reagans views on gun control, for example, compared to the now accepted hard line of the GOP base.

Fair points. I do think Reagan's presidency is vastly overrated, although it's only really since his death that I feel he's been put on a pedestal.

The economy was beginning to climb up again under Carter whose fiscal policies was implemented with a long term blueprint in mind. Reagan and the GOP was successful in turning the crisis of confidence speech which at the time was popular, into 'malaise' and foreseeable austerity.

For much of Reagan's first term jobs trends were just continual from Carter which is exactly the same with Trump/Obama. Trump's not done anything of note but takes the credit. Trickle-down 'voodoo-economics' benefited the rich only and cut into the middle-class who faced increased taxes. To this day it's effects are there.

His influence on the Cold War are significant, if slightly embellished in time, but the military actions he used which were condemned by the UN don't get mentioned. Also the aids epidemic..........

He could act presidential and while Trump is the polar opposite there.....'because you'd be in jail' is his 'there you go again'

Yup, and rightly so. Trump didn't even acknowledge the disaster for a week (despite mentioning Houston and Florida constantly) and then suddenly proclaims everything is going well. People really are dying and the whole island is fecked, they need help. Trumps cuts to FEMA and other government departments are obviously not helping and they must be stretched to the limit with the areas hit by the hurricanes and also the fires in California. It's only just starting to gain traction but there's huge problems with relief aid to these areas and people are really suffering. Any deaths will soon be blamed on Trump and his administration and their department cuts, if he continues to try to spin that everything is fine when it's not, well I think this has the potential to be more politically damaging to him than anything else that has gone beforehand. Add all this to the huge stories of his cabinet ripping off taxpayers left right and centre AND the emails scandal AND the fact he seemed more preoccupied with a pointless argument with the NFL and their players and all this is shaping up to be really disastrous for him.
Agreed totally. With Katrina the Government and Bush specifically were just clueless as to how to take on the relief efforts. With Maria it seems worse, seems that Trump doesn't even give a shit. Like they are second rate citizens, or even second rate human beings. But of course he's going to spew his own. Narrative that everything is great and they are getting great reviews.
Agreed totally. With Katrina the Government and Bush specifically were just clueless as to how to take on the relief efforts. With Maria it seems worse, seems that Trump doesn't even give a shit. Like they are second rate citizens, or even second rate human beings. But of course he's going to spew his own. Narrative that everything is great and they are getting great reviews.

It's utterly disgraceful that he took so long to even acknowledge the island was hit by TWO hurricanes ffs, It's disgraceful seeing as they are US citizens suffering so badly especially with his MAGA and America First bullshit all the time. He must just mean the mainland US or what we all know really, the white US. On that note, he hasn't even publically acknowledged or sent his thoughts and prayers to Mexico after it being hit by three earthquakes. His racism is showing more and more each week.

Meanwhile, back in the swamp.....

Twitter is littered with stories like this now. The WaPo, New York Times and The Hill are scrambling to uncover as many of these stories as they can.
It's utterly disgraceful that he took so long to even acknowledge the island was hit by TWO hurricanes ffs, It's disgraceful seeing as they are US citizens suffering so badly especially with his MAGA and America First bullshit all the time. He must just mean the mainland US or what we all know really, the white US. On that note, he hasn't even publically acknowledged or sent his thoughts and prayers to Mexico after it being hit by three earthquakes. His racism is showing more and more each week.

Meanwhile, back in the swamp.....

Twitter is littered with stories like this now. The WaPo, New York Times and The Hill are scrambling to uncover as many of these stories as they can.

ffs :lol:
Fair points. I do think Reagan's presidency is vastly overrated, although it's only really since his death that I feel he's been put on a pedestal.

The economy was beginning to climb up again under Carter whose fiscal policies was implemented with a long term blueprint in mind. Reagan and the GOP was successful in turning the crisis of confidence speech which at the time was popular, into 'malaise' and foreseeable austerity.

For much of Reagan's first term jobs trends were just continual from Carter which is exactly the same with Trump/Obama. Trump's not done anything of note but takes the credit. Trickle-down 'voodoo-economics' benefited the rich only and cut into the middle-class who faced increased taxes. To this day it's effects are there.

His influence on the Cold War are significant, if slightly embellished in time, but the military actions he used which were condemned by the UN don't get mentioned. Also the aids epidemic..........

He could act presidential and while Trump is the polar opposite there.....'because you'd be in jail' is his 'there you go again'

Oh I largely agree. Of the two Thatcher was clearly the stronger politician. Reagan was (to my mind at least) much more of a corporate puppet. The fact he was a middling actor with a prolonged career as an advertising front man was almost too perfect a cynical parody for people to fully realise at the time. Hiding in plain sight, as it were. His entire purpose was to act Presidential, while others did the work. Trump, on the other hand, is as far from that as humaly possible. Aside from the whole "others doing the work" bit, obviously.

I'm admittedly not old enough to have experienced any of this in real time, and am going entirely off my A level Politics coursework and subsequent curiosity (so I could be talking shit) but IMO, Reagan & Thatcher's greatest achievement (if you could call it that) was in moving the political center to the right, and thus forcing their opponents to meet them half way. The world has been completely fecked ever since. Some would argue Blair & Clinton shifted things back a tad, but both were (and still are) accused of compromise (particularly Blair, and subsequently Obama & Hillary) and of selling their soul to corporate interest to do so.

But that is nothing compared to what it did to the right, which almost by necessity became an even grosser, nastier version of itself, once it's less obviously evil 80s form became the accepted face of the mean centre ground. In short, all the terrifying nonsense of now was potentially seeded by Reagan & Thatcher... As if we needed another reason to hate them.
Tom Price resigns.What a joke of a Administration.

Another one bites the dust.

Just dont get why they think they can get away with this kind of stuff. Media are always going to find out if this kind of abuse of taxpayer money occurs.
Agreed totally. With Katrina the Government and Bush specifically were just clueless as to how to take on the relief efforts. With Maria it seems worse, seems that Trump doesn't even give a shit. Like they are second rate citizens, or even second rate human beings. But of course he's going to spew his own. Narrative that everything is great and they are getting great reviews.

He hates non-whites, the poor, the sick. Anyone that doesn't hoot and holler for him doesn't deserve his attention or care, and those that do are just suckers and pawns anyhow. He's a democratic government version of a despot.
He hates non-whites, the poor, the sick. Anyone that doesn't hoot and holler for him doesn't deserve his attention or care, and those that do are just suckers and pawns anyhow. He's a democratic government version of a despot.

This exactly. He's also someone that has zero empathy for any other human being.
He literally doesn't care if you live or die.
I don't think I've ever hated anyone more.
This exactly. He's also someone that has zero empathy for any other human being.
He literally doesn't care if you live or die.
I don't think I've ever hated anyone more.

I think the only person he truly cares for is Ivanka, and that's probably because he lusts after her. He clearly doesn't care for his wife and I don't think he gives a toss about his sons beyond just making money for him. He'd probably throw both under the bus if it came to saving his own ass. And he certainly doesn't do anything for Tiffany, at least not on the surface from what I've seen. You never hear anything about his siblings.

He's quite possibly the most narcissistic, most arrogant, most selfish human being on the planet at this time.
It still baffles me how he won the election. Maybe it's Russia after all.

I'm not naive to think there's no racist biggot base in america, but i believe in their ideology as a nation is still good and virtuous (the government not so much)

And he's not changing anything since the rally, this is still the same narcissistic buffon they choose back then
I think the only person he truly cares for is Ivanka, and that's probably because he lusts after her. He clearly doesn't care for his wife and I don't think he gives a toss about his sons beyond just making money for him. He'd probably throw both under the bus if it came to saving his own ass. And he certainly doesn't do anything for Tiffany, at least not on the surface from what I've seen. You never hear anything about his siblings.

He's quite possibly the most narcissistic, most arrogant, most selfish human being on the planet at this time.

The phrase fecking cnut has never been more apt. What he's done with regards to Puerto Rico is beyond belief.
3(7) more years of this?

We're fecked eitherway. Even if the Dems claw back control in 2020, we can never restore the pre-Trump order. We'll never be able to re-establish the same standards of diplomacy and unilateral respect in the wake of a President who could lie cheat and steal without instant reprocusion. We can't go back to an age of respecting the press after an Administration that has consistently proved it can undermine it. We can't pretend a President isn't above the law once we've had one that can be. We can't go back to an age of rational political discourse, in the wake of the most powerful man alive being a genuinely retarded corrupt idiot. Every dick pick senator or crack head mayor will be a minor triviality from here on in. There are no standards anymore. Even if another Obama came among, we'd just be pretending his diplomacy was cool. We've lost all pretence of innocence.

The only options we have are mass collective denial or some kind of revolution. Eitherway I'm gonna get ridiculously drunk.
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TLW said:
It's like someone took all of America's bad choices over the past 30 years, all the neo liberalism, selfishness and money grubbing, moulded it into a big dollop of shit, baked it in a kiln, cast a magic spell on it and turned it into a President.
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