The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Nice little story for all the Trump fans out there..

“I’m not good for medical. In other words, if you cut your finger and there’s blood pouring out, I’m gone,” he told Stern.

The former reality TV host then shares a story with Stern about the time he thought a man died in front of him during a charity event at his Palm Beach club Mar-a-Lago and, rather than helping the injured man, Trump turned away in disgust at the sight of his blood.

“I was at Mar-a-Lago and we had this incredible ball, the Red Cross Ball, in Palm Beach, Florida. And we had the Marines. And the Marines were there, and it was terrible because all these rich people, they’re there to support the Marines, but they’re really there to get their picture in the Palm Beach Post… so you have all these really rich people, and a man, about eighty years old—very wealthy man, a lot of people didn’t like him—he fell off the stage,” said Trump.

Trump proceeds to explain that it was a $100,000/table fundraiser filled with deep-pocketed billionaires, and that the Marines were—for whatever reason—given tables in the very back of the ballroom (“the worst table in the whole place”). Oh, and that he was more preoccupied with his ballroom’s pristine marble floor than the octogenarian bleeding out on it.

“So what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, ‘Oh my god, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away,” said Trump. “I couldn’t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him… he’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn’t look like it. It changed color. Became very red. And you have this poor guy, eighty years old, laying on the floor unconscious, and all the rich people are turning away. ‘Oh my god! This is terrible! This is disgusting!’ and you know, they’re turning away. Nobody wants to help the guy. His wife is screaming—she’s sitting right next to him, and she’s screaming.”

Thank god for the Marines. “What happens is, these ten Marines from the back of the room… they come running forward, they grab him, they put the blood all over the place—it’s all over their uniforms—they’re taking it, they’re swiping [it], they ran him out, they created a stretcher. They call it a human stretcher, where they put their arms out with, like, five guys on each side,” shared Trump.

“I was saying, ‘Get that blood cleaned up! It’s disgusting!’ The next day, I forgot to call [the man] to say he’s ok,” said Trump, adding of the blood, “It’s just not my thing.”

I'm not sure what's worse, the fact it happened or the fact he felt no reason not to cheerfully recount it to a radio host as an anecdote. The guy genuinely appears to have no human empathy at all.
The Kuschner stuff is unbelievable.

Surely the first thing they do when they walk in the door is say "Right. We need to come correct on emails, and birth certificates. Just those two things"

But no. It seems the attitude is "She didn't get done for it so let's do whatever the fcuk we want"

It's lunacy
Nice little story for all the Trump fans out there..

I'm not sure what's worse, the fact it happened or the fact he felt no reason not to cheerfully recount it to a radio host as an anecdote. The guy genuinely appears to have no human empathy at all.

Not even sure why he felt he had to show/prove he's a shit human being but yet still people vote(d) for him as their lord and saviour, it's incredible such a racist/misogynistic/self centered/whiney baby piece of shit became president but hey that's the world we live in.
The Kuschner stuff is unbelievable.

Surely the first thing they do when they walk in the door is say "Right. We need to come correct on emails, and birth certificates. Just those two things"

But no. It seems the attitude is "She didn't get done for it so let's do whatever the fcuk we want"

It's lunacy

He's quite obviously a deceitful moron. No wonder Trump loves him.
Great selfie. You just know Obama was like, "Hey, Phil, let's get Bill and George over here to see the latest tweet from Donnie Dotard."

Why has this happened?
Well in my personal experience, most of the close minded and conservative americans do end up changing their views when they come in direct contact with folks they have been led to hate by popoganda. That's not to say that they shed all of their biases or discriminatory attitude but just that they develop basic tolerance. This illustrates that even right wing folks have come in contact with illegals they deem as ok to stay rather than deport.
Well in my personal experience, most of the close minded and conservative americans do end up changing their views when they come in direct contact with folks they have been led to hate by popoganda. That's not to say that they shed all of their biases or discriminatory attitude but just that they develop basic tolerance. This illustrates that even right wing folks have come in contact with illegals they deem as ok to stay rather than deport.
No one would want to deport Latinos once they've had homemade Mexican/Central American food.
Well in my personal experience, most of the close minded and conservative americans do end up changing their views when they come in direct contact with folks they have been led to hate by popoganda. That's not to say that they shed all of their biases or discriminatory attitude but just that they develop basic tolerance. This illustrates that even right wing folks have come in contact with illegals they deem as ok to stay rather than deport.
More likely the price of their champagne has gone up because they don't have any illegals to serve it at their country club.
Is this merely Fox viewers or a legit poll? And why has their been this shift?

My guess is that they're either idealistic or ignorant (encouraged by right wing propaganda) and it's only when they start seeing anecdotal realities of the policies and how it impacts them do they realise that it isn't what they want.

"They tuk our jerrbs, it's all their fault!"

"Fine we'll deport them for you"

"I don't want a job cutting grass or cleaning pools"

"I can't get anyone to cut my grass and clean my pool"

Then there's those cases of "Well I thought they were going to deport the bad hombres, not little Jimmy's teacher Mrs Fernandez and not Mr Lopez from across the street, I went to school with him 30 years ago and we always say Hi at the football."
Then there's those cases of "Well I thought they were going to deport the bad hombres, not little Jimmy's teacher Mrs Fernandez and not Mr Lopez from across the street, I went to school with him 30 years ago and we always say Hi at the football."

Hang on - I thought they were all bad hombres and rapists because when mexico exports people to the USA they dont send their best?

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