The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump has really been on a Twitter Hell Rage recently, you'd of thought he would be really busy sorting out Texas/Florida and Puerto Rico to even have enough time to get into a rumble with the NFL and Twitter Ramble.
Trump has really been on a Twitter Hell Rage recently, you'd of thought he would be really busy sorting out Texas/Florida and Puerto Rico to even have enough time to get into a rumble with the NFL and Twitter Ramble.
I'm sure he said he had a lot of time on his hands earlier today. Never a truer word spoken...
AKA anyone but Hillary.

Some ads described to POLITICO echoed Trump campaign themes, including ones that advocated tough laws on illegal immigration. Others seem to indicate support for Black Lives Matter, an activist group Trump has strongly condemned, or for Muslim women who supported Clinton. But the ad got the name for Black Lives Matter wrong, one of these people said.

Many of the 3,000 Russian-bought advertisements Facebook has identified were riddled with poor grammar and spelling and contained outlandish assertions, according to a person with knowledge of them.

So Trump actually wrote the ads himself? That’s mental.

The hilarious thing about this is that it’s going to be much like Healthcare.

When his supporters find out that its him and his mates that are going to be getting the tax breaks and it’s going to be coming out of the public services that they take for granted... they’ll suddenly find their voices in the town halls.

Cuts to Obamacare aren’t going to be paying for anything.

Really shouldn't be seen as a surprise. Considering all that's happened since then, it's easy to forget the only reason he's in this position is because the Republicans lapped him up from the start. And because they not only tolerated, but actually seemed to enjoy him shitting all over every other GOP candidate. Plus, if Republicans have shown us one thing in recent years, it's that they'll happily follow someone who switches their positions at a whim so long as he promises to represent them, and so long as he's anti-Democrat, anti-liberal, anti-PC, and all the other things they tend to irrationally hate.

Obviously there'll be an element of the alt-right base who've grown disillusioned with Trump due to his ditching Bannon, sticking with NATO etc, but the core Republican base - by and large - will adore him for a while. Meanwhile the polarisation continues because everyone who doesn't support him despises him.
She was getting death threats earlier this year and requested protection.

As for Don Jr., the fact that it was publicized that he no longer had protection last week was alone probably grounds to have it reinstated, otherwise it was basically just an open advertisement for anyone who didn't like him to proceed with harming him.

What do you make of the fact Deripaska's plane was at a New Jersey airport around Sept 18-19 which was at the same time Don Jr was without a security detail. The airport is 22 miles away from Trump's Bedminster golf club.

Deripaska himself is supposed to be banned from the USA, but will have sent an associate.
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Really shouldn't be seen as a surprise. Considering all that's happened since then, it's easy to forget the only reason he's in this position is because the Republicans lapped him up from the start. And because they not only tolerated, but actually seemed to enjoy him shitting all over every other GOP candidate. Plus, if Republicans have shown us one thing in recent years, it's that they'll happily follow someone who switches their positions at a whim so long as he promises to represent them, and so long as he's anti-Democrat, anti-liberal, anti-PC, and all the other things they tend to irrationally hate.

Obviously there'll be an element of the alt-right base who've grown disillusioned with Trump due to his ditching Bannon, sticking with NATO etc, but the core Republican base - by and large - will adore him for a while. Meanwhile the polarisation continues because everyone who doesn't support him despises him.

Yep. Here's proof as provided from selected family member's FB pages.


It's the "World Series of Soccer", y'idiot. Get a brian, moran.
All his followers will hear is that there was a Senator in the hospital. They will not check behind him, nor will they pay attention to the ignored follow-up questions. That there was a Senator in the hospital will become ingrained as fact in their minds.
All his followers will hear is that there was a Senator in the hospital. They will not check behind him, nor will they pay attention to the ignored follow-up questions. That there was a Senator in the hospital will become ingrained as fact in their minds.

If after 4 years he gets little down they will lose some momentum voter turn outs will be down. There must also be some Trump voters who regret their vote too.
If after 4 years he gets little down they will lose some momentum voter turn outs will be down. There must also be some Trump voters who regret their vote too.
There are, I know them. But they weren't his "true believers" to begin with. That's who I'm referring to when I say "followers". The man has built a cult of personality.
Apparently one of Hitler and Goebbels's slogans was 'Make Germany Great Again"

There are, I know them. But they weren't his "true believers" to begin with. That's who I'm referring to when I say "followers". The man has built a cult of personality.

Right, but what percent of the electorate is that likely to be? I can't imagine it's more than 10 percent but I don't know US Politics enough to give an accurate guesstimate.
The hilarious thing about this is that it’s going to be much like Healthcare.

When his supporters find out that its him and his mates that are going to be getting the tax breaks and it’s going to be coming out of the public services that they take for granted... they’ll suddenly find their voices in the town halls.

Cuts to Obamacare aren’t going to be paying for anything.
Think so. Some republicans are gonna say is too little, while some others are gonna say is too much.

Result? No tax reform.
Apparently one of Hitler and Goebbels's slogans was 'Make Germany Great Again"

Right, but what percent of the electorate is that likely to be? I can't imagine it's more than 10 percent but I don't know US Politics enough to give an accurate guesstimate.
Not sure of that myself, but based on his approval numbers, you can tell that there's a magic number in the low to mid 30s that it simply hasn't fallen below.
WTF :lol:

Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has been registered to vote as a woman for eight years, it is claimed.

His gender is listed as "female" in records from the New York State Board of Elections, according to screen grabs published by Wired.

The images suggest Mr Kushner, who is a senior adviser to the president, registered to vote in November 2009.

The former property investor has not commented on the news, so it remains unclear how the error occurred.

The mistake is unlikely to constitute voter fraud, as that requires the culprit to deliberately give false information.

President Trump was bombastic on the subject after the 2016 US election, tweeting that "millions of people" had "voted illegally", but without offering any evidence.

Could explain the voice....
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