The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Woke up this morning to hearing on ESPN Mike & Mike that Donnie Dotard has been on another tweeting rampage this morning, this time calling out the Cowboys kneel BEFORE THE ANTHEM as proof that people are angry. But it wasn't during the anthem so can one still lay claim that this is a flag/patriotic thing when it's clearly, "Go do your job, black man!"
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I've seen reporting that this simply isn't true.
He turned down lower wages at San Fran, so they let him go.

Baltimore is a city that would embrace him and isn't shy of controversial figures. The brother of his former coach and his former OC are there. Desperate for a backup QB, they pass for some random guy. That's the most telling evidence I have seen for either argument.
He turned down lower wages at San Fran, so they let him go.

Baltimore is a city that would embrace him and isn't shy of controversial figures. The brother of his former coach and his former OC are there. Desperate for a backup QB, they pass for some random guy. That's the most telling evidence I have seen for either argument.

Baltimore passed on him because of his girlfriend's tweet. Ray Lewis has explained it over and over. But I suppose you'll believe what you want...
Baltimore passed on him because of his girlfriend's tweet. Ray Lewis has explained it over and over. But I suppose you'll believe what you want...

You listen to Ray Lewis?

Edit: I keep this comment from Joe Flacco in mind whenever Ray Lewis opens his mouth.

I love Ray, and I love how he always spoke from the heart, but if you listened to those speeches, a lot of them didn’t even make sense. He meant everything he was saying, but I didn’t know what he was talking about 90 percent of the time
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It's worth watching the full video as it's one of the inspirational talk I've seen but Cornel West makes a simliar point around the 30 minute mark(Although he makes the point throughout the whole talk)

Edit - This is always very good

This man just gets it. leaves nothing off the plate. i could listen to him speak on this all day.
Okay I just watched the footage of the players kneeling on sky sports. You could see the players kneeling. The biggest thing that I got from it though was thousands of Americans booing through their own anthem.

Which is a bigger insult to the flag and anthem? Kneeling quietly with your hand over your heart or booing through the singing of the anthem? Personally I found the booing far more obvious and significantly more disruptive to listening to the anthem.
West or Sharpe ?
Sharpe, havent listened to the other video as yet. The only thing i disagree with with sharpe was when he said around 2:40 was that the players protested the anthem. they did not protest the anthem the anthem was what they used to get across their protest. They were protesting injustice

Nick Wright got that right in this segment here

You listen to Ray Lewis?

Edit: I keep this comment from Joe Flacco in mind whenever Ray Lewis opens his mouth.

Lewis has stated he does not approve of how players have knelt during the anthem and yet he was coordinating efforts between Kaepernick and the Ravens organization. So yes, I'll believe the tweet most likely pissed Bisciotti right off and ended any possibility of signing, especially when insiders have confirmed such. Certainly over nonsensical salary demands which seemingly was born from internet falsehood.

Now, if one wants to question Lewis' story over a tweet ending the possibility versus per say the owner didn't want to deal with PR nightmares, that I'd believe over salary demands. The Ravens could have cited salary demands if that were indeed the case. The player himself told Sharpe he's not asking for the reported 10m plus per season.

And the tweet image that would likely piss off any person to be placed in.

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Okay I just watched the footage of the players kneeling on sky sports. You could see the players kneeling. The biggest thing that I got from it though was thousands of Americans booing through their own anthem.

Which is a bigger insult to the flag and anthem? Kneeling quietly with your hand over your heart or booing through the singing of the anthem? Personally I found the booing far more obvious and significantly more disruptive to listening to the anthem.

Why I created this meme yesterday.

Sharpe, havent listened to the other video as yet. The only thing i disagree with with sharpe was when he said around 2:40 was that the players protested the anthem. they did not protest the anthem the anthem was what they used to get across their protest. They were protesting injustice

Nick Wright got that right in this segment here

Two people who don't watch football arguing over how good Kaep is...:smirk:

He's not good enough to be a franchise QB, and he wants too much money for a backup QB. Stuck in no-man's land.

Yeah I'm open for persuasion though. Corporate America will always win out. If he was a top tier generational QB, the coach would kneel alongside him. (Half serious)

Your post confirms what friends have said. Good QB but not going to have a team built around him.
Dodgy stuff going on here. Homeland Security are now backtracking and claiming Wisconsin's voter registration systems were not targeted.

Just a few days ago, they said Wisconsin was targeted.

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Can’t wait for the tactical leaks.

Leak vague information.
Wait for denial and bullshit cover story.
Leak detailed information exposing bullshit.
Wait for more self incrimination with attempted cover ups.

Rinse and repeat.
Why on earth have Twitter given Claude Taylor a blue verified badge.

Its been proven that the guy is fabricating sources relating to the Trump/Russia investigation, yet Twitter are willing to reward him with a feature which makes the account look authentic and credible.
Why on earth have Twitter given Claude Taylor a blue verified badge.

Its been proven that the guy is fabricating sources relating to the Trump/Russia investigation, yet Twitter are willing to reward him with a feature which makes the account look authentic and credible.
That turd Paul Joseph Watson from InfoWars has one, so the threshold for 'verified' is pretty low.
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