The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This is what I was talking about wrt his protest and the current ones. I'm not saying these guys don't have good reasons to protest, but that his protest was much lonelier since he was taking a very radical stance (BLM) while now they are protesting against Trump, which is slightly more mainstream.

Best post-election jokes (I might be re-posting):

the relevant one starts at 0:29

CTH hates Clinton
Comes across as very cult-like. Basically indoctrination.
This is what I was talking about wrt his protest and the current ones. I'm not saying these guys don't have good reasons to protest, but that his protest was much lonelier since he was taking a very radical stance (BLM) while now they are protesting against Trump, which is slightly more mainstream.
It's worth watching the full video as it's one of the inspirational talk I've seen but Cornel West makes a simliar point around the 30 minute mark(Although he makes the point throughout the whole talk)

Edit - This is always very good

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A bit over-dramatic but plenty of fair points.

He's not that smart.

Only one thing there rings true. I truly believe Trumps only thought is;

"How can I make this Presidency profitable"

Everything else is background noise.

Biggest troll in sports. Can't stand his antics.
Wtf is going on there?

I'm not going to quote them all, but Trump is on a Tweet rant yet again. 7 and counting so far. He's attacked CNN for falsely claiming John Kelly was upset at his NFL rant, and he's attacked the NFL and players again and claimed he won and everyone is on his side. He's also attacked John McCain once more, and not mentioned anyone else who is against the healthcare bid and finally he's mentioned Puerto Rico but said they will be fine because FEMA is there doing its job. He mentioned Fox again so it's clear he's got all this from one nights viewing and picked up on him not mentioning Puerto Rico. He's just so transparent and despicable. Really fecking awful person.
He does. Usually doesn't stumble. But he's a fecking cnut. And the vile bile that spews out of his evil mouth is cringe worthy.

No doubt. I don't watch any of those FS1 shows, they're garbage. Skip, Whitlock, Sharpe - just a bunch of asshats thinking their opinions are the be all end all. The best bit that Sharpe could never get one-up on was Ray Buchanan calling him Mr. Ed before the Super Bowl (Sharpe did get the final laugh with the win granted he missed most of that game after injuring his knee early on).

However, Sharpe was spot on in this segment.
No doubt. I don't watch any of those FS1 shows, they're garbage. Skip, Whitlock, Sharpe - just a bunch of asshats thinking their opinions are the be all end all. The best bit that Sharpe could never get one-up on was Ray Buchanan calling him Mr. Ed before the Super Bowl (Sharpe did get the final laugh with the win granted he missed most of that game after injuring his knee early on).

However, Sharpe was spot on in this segment.

I enjoyed Le Bron. Told him off. Enjoyed Sharpe. Very to the point.
Heard and read a few things lately wondering why Chad has been added, along with North Korea and Venezuela, to the list of countries whose nationals are to be denied entry. I have to wonder if there's any connection with this...
No need to give me a run down on the history of the middle east. My old man was a career diplomat in the State Dept. I grew up breathing international relations and politics, and also happened to have actually lived in Kuwait. I'm well aware of the Iraq-Iran conflict, who supported who, and why the Shia majority in Iraq welcome Iran taking a more 'hands on approach'.

If you want...I can go further back in Iranian history...particularly the role we played in getting rid of a leftist and very popular leader and getting the Shah back in power...all of which of course came back to bite us in the ass with the revolution in '79.

Edit: oh and I even provided the Iranian argument for involvement in the region in my original post :lol:

I wasn't talking about going back to the 1953 coup, I was talking about going back a couple of centuries. If you are well aware of the situation, then you know that Iran/Persia has been a non-belligerent state for the majority of the entirety of the USA's existence. I took exception to the characterization of Iran as being aggressive, and your identification of Irans role in Yemen. Iran are supporting the plucky rebels that the Saudis are doing their best to bomb out of existence. I guess when a country is constantly under the threat of invasion by a Super Power, has economic embargo's levied against it, if they dare to resist they are acting wildly aggressively.

Meanwhile, the US has invaded more countries in the last 120-140 years than any other country on earth in the same period. It's hard to take someone seriously when they label a state that has only reciprocated violence with violence, and threats with threats, as aggressive. Defensive? Yes. Aggressive? If you think that, allow me to present you with a shoehorn to deal with your problem of headisupassis.
Heard and read a few things lately wondering why Chad has been added, along with North Korea and Venezuela, to the list of countries whose nationals are to be denied entry. I have to wonder if there's any connection with this...

It's cover to make it tougher to fight in court as a ban directed towards Muslims, plain and simple.
Kaepernik was left without a team as he wasn't all that good. It wasn't like say Michael Vick who had a phenomenal amount of talent but needed harnessing.

There are just so many things going into this issue. Americans are just so funny about the flag and the anthem. If that gets brought into a debate it creates way too much noise.

We were watching the Olympics once, trying to decide who had the shittest anthem. Our group had maybe 18 nationalities represented in some form or other. One American. The nonsense he spouted was astonishing. They're a rare breed. (With a pretty shitty anthem)

I haven't watched the NFL in over a decade, and even I know that Kaepernik is better than probably 1/3rd to half of the QB's starting in the league currently. This isn't a Tim Tebow situation where Tim just isn't very good, this is a, the guy became toxic to the red neck, racist, idiot NFL fans that make up a sizable portion of the fanbase. I don't think he is being treated fairly, but I also think he should have found a different hill to die on. What a silly method to protest and he has only cost himself a career and millions of dollars. There were better ways I think, to do what he wanted to do.
“They don’t have the right to express themselves freely when people died for (them),” said Leonard Rowe, 79, of Denver, an Army Corps of Engineers veteran who served in Korea in the early 1960s. “I’m not going to any more games after this whole situation, and as far as I’m concerned, the Broncos and the whole NFL can go to hell.”

I haven't watched the NFL in over a decade, and even I know that Kaepernik is better than probably 1/3rd to half of the QB's starting in the league currently. This isn't a Tim Tebow situation where Tim just isn't very good, this is a, the guy became toxic to the red neck, racist, idiot NFL fans that make up a sizable portion of the fanbase. I don't think he is being treated fairly, but I also think he should have found a different hill to die on. What a silly method to protest and he has only cost himself a career and millions of dollars. There were better ways I think, to do what he wanted to do.

I don't watch much NFL. My mates give me information and I believe things.

Their general assessment is "He's a good QB but only as a backup". I've read articles to support that. But I don't know how biased all of that is.

If he was Brady incarnate I'm sure he'd still have a job.
Political point scoring through a disaster is shameless. This sort of thing only plays into his 'fake news' narrative..

I don't watch much NFL. My mates give me information and I believe things.

Their general assessment is "He's a good QB but only as a backup". I've read articles to support that. But I don't know how biased all of that is.

If he was Brady incarnate I'm sure he'd still have a job.

Then don't make comments as though it sounds like you have an opinion:

"Kaepernik was left without a team as he wasn't all that good. It wasn't like say Michael Vick who had a phenomenal amount of talent but needed harnessing"

Kap is without a job because of his stance.
I haven't watched the NFL in over a decade, and even I know that Kaepernik is better than probably 1/3rd to half of the QB's starting in the league currently. This isn't a Tim Tebow situation where Tim just isn't very good, this is a, the guy became toxic to the red neck, racist, idiot NFL fans that make up a sizable portion of the fanbase. I don't think he is being treated fairly, but I also think he should have found a different hill to die on. What a silly method to protest and he has only cost himself a career and millions of dollars. There were better ways I think, to do what he wanted to do.

I don't watch much NFL. My mates give me information and I believe things.

Their general assessment is "He's a good QB but only as a backup". I've read articles to support that. But I don't know how biased all of that is.

If he was Brady incarnate I'm sure he'd still have a job.

Two people who don't watch football arguing over how good Kaep is...:smirk:

He's not good enough to be a franchise QB, and he wants too much money for a backup QB. Stuck in no-man's land.
I haven't watched the NFL in over a decade, and even I know that Kaepernik is better than probably 1/3rd to half of the QB's starting in the league currently. This isn't a Tim Tebow situation where Tim just isn't very good, this is a, the guy became toxic to the red neck, racist, idiot NFL fans that make up a sizable portion of the fanbase. I don't think he is being treated fairly, but I also think he should have found a different hill to die on. What a silly method to protest and he has only cost himself a career and millions of dollars. There were better ways I think, to do what he wanted to do.

Agreed with the second sentence. I had to tell a colleague of mine that the Kaepernick/Tebow comparison is off on many marks. Namely that Tebow was never a quality starting/backup QB nor was he willing to switch positions to stay in the league, whereas Kaeperick is easily good enough to be in the top 40 of QBs in the league currently. With Tebow, the OC had to limit/redesign the offense due to the QBs limited ability to make throws and reads necessary to success. And for the most part the only chance a Tebow-led team had to win was if the defense kept opponents under 15 points. He set back offenses to pre-60s level.

Kaepernick is better than Bortles, miles better than Tolzien (and would likely be doing better/similar to Brissett), and easily better than at least half if not nearly all backup QBs (I'd take him over Moore in Dallas in a heartbeat).

But in a league where abusers, criminals, womanizers, alcoholics/druggies can keep their jobs/get a new job it's asinine to draw the line because a guy took a knee during a fecking song.
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