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Very weird facebook censorship
Very weird facebook censorship
How did Klopp get to the US so quickly ?
Richard Petty may have been fantastic at going around in circles
Surprisingly, he is still close to 40% in the ratings. Tells you a lot of his core support are still there for him and it might just be enough for him to get the 2nd term.
TBF Iran weren't fine. I like the Iranians more than the Saudis...but, that really isn't saying much.
Iran have been displaying a very aggressive posture for years now - they're in Iraq in a very big way...we know all about Syria and of course the really big piece - Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Is it even worth mentioning the poor Yemenis getting done up the ass by the Iranians and Saudis?
What I don't go along with is the constant threat of war to subjugate and bully Iran - which actually is counterproductive to the moderates there (moderates is of course a relative term in Iran).
The Iranians would of course argue...this is our backyard - if the US can flex it;s muscles all around the world, why can't we have a say in how our backyard is being shaped.
I also have a principled issue about American foreign policy in the ME essentially being Israeli foreign policy. We have time and time again, gone against our national interests in order to advance Israeli interests.
Yea, what the hell is Iran doing in Iraq?! I mean, just 30 years ago the US incited Saddam Hussein to invade them, which caused several million casualties. Twenty years later, the US invades Iraq, leaves it in an absolute mess, and completely unstable. How fecking dare they, you know, project force INTO THEIR NEIGHBOR, that ASKED them for help, when it's THEIR NEIGHBOR.
Here is some homework for you. Tell me the last time Iran or Persia invaded someone. Now, compile the total number of wars Iran or Persia has fought, since the inception of the United States, and then compile the same list for the US.
Also, you realize that Yemen, the opposition, is being supported by Iran right? Iran is supporting the poor Yemeni's that are being bombed and murdered by their own government and the Saudis.
No...everyone watches the NFL.It is funny, when Kaepernick started the protest, he was shouted at, marginisalised, and finally left without a team when the owners seemed to decide that he wasn't worth playing. But suddenly the tide seems to have turned the other way.
Is it to do with NFL audiences being more conservative? Or just general anti-Trump feeling?
Edit: His protest was specifically about BLM. Now this could be just "the right to protest" or "Trump is bad", which are much more mainstream positions than BLM.
It is funny, when Kaepernick started the protest, he was shouted at, marginisalised, and finally left without a team when the owners seemed to decide that he wasn't worth playing. But suddenly the tide seems to have turned the other way.
Closest thing to this was Obama saying he believes in American exceptionalism just like a Norwegian would believe in Norwegian exceptionalism. And that was fairly controversial."Look, I love the USA, it's a great place but we need to get real here, we are NOT the greatest country on Earth and when we say that it makes us look arrogant and disrespectful to many other nations around the world"
Closest thing to this was Obama saying he believes in American exceptionalism just like a Norwegian would believe in Norwegian exceptionalism. And that was fairly controversial.
In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns. But we’ve discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We’ve learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose.
That's more against capitalism or materialism than American exceptionalism, though. He's implying they should be proud of their nation for different reasons, like faith in God.President Carter said it almost forty years ago. His 'Crisis of Confidence' speech resonates as much in 2017 as it did in 1979. Here is a snippet:
So 150 players and staff took a knee yesterday, including at the game in Washington. Fair play!
Surprisingly, he is still close to 40% in the ratings. Tells you a lot of his core support are still there for him and it might just be enough for him to get the 2nd term.
This is a country that elected Trump we're talking about.There's a report on the TV right now from BBC suggesting ticket sales are severely affected from NFL players taking the knee.
If true, are the fans really that dumb?
There's a report on the TV right now from BBC suggesting ticket sales are severely affected from NFL players taking the knee.
If true, are the fans really that dumb?
There's a report on the TV right now from BBC suggesting ticket sales are severely affected from NFL players taking the knee.
If true, are the fans really that dumb?
No...everyone watches the NFL.
White, black, bad hombre, little Sanjay, Kim and Ahmed! Gay, antifa, alt right...doesn't matter.
But, the owners are 99% old white billionaires and they aren't the most enlightened group (the NBA is a different story). But, what's happened with the NFL is...the partnership with the military.
It is very overt, very in your face and...things like the anthem and flag make us go mental as it is.
I grew up doing the pledge of allegiance in school (I went to both public and private school).
Kaep got shit because people in this country don't like black men that challenge us...we all love Ali and MLK now, but I'm sure you know what they went through at the time.
So Kaep doing his thing got twisted by the cnuts, despite him saying - I respect the military, this isn't about them.
The reason so many players and people spoke out after Trump jumped in the other day was because - he called the protestors 'sons of bitches'...a president cursing at grown men by invoking their mothers...and then asking for them to be fired.
Not to mention the narrative, these players are privileged to play in the NFL...umm no, their talent got them in the league, no one is doing them a favor.
You think degrading them doesn't hurt...listen to a player post game today.
He has withdrawn the USA from the Paris agreement.As I said earlier mate, not just the USA, the world. He's fecked the relationship with the UK, slagged off the London Mayor constantly, made Russia a huge enemy again taking us back to the cold war era. He's destroyed the progress with Cuba and set the problems back a couple of decades, has upset and offended Iran, Mexico, Venezuela, Canada, Ukraine, France, Belgium, really upset and pissed off Merkel and Germany, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Mocked ISIS to the point that that have escalated attacks around the world. He's offended Muslims and minorities at home and abroad, mocked the Palestinians and made light of their oppression and struggles. He's over simplified every single conflict in the Middle East. Oh yeah, he's really upset North Korea and he's continually spoken absolute shite about China, so much so, most are amazed they have ignored him and not retaliated. He's also clearly gone after minorities and blacks at any opportunity. He's also threatened war or destruction on a few places too.
He HAS supported Nazis and White Supremacists rights to march and protest and sent congratulatory messages to despicable people like Duerte over in the Philippines and has refused to say a bad word against Putin.
Have I forgotten anyone or anything? Surely I must have.
Not sure if true or not. Especially since up to know the protests have not been huge. Certainly things like the hurricanes this year are affecting attendance and ratings so far this season.There's a report on the TV right now from BBC suggesting ticket sales are severely affected from NFL players taking the knee.
If true, are the fans really that dumb?
Surprisingly, he is still close to 40% in the ratings. Tells you a lot of his core support are still there for him and it might just be enough for him to get the 2nd term.